Anemone keiskeana식물/들꽃-미나리아재비과(Ranunculaceae) 2024. 9. 9. 21:12
Yukiwariichige (雪割一華, lit.snow-break-one-flower)국표에 없다.Anemone keisueana or Yukiwari-ichige (scientific name: Anemone keisueana) is native to Japan and is a cold-resistant perennial herb of the Ranunculaceae family. In the spring, it makes communities on the forest floor of the low mountain of Kyushu from Honshu of Japan. The leaves that come out before winter are root leaves, and the leaves are..
Eranthis pinnatifida Maxim.식물/들꽃-미나리아재비과(Ranunculaceae) 2024. 9. 7. 07:19
セツブンソウ(節分草、学名:Eranthis pinnatifida)は、キンポウゲ科セツブンソウ属の多年草。漢名には菟葵・莃が当てられるが、中国語ではどちらもフユアオイを指す。特徴地下に球状で径0.8-1.5cmの暗褐色をした塊茎があり、下からひげ根を出す。茎は高さ10-30cmになり、その上方に2個の茎葉が無柄で輪生する。茎葉は長さ2-2.5cm、幅3-5.5cmになり、深く羽状に切れ込み、裂片は広線形となる。根出葉は単生し、葉柄は長さ7-15cm、五角状円形で長さ幅ともに1-5cmになり、3全裂し、さらに羽状に欠刻する。花期は2-4月。花は茎先に単生し、白色で径2-2.5cmになる。花柄は茎葉から出て長さ0.5-1cmになり、細かい絨毛がある。花弁に見えるのは花弁状の萼片で、ふつう5個あり、広楕円形で長さ1-1.5cm、幅1.5-0.8cmで先端はとがる。花弁は5-10個あり、先..
Trautvetteria caroliniensis var. japonica식물/들꽃-미나리아재비과(Ranunculaceae) 2024. 9. 4. 17:20
국표에 없다.False bugbane , scientific name:Trautvetteria caroliniensis var. japonica , is an alpine fallen leaves perennial plant of the Trautvetteria genus , of the Ranunculaceae department. The summer issue corymbs of several thin stems which. Withers leaves in the fall. Florets of what looks like white petal is a collection of the stamens, pistils are pale yellow-green in the center of the flower..
Anemone narcissiflora식물/들꽃-미나리아재비과(Ranunculaceae) 2024. 9. 3. 11:49
국표에서는자생식물이명Anemone narcissiflora L. var. umbellifera Nakai바람꽃2023/01/06자생식물이명Anemone narcissiflora L. subsp. chinensis (Kitag.) Kitag.북바람꽃2022/06/21자생식물이명Anemone narcissiflora L. var. chinensis Kitag.북바람꽃2022/06/21자생식물이명Anemone narcissiflora L. var. sikokiana Makino조선바람꽃2023/01/10자생식물나명Anemone narcissiflora L. var. sikokiana Makino조선바람꽃2023/01/105종이 이명처리되었다.정명은 이렇게 보았다.자생식물정명Anemone crinita Juz...
Coptis chinensis Franch.식물/들꽃-미나리아재비과(Ranunculaceae) 2024. 9. 3. 10:40
국표에 없다.黃連(學名:Coptis chinensis),多年生草本植物,喜冷涼、濕潤之處,屬毛莨科黃連屬。黃連也是一種常用中藥,最早在《神農本草經》中便有記載,因其根莖呈連珠狀而色黃,所以稱之為「黃連」。其味入口極苦,有俗語云「啞巴吃黃連,有苦說不出」,即道出了其中滋味。來源別名王連、支連。為毛莨科植物黃連(Coptis chinensis Franch).、三角葉黃連(Coptis deltoidea C. Y. Cheng et Hsiao)和雲南黃連 (Coptis teeta Wall.)的乾燥根莖。分別習稱「味連」、「雅連」、「雲連」。其他替代品種還有峨眉黃連(Coptis omeiensis (Chen) C. Y. Cheng)、五裂黃連(Coptis quinquesecta)等。生長習性黃連一般分布在1200~1800m的高山區,需要溫度低、空氣濕度大的自然環境..
하늘매발톱-[이명]Aquilegia flabellata Siebold et Zucc. var. pumila (Huth) Kudo식물/들꽃-미나리아재비과(Ranunculaceae) 2024. 9. 2. 14:30
과명Engler- APG Ⅳ- Ranunculaceae (미나리아재비과)속명Aquilegia (매발톱속)전체학명[이명] Aquilegia flabellata Siebold et Zucc. var. pumila (Huth) Kudo추천명하늘매발톱비추천명골매발톱꽃,산매발톱꽃,시베리아매발탑꽃,하늘매발톱꽃외국명Dwarf fan-shape columbine, 白山耬斗菜, ミヤマオダマキ분포낭림산 이북에 나며 일본, 만주에 분포한다.생육환경고산의 암석지생육형여러해살이풀이다.크기높이 15~30cm이다.잎뿌리잎은 모여나기하고 엽병은 길며 2회3출하고 소엽은 3심열하며 열편은 넓은 쐐기모양이고 끝이 둔하며 다시 얕게 갈라지고 뒷면은 서릿발같이 희며 기부에 털이 있다. 줄기잎은 2개로 윗부분의 것이 작고 1~2회, 3출한다..
Clematis ochotensis var. fauriei。식물/들꽃-미나리아재비과(Ranunculaceae) 2024. 9. 2. 09:35
국표에 없다."Ko-miyama-hansho-zuru" (Clematis ochotensis var. fauriei) belongs to Ranunculaceae (the Buttercup family). It is a perennial herb that is native to Tohoku district of Honashu in Japan. This trailing vine grows in subapline to alpine bravels, and can reach 30-100 cm in length. The leaves are trifoliate compound with trilobate or dissected leaflets. It blooms reddish brown flowers from Jun..
Anemonoides debilis (Fisch. ex Turcz.) Holub식물/들꽃-미나리아재비과(Ranunculaceae) 2024. 9. 1. 09:57
국표에 없다.Anemonoides debilis (Fisch. ex Turcz.) HolubPublished in: Holub. (1973). In: Folia Geobot. Phytotax. 8: 166. source: Synonymic Checklists of the Vascular Plants of the WorldSynonym of Anemone debilis Fisch. ex Turcz.Anemone debilis Fisch. ex Turcz. is an accepted nameThis name is the accepted name of a species in the genus Anemone (family Ranunculaceae).The record derives from WCSP (in re..