Platycrater arguta sieb식물/들꽃-수국과(Hydrangeaceae) 2024. 9. 18. 21:21
국표에 없다.Platycrater arguta Sieb. et Zucc. is a rare and endangered species endemic to East Asia. It produces two floral morphs viz. bisexual and male flowers. For bisexual flowers, simultaneous cytokinesis in the microsporocyte meiosis leads to a tetrahedral tetrad. The mature pollen grain is shed at 2-cell stage. The young anther wall is composed of epidermis, endothecium that develops fibrous t..
미국수국 '애나벨'-[정명] Hydrangea arborescens 'Annabelle'식물/들꽃-수국과(Hydrangeaceae) 2024. 7. 12. 10:16
과명Engler- Saxifragaceae (범의귀과) 속명수국 (수국속)APG IV.- 수국과(수국과) 전체학명 [정명] 수국 수목원 '애나벨'추천명미국수국 '애나벨' 영문명눈의 언덕 ; 수국 와일드일반적으로 부드러운 수국, 야생 수국, sevenbark 또는 경우에 따라 [설명 필요] 양 꽃으로 알려진 수국 수목은 수국과 (Hydrangeaceae) 계통의 꽃 피는 식물의 종입니다. 미국 동부가 원산지인 최대 2m(7피트) 높이의 중소 규모, 다중 줄기, 낙엽 관목입니다.묘사꽃차례는 최대 15cm(5.9인치) 너비의 코림브입니다. 화려하고 멸균 된 꽃은 일반적으로 없거나 존재하더라도 일반적으로 원추 가장자리의 직경이 1cm 미만입니다. 개화는 5 월에서 7 월에 발생합니다. 열매는 약 2mm ..
Dichroa febrifuga Lour.식물/들꽃-수국과(Hydrangeaceae) 2024. 3. 2. 21:59
국표에 없다. This unusual shrub is nestled in the eastern courtyard of the Glasshouses. A tender member of the Hydrangeaceae family, Dichroa febrifuga (synonym D. versicolor) occurs from the Himalaya to Korea. It was first introduced to our gardens from Hong Kong by the botanist Robert Fortune in 1846, who named it Adamia versicolor. Commonly referred to as the blue evergreen hydrangea, or Chinese qu..
Hydrangea macrophylla Fireworks White식물/들꽃-수국과(Hydrangeaceae) 2024. 2. 29. 15:33
국표에 없다. hydrangea 'Hanabi' A Japanese lacecap selection with coarsely toothed, glossy dark green leaves to 20cm long with good autumn tints, producing large flattened flowerheads of green double fertile flowers and starbursts of double white, pale pink or pale blue (depending on the soil conditions) ray florets on long stems Synonyms Hydrangea 'Fireworks' Hydrangea macrophylla 'Vuurwerk White' H..
Hydrangea involucrata 'Yokudanka'식물/들꽃-수국과(Hydrangeaceae) 2024. 2. 27. 16:06
hydrangea 'Yokudanka' A small deciduous shrub to 1.2m high, with broadly ovate dark green leaves. Large rounded buds open to dense, domed clusters of double flowers in late summer, creamy white at first and developing to pink as they mature Botanical details Family Hydrangeaceae Native to the UK No Foliage Deciduous Habit Bushy Potentially harmful Skin allergen. Wear gloves and other protective ..
Hydrangea angustipetala Golden Crane식물/들꽃-수국과(Hydrangeaceae) 2024. 2. 26. 19:31
국표에 없다. Common Name: hydrangea Type: Deciduous shrub Family: Hydrangeaceae Zone: 6 to 10 Height: 2.00 to 3.00 feet Spread: 2.00 to 3.00 feet Bloom Time: June to September Bloom Description: White Sun: Part shade Water: Medium Maintenance: Medium Suggested Use: Rain Garden Flower: Showy, Fragrant Tolerate: Rabbit, Drought, Erosion, Clay Soil, Dry Soil, Wet Soil, Shallow-Rocky Soil Culture Best gr..
아스페라수국 빌로사 그룹-[정명] Hydrangea aspera Villosa Group식물/들꽃-수국과(Hydrangeaceae) 2024. 2. 25. 16:55
과명 앵글러- Saxifragaceae (범의귀과) 속명 Hydrangea (수국속) APG Ⅳ- Hydrangeaceae (수국과) 전체학명 [정명] Hydrangea aspera Villosa Group 추천명 아스페라수국 빌로사 그룹 Hydrangea aspera (Villosa Group) 'Trelissick' hydrangea 'Trelissick' A medium-sized deciduous shrub to around 250cm, with lax branches of narrow, dark green velvety foliage, which turns to bronze shades in the autumn. Large creamy-white lace cap flowers appear fro..
Hydrangea paniculata 'Living Cotton Cream'식물/들꽃-수국과(Hydrangeaceae) 2023. 7. 28. 18:41
국표에는 없다. This Hydrangea paniculata is a deciduous plant so during the dormant season in early autumn it will lose all its leaves shooting new growth in the spring from April. Hydrangea paniculata Living Cotton Cream is a compact hydrangea with green leaves and cream coloured flowers blooming several times during the season. The small cream coloured flowers open in July turning light pink in Augu..