아스포델루스 피스툴로수스- Asphodelus fistulosus L.식물/들꽃-크산토로에아과(Xanthorrhoeace 2023. 5. 20. 16:04
과명 Xanthorrhoeaceae (크산토로에아과) 속명 Asphodelus (아스포델루스속) 전체학명 [정명] Asphodelus fistulosus L. 추천명 아스포델루스 피스툴로수스 이명 외국 onion asphodel; onion weed 추천명변경: 피스툴로수스아스포델루스 -> 아스포델루스 피스툴로수스 Asphodelus fistulosus is a species of plant known as hollow-stemmed asphodel, onionweed, onion-leafed asphodel, and pink asphodel. It is native to the Mediterranean region. It is an invasive exotic weed in the United Stat..
Kingia australis R.Br.식물/들꽃-크산토로에아과(Xanthorrhoeace 2022. 11. 26. 15:24
국표에 없다. Family: Dasypogonaceae Distribution: South Western Australia in heath, woodland and open forest. Common Name: Kingia. Conservation Status: Not considered to be at risk in the wild. Derivation of Name: Kingia; After Philip Gidley King, founder of the first European settlement on Norfolk Island and his son Philip Parker King. australis;southern, referring to the distribution of the species..
Dasypogon bromeliifolius R. Br.식물/들꽃-크산토로에아과(Xanthorrhoeace 2022. 11. 26. 15:09
국표에 없다. Dasypogon bromeliifolius, commonly known as pineapple bush, is a species of shrub in the family Dasypogonaceae native to Western Australia. Dasypogon bromeliifolius - Wikipedia Description: A tufted plant to 30 centimetres tall. The flowers are prickly balls held above the plant. They are produced from September to January. References: Western Australian Plant Names and their Meanings, a..
Aloidendron dichotomum(Masson) Klopper & Gideon F.Sm.식물/들꽃-크산토로에아과(Xanthorrhoeace 2022. 10. 23. 14:43
국표에는 없다. 국표에서는 Liliaceae (백합과)로 In phylogenetic classification APG III (2009)2 this family does not exist and these plants are included in the Xanthorrhoeaceae. In phylogenetic classification APG IV (2016)3 Asphodelaceae replaces Xanthorrhoeaceae Aloaceae Aloaceae - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Aloidendron dichotomumper & Gideon F.Sm., known as quiver tree (kokerboom in Afrikaans), is a spec..
Aloe littoralis Baker식물/들꽃-크산토로에아과(Xanthorrhoeace 2022. 10. 23. 10:57
Aloe littoralis is a flowering plant in the Asphodelaceae family. It is a succulent native to arid regions in South Tropical Africa and Southern Africa.Aloe littoralis - WikipediaOrigin and Habitat: Aloe littoralis is a widespread species ranging from the Limpopo Province in South Africa, to the Zimbabwe, Botswana, Zambia, Angola and Namibia.Altitude range: 200–1065 metres above sea level.Habita..