Calochortus persistens Ownbey식물/들꽃-백합과(Liliaceae) 2024. 11. 26. 20:24
Calochortus persistens is a rare North American species of flowering plant in the lily family known by the common name Siskiyou mariposa lily. It is native to northern California and southern Oregon.Calochortus persistens grows at about nine sites scattered on the Gunsight-Humbug Ridge in Siskiyou County, California; in several locations on Cottonwood Peak and Little Cottonwood Peak, also in Sis..
Streptopus lanceolatus (Aiton) Reveal식물/들꽃-백합과(Liliaceae) 2024. 11. 24. 15:37
국표에 없다.Streptopus lanceolatus (rose twisted stalk, rosybells, rose mandarin, scootberry, liverberry, rose-bellwort), is an understory perennial plant native to the forests of North America, from Alaska to Labrador, south through the Great Lakes and Appalachian Mountain regions of the United States, as well as Montana, Washington state, Oregon, and St. Pierre & Miquelon. It grows primarily in mix..
나도산마늘-[정명] Allium ursinum L.식물/들꽃-백합과(Liliaceae) 2024. 11. 24. 14:00
Allium ursinum, known as wild garlic, ramsons, cowleekes, cows's leek, cowleek, buckrams, broad-leaved garlic, wood garlic, bear leek, Eurasian wild garlic or bear's garlic, is a bulbous perennial flowering plant in the amaryllis family Amaryllidaceae. It is native to Europe and Asia, where it grows in moist woodland. It is a wild relative of onion and garlic, all belonging to the same genus, Al..
Medeola virginiana L.식물/들꽃-백합과(Liliaceae) 2024. 10. 19. 15:50
국표에 없다.Grow in moist to wet soils in part shade to full shade.Noteworthy CharacteristicsMedeola virginiana, commonly called Indian cucumber root, is a slender, upright perennial that typically grows 1-2’ tall on a single, unbranched stem rising up each year from a crisp, edible rhizome. It is native to rich moist woodlands in eastern North America. Although originally native to Missouri, this pl..
미국솜대-[정명] Maianthemum racemosum (L.) Link식물/들꽃-백합과(Liliaceae) 2024. 10. 19. 15:37
과명Engler- Liliaceae (백합과) APG Ⅳ- Asparagaceae (비짜루과) 속명Maianthemum (두루미꽃속)전체학명[정명] Maianthemum racemosum (L.) Link 추천명미국솜대 영문명Fat Solomon Maianthemum racemosum, the False Soloman’s Seal, is a superb plant from North America. Similar in appearance to the classic and well known Soloman’s Seal, this has arching stems carrying a series of pointed leaves and topped by sprays of wonderfully scented p..
큰솔나리-[정명] Lilium pumilum Redouté식물/들꽃-백합과(Liliaceae) 2024. 10. 16. 16:26
과명Engler- APG Ⅳ- Liliaceae (백합과) 속명Lilium (백합속)전체학명[정명] Lilium pumilum Redouté 추천명큰솔나리비추천명큰솔잎나리,큰중나리,사초나리외국명Fine-leaf lily, スゲユリ 분포일본, 중국, 몽골 / 한국(충청북도 괴산군, 제천시, 충주시)생육환경햇볕이 잘 드는 풀밭에서 다른 잡초들과 함께 혼재한다.생육형여러해살이풀크기높이 60cm가량 된다.잎잎은 길이 3-14cm로 좁은 선형이고 어긋나기하며 다닥다닥 달린다.꽃꽃은 6-7월에 피며 가지끝과 원줄기끝에 3-15개의 꽃이 밑을 향해 달리고 지름 3-4cm이다. 화피열편은 6개로서 피침형이며 짙은 홍색 바탕에 자주색 반점이 있고 뒤로 강하게 젖혀지며 6개의 수술과 1개의 암술이 길게 밖으로 나오고 꽃밥..
큰비비추-[정명] Hosta sieboldiana (Hook.) Engl.식물/들꽃-백합과(Liliaceae) 2024. 9. 18. 20:29
과명Engler- Liliaceae (백합과) APG Ⅳ- Asparagaceae (비짜루과) 속명Hosta (비비추속)전체학명[정명] Hosta sieboldiana (Hook.) Engl. 추천명큰비비추비추천명개옥잠화,좀옥잠화,큰옥잠화영문명Siebold’s hostaHosta sieboldiana, Siebold's plantain lily, is a species of hosta native to Japan. A putative variety, Hosta sieboldiana var. elegans (called the giant blue hosta), has gained the Royal Horticultural Society's Award of Garden Merit, as has a puta..
Aloe L.식물/들꽃-백합과(Liliaceae) 2024. 9. 15. 14:23
국표에 없다.アロエ(蘭: Aloë)は、ツルボラン亜科アロエ属の植物の総称。多年草または、低木および高木となる多肉植物で、300種以上が知られている。南アフリカ共和国からアラビア半島まで広く分布するが、とりわけアフリカ大陸南部、およびマダガスカル島に集中し分布する。属名は、古代アラビア語のalloeh(苦みのあるの意)に由来し、葉に苦い汁があることにちなむ。アラビア語でアロエを「ロエ」と発音したので、中国では漢字で音写した「蘆薈」とし、日本で音読みして「ロカイ」とも称した。琉球方言では「どぅぐゎい」と称する。エジプトやギリシャなどで紀元前から利用が確認され、日本にはアフリカ喜望峰周辺原産で、樹高2m程に成長するアロエ・アフリカーナ(和名:喜望峰蘆薈)が、鎌倉時代頃に伝来した。現在はキダチアロエ (Aloe arborescens) が九州、瀬戸内海、伊豆半島、房総半島などの太平洋側の..