Cryptocarpus pyriformis Kunth식물/들꽃-분꽃과(Nyctaginaceae) 2024. 11. 3. 15:29
국표에 없다.For the taxonomic synonym of a genus of liverworts, see Riccia.Cryptocarpus pyriformis which is commonly known as salt bush or monte salado is native to the Galápagos Islands as well as mainland Ecuador and Peru. It is the sole representative of the genus Cryptocarpus. Cryptocarpus - Wikipedia Cryptocarpus pyriformis Kunth | Plants of the World Online | Kew Science Cryptocarpus pyr..
Acleisanthes anisophylla A.Gray식물/들꽃-분꽃과(Nyctaginaceae) 2024. 10. 24. 16:01
국표에 없다.Plants herbaceous, overall pubescence of white, capitate hairs 0.1-0.2 mm. Stems decumbent, much branched, 3-15 cm, puberulent to glabrate. Leaves grayish green, sessile or more often petioled, those of pair very unequal (1 leaf 2-10 times length of other); petioles of smaller leaves to 12 mm, those of larger leaves 2-35 mm, puberulent to glabrate; blade ovate to oval-oblong or oval-rhomb..
Abronia ammophila Greene식물/들꽃-분꽃과(Nyctaginaceae) 2024. 10. 23. 15:45
국표에 없다.Abronia ammophila, the Yellowstone sand verbena, or Wyoming sand verbena, is a plant unique to Yellowstone National Park lakeshores and is endemic to the park. Part of the "Four o'clock" family (Nyctaginaceae), the abronia ammophila is best suited in sandy soils and lake shores.The presence of a sand verbena on the Yellowstone Plateau is surprising because of the high elevation (approxima..
Abronia ameliae Lundell,식물/들꽃-분꽃과(Nyctaginaceae) 2024. 10. 23. 15:16
국표에 없다.Abronia ameliae, commonly known as Amelia's sand verbena or heart's delight, is a species of flowering plant in the Four O'clock family, Nyctaginaceae, that is endemic to southern Texas in the United States. It inhabits grasslands in the deep sands of the Holocene sand sheet, which is part of the Tamaulipan mezquital. This species was named for Amelia Anderson Lundell, wife of Cyrus Longw..
Mirabilis longiflora L.식물/들꽃-분꽃과(Nyctaginaceae) 2023. 6. 18. 12:51
국표에 없다. Mirabilis longiflora, the sweet four o'clock, is a species of flowering plant native to the southwestern United States from Arizona to Texas and northern Mexico. It is night-flowering. The flowers are mostly white, strongly scented, and long and narrow in form, approaching 17 centimeters in maximum length. Mirabilis longiflora - Wikipedia https://youtu.be/KefiIdZR7Ck
Mirabilis laevis (Benth.) Curran식물/들꽃-분꽃과(Nyctaginaceae) 2022. 12. 29. 14:54
국표에 없다.Mirabilis laevis, the desert wishbone-bush, is a recently redefined species of flowering plant in the four o'clock family. Distribution is in the Southwestern United States and northwest Mexico.Mirabilis laevis now includes the common California chaparral plant known as wishbone bush (formerly Mirabilis californica), and several very similar relatives previously classified as separate spe..
Anulocaulis leiosolenus (Torrey) Standley식물/들꽃-분꽃과(Nyctaginaceae) 2022. 12. 14. 16:24
국표에 없다.Herbs, stout perennial. Stems 0.5–1.5 m. Leaves: 1–3 pairs near base; petiole 3–7 cm; blade broadly ovate to almost round, 5–15 × 4–19 cm, base cordate, rarely rounded, apex rounded or broadly obtuse, adaxial surface dull green to pale green, abaxial surface grayish green, often very pale, both surfaces glabrous or sparsely villous with fine hairs with pale brown or blackish pustulate bas..
Acleisanthes longiflora A.Gray식물/들꽃-분꽃과(Nyctaginaceae) 2022. 12. 13. 07:33
The profusely branched stems of acleisanthes longiflora are long and leafy, sometimes woody at the base, usually climbing or prostrate, but sometimes upright. Stems have a sparse covering of tiny, white, head-shaped hairs, more evident on new growth. Leaves are colored grey-green and are somewhat variable in shape, but generally a little longer than wide, blunt-pointed at the tip, with slightly ..