Glaucidium palmatum Siebold et Zucc.식물/들꽃-미나리아재비과(Ranunculaceae) 2024. 8. 30. 15:25
국표에 없다.Glaucidium is a genus of plants in family Ranunculaceae, comprising a single species Glaucidium palmatum (Japanese wood poppy; シラネアオイ Shirane-aoi). It is endemic to northern and eastern Japan on Hokkaidō and northeastern Honshū on mountains close to the Sea of Japan.It is a rhizomatous herbaceous perennial plant growing to 40 cm tall with a rigid stem with two large (20 cm diameter) palma..
Coptis japonica(Thunb.) Makino식물/들꽃-미나리아재비과(Ranunculaceae) 2024. 8. 29. 19:22
국표에없다. Coptis japonica, the Japanese goldthread, is a species of flowering plant in the family Ranunculaceae, native to central and southern Japan, and introduced to Korea. In Asia it is grown for medicinal purposes, with the main alkaloid being berberine. Coptis japonica - Wikipedia Coptis chinensis (scientific name: Coptis chinensis), a perennial herbaceous plant that prefers cold and mois..
Adonis amurensis Beni Nadeshiko식물/들꽃-미나리아재비과(Ranunculaceae) 2024. 8. 27. 21:06
국표에 없다.Adonis amurensis Chichibu beni(Beni-Nadeshiko, Beninadeshiko)(red dianthus)The Japanese name, translates as Red Dianthus as the ends of the petals are serrated in the manner of some Dianthus. This is a semi-double flower of a delightful pale copper-colour with a central lime-0green boss, surrounded by sulphur-yellow anthers sitting on copper-red filaments. It is both softer and more past..
헬레보루스 오리엔탈리스-[정명] Helleborus orientalis Lam.식물/들꽃-미나리아재비과(Ranunculaceae) 2024. 8. 26. 11:49
과명앵글러- Ranunculaceae (미나리아재비과) 속명 Helleborus (헬레보루스속) 전체학명[정명] Helleborus orientalis Lam.추천명헬레보루스 오리엔탈리스비추천명렌텐 로즈영문명Lenten rose ,LentenHelleborus orientalis, the Lenten rose, is a perennial flowering plant and species of hellebore in the buttercup family, Ranunculaceae, native to Greece and Turkey.Bed of Helleborus orientalis.DescriptionThis perennial reaches 28–45 cm (11–18 in) tall, with gloss..
Ranuncuculaceae isopyrum식물/들꽃-미나리아재비과(Ranunculaceae) 2024. 8. 26. 11:19
국표에 없다.サンインシロガネソウ山陰白銀草福井県から島根県の日本海側の山地の谷沿いの湿った場所に生える多年草。 春一番に水辺を飾るスプリングエアェメラル。 和名の白銀草とは、本種は黄色だが花の白さにちなんだもの。アズマシロカネソウに似るが、全体に小型で、花弁状の萼片の基部が紅紫色になり、花後に走出枝を出す。植物体全体に繊細で無毛である。根茎は短く太く、長さ1cm以下で、膜状の鱗片でまばらにおおわれる。花後に腋芽が伸長して地上を横に走り、斜上して匐枝を出して地面に倒れて発根する。茎は高さ10-20cmになり、直立する。根出葉は1-3個あるかまたは無く、葉柄の長さは2-8cm、鳥足状複葉になり、頂小葉は扇形から広卵形になって、長さ0.7-2.5cm、幅0.6-2.2cmになる。茎の中部につく葉は対生し、鳥足状複葉になり、頂小葉は扇形から広卵形で、長さ0.8-3.2cm、幅0.5-2.5c..
아네모놉시스 마크로필라-[정명] Anemonopsis macrophylla Siebold & Zucc.식물/들꽃-미나리아재비과(Ranunculaceae) 2024. 8. 25. 16:53
과명앵글러- Ranunculaceae (미나리아재비과) 속명 Anemonopsis (아네모놉시스속) 전체학명[정명] Anemonopsis macrophylla Siebold & Zucc.추천명아네모놉시스 마크로필라 추천명변경: 마크로필라아네모놉시스 -> 아네모놉시스 마크로필라 herbaceous perennial 40-80cm tall. Leaves bi- or triternate, 15-30cm long with ovate, serrate leaflets. Stems erect, blackish, somewhat leafy. Inflorescence a lax panicle or raceme. Flowers long-stalked to 3.5cm across, nodding, purplish-pink,..
Thalictrum thalictroides 'Cameo'식물/들꽃-미나리아재비과(Ranunculaceae) 2024. 8. 25. 12:06
국표에 없다.the native deer-resistant rue anemone and one of the fastest multiplying of the double clones...which still isn't saying much. The short clumps of typical thalictrum foliage are topped from April to June with the cutest double, light pink flowers. Plant Anemonella 'Cameo' in a special well-drained place away from larger competitors...great for the rock garden, but mark the plant's locatio..
몽고할미꽃-[정명] Pulsatilla ambigua (Turcz. ex Hayek) Juz.식물/들꽃-미나리아재비과(Ranunculaceae) 2024. 8. 24. 11:44
과명Engler- APG Ⅳ- Ranunculaceae (미나리아재비과) 속명 Pulsatilla (할미꽃속) 전체학명[정명] Pulsatilla ambigua (Turcz. ex Hayek) Juz.추천명몽고할미꽃Pulsatilla ambigua (Turczaninow ex Hayek) Juzepczuk, Fl. URSS. 7: 307. 1937.蒙古白头翁 meng gu bai tou wengAnemone ambigua Turczaninow ex Hayek, Festschr. Z. Feier. D. Siebzigst. Geburtst. Prof. Dr. Ascher 466. 1904.Plants 16--22 cm tall. Rhizome 5--8 mm in diam. Leaves 6--8; petiol..