Fraxinus berlandieriana DC.식물/들꽃-물푸레나무과(Oleaceae) 2025. 1. 27. 12:57
국표에 없다.Fraxinus berlandieriana, the Mexican ash, is a tree native to eastern and northeastern Mexico and to the south-central United States. It has been reported from Tamaulipas, Veracruz, Texas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Louisiana, and Mississippi.Like other species in the section Melioides, Fraxinus berlandieriana is dioecious, with male and female flowers produced on separate individuals.Fraxinus..
Nestegis lanceolata Hook.f.식물/들꽃-물푸레나무과(Oleaceae) 2024. 11. 16. 09:56
국표에 없다.Nestegis lanceolata, commonly called white maire, is a tree native to New Zealand.Nestegis lanceolata is found from lowland to hilly forest across the North Island. In the South Island it is uncommon but is found in the Marlborough Sounds.It grows to approximately 15 metres high and has long (5–12 cm), leathery and glossy leaves. Racemes of green flowers are produced in spring followed by..
Nestegis apetala (Vahl) L.A.S.Johnson식물/들꽃-물푸레나무과(Oleaceae) 2024. 11. 13. 09:15
국표에 없다.Nestegis apetala is a small tree native to northern New Zealand and to Norfolk Island. The common names in New Zealand are coastal maire or broad-leaved maire. On Norfolk Island, the common name is ironwood. The species name apetala refers to the lack of petals on the flowers.DistributionIn New Zealand N. apetala grows on the North Island mainland on rocky headlands around Whangarei Heads..
Forestiera angustifolia식물/들꽃-물푸레나무과(Oleaceae) 2024. 10. 24. 21:00
국표에 없다.MaintenanceVery low maintenance. Heat and drought tolerant. Good screen plant. Elbow bush is a useful plant for sunny, dry sites, or windy and saline locations. Native habitat: commonly found on dry, well-drained, and stony hillsides of the Rio Grande Plains, Trans-Pecos regions, and along the Gulf Coast. Not widely available commercially; find it at specialty native plant growers, especi..
미국물푸레나무-[정명] Fraxinus americana L.식물/들꽃-물푸레나무과(Oleaceae) 2024. 10. 20. 16:01
과명Engler- APG Ⅳ- Oleaceae (물푸레나무과) 속명Fraxinus (물푸레나무속)전체학명[정명] Fraxinus americana L.추천명미국물푸레나비추천명미국물푸레나무,뾰족잎물푸레나무,외물푸레 추천명변경: 미국물푸레 -> 미국물푸레나무 Fraxinus americana, the white ash or American ash, is a fast-growing species of ash tree native to eastern and central North America.The species is native to mesophytic hardwood forests from Nova Scotia west to Minnesota, south to northern Florida, and ..
털개회나무-[정명] Syringa patula (Palib.) Nakai식물/들꽃-물푸레나무과(Oleaceae) 2024. 7. 24. 10:08
과명Engler- APG Ⅳ- Oleaceae (물푸레나무과) 속명 Syringa (수수꽃다리속) 전체학명[정명] Syringa patula (Palib.) Nakai추천명털개회나무비추천명가는잎정향나무,둥근정향나무암개회나무,정향나무,흰정향나무,털산회나무,둥근잎정향나무,둥근잎참정향나무,암산회나무,참정향나무,흰꽃정향나무,흰참정향나무외국명Miss Kim lilac, ウスゲハシドイ분포함경북도, 평안남북도, 황해도, 강원특별자치도 등 백두대간을 타고 충청북도, 전라남북도, 경상남북도까지 널리 분포.생육환경깊은 산생육형낙엽 활엽 관목.크기높이 3m.잎잎은 마주나기하며 타원형이고 달걀형 또는 거꿀달걀형이며 점첨두, 넓은 예저이고 길이와 폭이 각 (3)6 ~ 8(10)cm× 1.5 ~ 3cm로, 톱니가 없고 뒷면에 융..
Syringa prestoniae 'Redwine'식물/들꽃-물푸레나무과(Oleaceae) 2024. 5. 6. 09:28
Syringa 'REDWINE'Canadian lilac, Preston lilacSIZE/TYPE : medium-sized shrubUSUAL HEIGHT : 1-2mUSUAL WIDTH : 1-2mLEAVES : deciduous broadleafCOLOUR OF LEAVES : greenFLOWERSCOLOUR OF FLOWERS : multicolored:burgundy red and pinkBLOOMING TIME : May - June Lilacs are common and reliable shrubs of our climate. So it is clear that we will not offer you something that can be seen at every corner, but ..
Syringa prestoniae 'Agnes Smith'식물/들꽃-물푸레나무과(Oleaceae) 2024. 4. 14. 16:07
Botanical Details 학명 Syringa prestoniae 'Agnes Smith' 일반명 라일락 영문명 Syringa prestoniae 'Agnes Smith' 과 물푸레나무과 속 수수꽃다리속 온습도 영하 30도 토양 알칼리성, 중성 판매사이즈 부쉬형 P20 H40cm 특징 다화성으로 꽃이 매우 많이 피고 꽃향기가 매우 진하여 '향수 라일락'이라고도 불리는 품종으로 보통의 유럽라일락보다 2~3미터로 키가 작게 자라 관리가 쉽습니다. 유럽라일락에 비해 꽃은 늦게 피어 함께 조합하면 꽃을 보다 오래 감상하실 수 있습니다. 라일락아그네스스미스 (gogirifarm.org) 라일락 아그네스 스미스 Syringa prestoniae Agnes Smith : 네이버 블로그 (naver.com)