Hydrocotyle acutifolia Ruiz & Pav.식물/들꽃-두릅나무과(Araliaceae) 2025. 3. 7. 19:07
국표에 없다.Hydrocotyle acutifolia: A Closer Look at the Common PennywortHydrocotyle acutifolia is a fascinating species of the plant taxa that has captured the attention of botanists and nature enthusiasts alike. Known commonly as the Common Pennywort, this perennial herb is not only visually appealing but also plays a vital role in its ecosystem. Let’s delve into the wonder that is Hydrocotyle acut..
Schefflera volkensii (Harms) Harms식물/들꽃-두릅나무과(Araliaceae) 2025. 3. 2. 11:59
국표에 없다. LOCAL NAMESEnglish (schefflera)BOTANIC DESCRIPTIONSchefflera volkensii is a scandent or tall tree up to 24-30 m tall. Sometimes an epiphyte upon other trees. Leaf petiole up to 13(-17) cm x 3.8 mm diameter, sometimes somewhat expanded at base, glabrous or sparsely hairy at tip. Leaflets 4-7 generally coriaceous, narrowly obovate or elliptic, oblanceolate or obovate, up to 15 cm long by 7..
Schefflera abyssinica (Hochst. ex A.Rich.) Harms식물/들꽃-두릅나무과(Araliaceae) 2025. 3. 2. 10:56
국표에 없다.Schefflera abyssinica(Hochst. ex A.Rich.) HarmsAraliaceaeSeveral recent phylogenetic studies have shown that Schefflera is clearly polyphyletic, and that the Asian species belong to a single, well-supported, morphologically coherent clade. The name Schefflera will ultimately have to be restricted to a small group of species from the SW Pacific, while the Asian species will have to be tran..
Heptapleurum littoreum (Seem.) Lowry & G.M.Plunkett식물/들꽃-두릅나무과(Araliaceae) 2025. 2. 16. 20:49
국표에 없다.DescriptionHeptapleurum littoreum (also called Coastal Heptapleurum, among many other common names) is a species of plant in the family Rubiaceae. It is a small, evergreen shrub, growing up to 2 m tall. It is native to Southeast Asia, and is found in Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam, and Indonesia. It grows in moist, shady forests, and on limestone hills.Uses & BenefitsHeptapleurum littoreum i..
Schefflera bipalmatifolia Merr.식물/들꽃-두릅나무과(Araliaceae) 2025. 2. 5. 09:28
국표에 없다.Philipp. J. Sci., C 13: 99 (1918) This name is a synonym of Heptapleurum bipalmatifolium (Merr.) Lowry & G.M.Plunkett by Araliaceae.The record derives from WCSP (data supplied on 2024-06-04) which reports it as a synonym of Heptapleurum bipalmatifolium (Merr.) Lowry & G.M.Plunkett (record 187045)Schefflera bipalmatifolia Merr. (worldfloraonline.org)A stunningly pretty smallish shrub from..
Pseudopanax ferox Kirk식물/들꽃-두릅나무과(Araliaceae) 2024. 11. 17. 17:07
국표에 없다.Pseudopanax ferox, the toothed lancewood or horoeka, is a small tree endemic to New Zealand. It is similar to the more common lancewood, Pseudopanax crassifolius, but with more prominently tooth-shaped leaves. The juvenile leaves are a very dark grey-brown to grey-green colour, narrow, stiff and up to 40 cm long. Once the slow growing tree reaches maturity at 10 to 15 years, the leaf form..
Meryta sinclairii (Hook.f.) Seem.식물/들꽃-두릅나무과(Araliaceae) 2024. 11. 17. 11:44
국표에 없다.Meryta sinclairii, the puka or pukanui, is a large-leaved evergreen tree endemic to New Zealand that grows to about 8 m tall, with the distinctly tropical appearance typical of the genus. There are about 27 species of Meryta, all small, resinous trees of the subtropical and tropical Pacific Ocean.Puka occurs naturally on the Three Kings Islands (c. 34°S, 172°W) and the Hen and Chickens Is..
Pseudopanax crassifolius (Sol. ex A.Cunn.) C.Koch식물/들꽃-두릅나무과(Araliaceae) 2024. 11. 15. 21:47
국표에 없다.Pseudopanax crassifolius, also known as horoeka or lancewood, is a heteroblastic tree belonging to the family Araliaceae. It is endemic to New Zealand and found throughout the country from sea level up to about 750 m in lowland to montane shrublands and forests.The juvenile form, which lasts between 15 and 20 years, is easily recognised. The leaves are stiff and leathery with a prominent ..