Cattleya walkeriana var. semi-alba 'Tokyo No.1' SM/JOGA식물/들꽃-난초과(Orchidaceae) 2025. 1. 4. 15:30
국표에 없다.DescriptionThis famous clone from Japan was awarded the silver medal by the Japan Orchid Growers Association. This beautiful form of walkeriana is considered a Perola type, thanks to the light pink flush at the petal edges. The flowers have a thick substance, are about 2" to 3" in size, and produce an intoxicating fragrance. This Brazilian unifoliate species flowers between late November ..
개제비란-[정명] Dactylorhiza viridis (L.) R.M.Bateman, Pridgeon & M.W.Chase식물/들꽃-난초과(Orchidaceae) 2025. 1. 3. 12:37
분포▶함북, 중국, 일본, 시베리아, 천도, 캄차카, 북미에 분포한다.▶한라산(표고 1500m 지점)에서 자란다.생육환경그늘에서 자란다.생육형여러해살이풀이다.크기높이 15-30cm이다.잎잎은 긴 타원형 또는 넓은 피침형이고 길이 4-10cm, 넓이 1.5-4cm로서 끝이 둔하지만 위로 올라갈수록 뾰족해진다.꽃꽃은 5-7월에 피며 연한 녹색 바탕에 갈색이 돌고 줄기 끝의 총상꽃차례는 길이 4-12cm로서 꽃이 많이 달리며 포는 꽃보다 길고 피침형이며 길이 1-4cm로서 녹색이다. 꽃받침조각은 좁은 달걀모양이고 끝이 둔하며 길이 5-7mm이고 5-7맥이 있으며 꽃잎은 선상 피침형으로서 1맥이 있고 꽃받침보다 짧다. 입술모양꽃부리는 홍자색을 띠며 아래로 처지고 길이 5-7mm이며 3개로 갈라지고 중앙부의 것이..
Corallorhiza maculata Raf.식물/들꽃-난초과(Orchidaceae) 2025. 1. 2. 12:15
국표에 없다.Corallorhiza maculata, or spotted coralroot, is a North American coralroot orchid. It has four varieties: C. maculata var. occidentalis (western spotted coralroot), C. maculata var. maculata (eastern spotted coralroot or summer coralroot), C. maculata var. mexicana, and C. maculata var. ozettensis. It is widespread through Mexico, Guatemala, Canada, St. Pierre & Miquelon, and much of the ..
Ansellia africana Lindl.식물/들꽃-난초과(Orchidaceae) 2024. 12. 29. 16:22
국표에 없다.Ansellia is considered a monotypic genus of orchid, with only one species, Ansellia africana, commonly known as African ansellia or leopard orchid, however, it may in fact be a complex group of species which share common floral structure and growth habit.The plants are found throughout tropical and subtropical Africa. It was named after John Ansell, an English assistant botanist. who foun..
Epidendrum anceps Jacq.식물/들꽃-난초과(Orchidaceae) 2024. 12. 26. 07:46
Epidendrum anceps, literally the "two-edged upon a tree," a species of epiphytic orchid in the genus Epidendrum, is sometimes known as the brown epidendrum or dingy-flowered epidendrum.DescriptionE. anceps exhibits a sympodial growth habit, producing closely spaced reed-like stems up to 5 dm tall (10 dm, according to Correll and Schweinfurth) which are flattened laterally (hence, anceps) and cov..
Epidendrum alsum Ridl.식물/들꽃-난초과(Orchidaceae) 2024. 12. 25. 21:11
Epidendrum alsum is a species of flowering plant in the family Orchidaceae, native to south-east Venezuela and Guyana. It was first described by Henry Nicholas Ridley in 1886. Epidendrum alsum - Wikipedia Epidendrum alsum is one of the less colorful orchid flowers here on top of Roraima.According to Flora of the Venezuelan Guyana Vol 4:“Both Epidendrum ulei and alsum are two of several members o..