Ceraria pygmaea (Pillans) G.D.Rowley식물/들꽃-쇠비름과(Portulacaceae) 2023. 12. 30. 17:44
국표에 없다. Origin and Habitat: Ceraria pygmaeaSN|23514]]SN|23514]] is found near Grootderm in the northern Richtersveld in Namaqualand (Cape Province, South Africa) and across the Orange River to south of Luderitz in Namibia. Habitat and ecology: Ceraria pygmaeaSN|23514]]SN|23514]] grows in hot hills in the quartz fields of Richtersveld where so many other extreme succulent plants occur, and has a ..
Anacampseros papyracea E.Mey. ex Fenzl식물/들꽃-쇠비름과(Portulacaceae) 2023. 6. 6. 10:22
국표에 없다. 국표에서는 Anacampseros (아나캄프세로스속)을 돌나물과로 위키에서는 Anacampserotaceae과로 http://llifle.com/Encyclopedia/SUCCULENTS/Family/Portulacaceae에서는 Family: PORTULACACEAE(쇠비름과)로 Anacampseros papyracea is a species of succulent plant in the genus Anacampseros. It is endemic to Southern Africa. Taxonomy Anacampseros papyracea contains the following subspecies: Anacampseros papyracea subsp. papyracea Anacampse..
Portulacaria namaquensis Sond.식물/들꽃-쇠비름과(Portulacaceae) 2023. 6. 5. 18:12
국표에 없다. Origin and Habitat: Ceraria namaquensis has a fairly widespread habitat in South Africa (Little Namaqualand) and Namibia (Richtersveld, Bushmanland and Gordonia). Habitat and ecology: Desert, Nama Karoo, Succulent Karoo. This is an extremely arid, winter-rainfall area. Ceraria namaquensis grows in open shrubland together with Euphorbia virosa on rocky outcrops, mainly rather strongly wea..
Portulaca pilosa L.식물/들꽃-쇠비름과(Portulacaceae) 2022. 12. 14. 17:24
국표에 없다. Portulaca pilosa is a species of flowering succulent plant in the purslane family, Portulacaceae, that is native to the Americas. Its common names include pink purslane, kiss-me-quick and hairy pigweed. Its range extends from the southern United States and the Caribbean as far south as Brazil. It is a succulent with linear leaves and pink flowers. The name is derived from pilose, which m..
레위시아 레디비바-Lewisia rediviva식물/들꽃-쇠비름과(Portulacaceae) 2022. 10. 30. 12:05
과명 Portulacaceae (쇠비름과) 속명 Lewisia (레위시아속) 전체학명 [정명] Lewisia rediviva Pursh 추천명 레위시아 레디비바 이명 외국명 Bitterroot 추천명변경: 레디비바레위시아 -> 레위시아 레디비바 Lewisia rediviva was an important food plant for the region’s First Nations people, though European settlers who sampled the roots reported that its bitterness was not to their liking. The genus is named after botanist-explorer Meriwether Lewis, of Lewis and Cl..
Avonia papyracea (E.Mey. ex Fenzl) G.D.Rowley식물/들꽃-쇠비름과(Portulacaceae) 2022. 10. 23. 18:41
국표에는 없다. Origin and Habitat: South African endemic. The typical Avonia papyracea are present in the Little Karoo and Great Karoo (Eastern Cape). Subsp. namaensis occurs in the Richtersveld, southern Namibia and Bushmanland. Habitat and ecology: Avonia papyracea grows in full sun among quartz rocks together with Tanquana hilmari, Gibbaeum heathii, Bulbine mesembryanthotdes, Crassula nudicaulis, C..