Ackama rosifolia A.Cunn.식물/들꽃-쿠노니아과(Cunoniaceae) 2024. 11. 13. 22:39
국표에 없다.Ackama rosifolia is a small tree with light green leaves divided into pairs of toothed leaflets that are often red on the underside. Both branchlet and leaf underside is covered with brown hairs. The small size of the tiny flowers is offset by their arrangement into large many branched and showy clusters.Ackama is a small genus with two species in Australia and two in New Zealand.An endem..
Pterophylla sylvicola Sol. ex A.Cunn.식물/들꽃-쿠노니아과(Cunoniaceae) 2024. 11. 13. 11:25
국표에 없다.Pterophylla sylvicola, known as tōwai or tawhero, is a medium-sized evergreen tree of the family Cunoniaceae native to northern New Zealand. It is formerly known as Weinmannia sylvicola.DescriptionIt grows to 15 m or more, with a trunk up to 1 m in diameter. Adult leaves are toothed and leathery, with up to five pairs of leaflets. Juvenile leaves are thinner and have up to ten pairs of le..
Bauera rubioides Andrews식물/들꽃-쿠노니아과(Cunoniaceae) 2023. 1. 14. 16:25
과명 Cunoniaceae (쿠노니아과) 속명 Bauera (바우에라속) 전체학명 [정명] Bauera rubioides Andrews 추천명 바우에라 루비오이데스 이명 외국명 Tasmanian river rose 추천명변경: 루비오이데스바우에라 -> 바우에라 루비오이데스 Bauera rubioides, commonly known as river rose, dog rose or wiry bauera, is a species of flowering plant in the family Cunoniaceae and is endemic to south-eastern Australia. It is a scrambling, tangled shrub with wiry branches, trifoliate, usual..
Eucryphia lucida(Labill.) Baill.식물/들꽃-쿠노니아과(Cunoniaceae) 2023. 1. 14. 14:09
국표에는 없다. Eucryphia lucida, the leatherwood, is a species of tree or large shrub endemic to forests of western Tasmania, Australia. An attractive plant used in both horticulture and apiculture, it was promoted by the Tasmanian Branch of the then SGAP as an alternative to the Tasmanian blue gum (Eucalyptus globulus) for Tasmania's floral emblem. It was described as E. billiarderi at one stage, thi..