Geranium robertianum L.식물/들꽃-쥐손이풀과(Geraniaceae) 2024. 11. 25. 12:44
국표에 없다.Geranium robertianum, commonly known as herb-robert, or (in North America) Robert's geranium, is a species of cranesbill that is widespread throughout the northern hemisphere and introduced to some countries in the southern. It is common in woods, hedges, gardens, and on waste ground, and can also be found on shingle beaches and limestone pavements. It is not regarded as being rare or thr..
Erodium texanum A.Gray식물/들꽃-쥐손이풀과(Geraniaceae) 2024. 10. 21. 18:45
국표에 없다.Erodium texanum A. Gray, texas filaree, heronbill. Annual, taprooted, rosetted, 1—several–stemmed at base, with decumbent branches axillary to basal leaves = inflorescences, in range 7—25 cm tall; shoots with alternate basal leaves but opposite bracts (cauline leaves) on flowering lateral branches, short–hairy, foliage lacking glandular hairs and not scented.StemsStems cylindric (also inf..
제라늄 마쿨라툼-[정명]Geranium maculatum L.식물/들꽃-쥐손이풀과(Geraniaceae) 2024. 10. 20. 20:54
국표에는EnglerGeraniaceae (쥐손이풀과)Geranium (쥐손이풀속)APG ⅣGeraniaceae (쥐손이풀과)[정명] Geranium maculatum L. 추천명제라늄 마쿨라툼추천명변경: 마쿨라툼제라늄 -> 제라늄 마쿨라툼 영어명Cranesbill Spotted,Cranesbill Wild,Geranium Spotted (추천명) 국가표준식물목록 > 식물명검색 > 상세검색 (nature.go.kr) Geranium maculatum, the wild geranium, spotted geranium, or wood geranium, is a perennial plant native to woodland in eastern North America, from southern Manitob..
국화쥐손이-[정명]Erodium stephanianum Willd.식물/들꽃-쥐손이풀과(Geraniaceae) 2024. 9. 19. 15:12
과명Engler- APG Ⅳ- Geraniaceae (쥐손이풀과) 속명Erodium (국화쥐손이속)전체학명[정명] Erodium stephanianum Willd.추천명국화쥐손이비추천명갈래잎손잎풀,구와쥐손이,쥐손이아재비,갈래손잎풀,구와쥐손이풀외국명Stephan’s filaree, キクバフウロ분포한국, 중국, 몽골, 러시아, 중앙아시아에 분포한다.생육환경비탈의 메마른 풀밭.생육형1년생 또는 2년생 초본. 여러해살이풀크기높이가 30-50cm 정도로 자란다.잎뿌리잎은 10cm에 이르는 엽병이 있으며 엽신은 2-3회 우상으로 갈라져 끝의 열편은 선형이며 가장자리에 결각상 치아가 있고 양면에 털이 성글게 있다. 줄기잎은 마주나고 엽병이 짧으나 엽신은 역시 우상으로 작게 갈라진다.꽃6-7월에 지름 1.5cm가량의 ..
Geranium erianthum DC.식물/들꽃-쥐손이풀과(Geraniaceae) 2024. 9. 2. 16:15
국표에 없다.Geranium erianthum, the woolly geranium, is a flowering plant found in China, Japan, Russia, North America and England .Within its range, it is often known as "wild geranium" or "cranesbill", but note that these common names are also used for several other species within the genus Geranium. Geranium erianthum - Wikipedia
Sarcocaulon patersonii (DC.) Don식물/들꽃-쥐손이풀과(Geraniaceae) 2023. 12. 30. 16:21
국표에 없다. Accepted Scientific Name: Monsonia patersonii DC. Prodr. [A. P. de Candolle] 1: 639. 1824 [mid Jan 1824] DC. et al. Origin and Habitat: Namibia (rom Rosh Pinah to Luderitz) and South Africa (Northern Cape Province, coastal zone of Richtersveld) Habitat: Monsonia patersoniiSN|27997]]SN|27997]] grows holding forth against the wind-blown sand, on very shallow soils on rocky ground on the cr..
Pelargonium asarifolium (Sweet) D. Don식물/들꽃-쥐손이풀과(Geraniaceae) 2023. 12. 7. 13:19
국표에 없다. Pelargonium asarifolium (Sweet) D. Don is a tuberous species from the Southwest Cape of South Africa, from Piketberg and Porterville, along the western coastal plain to Sir Lowry's Pass and Worcester. It grows on flats amongst small shrubs or on dry rocky slopes in sand or clay. It has two or sometimes three petals that are dark wine red in colour. Flowering is from November to May. The ..
Sarcocaulon multifidum E.Mey. ex R.Knuth식물/들꽃-쥐손이풀과(Geraniaceae) 2023. 12. 6. 18:08
국표에 없다. Origin and Habitat: Monsonia multifidaSN|32358]]SN|32358]] is endemic to a small area on either side of the mouth of the Orange river in Namibia and Richtersveld Northern Cape,Republic of South Africa. This species has an extremely limited range. It occurs in several patches of about 20-30 m². Habitat snd ecology: This tough plant occurs within the Lower Orange River Zone in an area roug..