Biophytum dendroides (Kunth) DC.식물/들꽃-괭이밥과(Oxalidaceae) 2025. 3. 3. 12:02
국표에 없다.SynonymsOxalis mimosoides A.St.-Hil. [unknown]Oxalis dendroides Kunth [unknown]Toddavaddia mimosodes Kuntze [unknown]Toddavaddia dendrodes (Kunth) Kuntze [unknown]Biophytum ferrugineum Rusby [unknown]Biophytum mimosoides G.Don [unknown]Biophytum dormiens (Mart. & Zucc.) R.Knuth [deprecated]Biophytum longiscapum Klotzsch ex R.Knuth [unknown]Biophytum mimosoides Guillaumin [unknown]Oxalis v..
Oxalis grandis Small식물/들꽃-괭이밥과(Oxalidaceae) 2024. 12. 7. 12:33
국표에 없다.Oxalis grandis, commonly known as great yellow woodsorrel or large yellow wood sorrel, is an annual plant and herb in the woodsorrel family. It is native to the eastern United States from Georgia north to Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, west as far as Louisiana. It blooms from May to June with yellow flowers and grows in sandy woods or alluvial soils. Oxalis grandis - Wikipedia Oxalis grandis..
Oxalis frutescens L.식물/들꽃-괭이밥과(Oxalidaceae) 2024. 10. 23. 08:41
국표에 없다.Oxalis frutescens, the shrubby woodsorrel, is a species of flowering plant in the family Oxalidaceae. It is native to New Mexico, Texas, Mexico, Central America, the southernmost Caribbean islands, and tropical South America as far as northern Argentina. A perennial subshrub reaching 35 cm (14 in), it is typically found in sandy soils in grasslands, pastures, roadsides, and open oak woodl..
Oxalis montana Raf.식물/들꽃-괭이밥과(Oxalidaceae) 2024. 10. 20. 13:45
국표에 없다.Life Cycle:PerennialFlowersFlower Color:PinkWhiteFlower Inflorescence:SolitaryFlower Value To Gardener:Long Bloom SeasonLong-lastingShowyFlowerBloom Time:SpringSummerFlower Shape:RadialFlowerPetals:4-5 petals/raysFlower Size:Flower Description:Blooms May through July with two types of flowers: 1) Solitary, dainty, nodding flowers 1/2 to 3/4 on an inch across, 5-parted oblong-elliptic peta..
Oxalis griffithii var. kantoensis (Terao) T.Shimizu식물/들꽃-괭이밥과(Oxalidaceae) 2024. 9. 10. 12:07
국표에 없다.本州(関東南西部、伊豆半島、東海東部)に分布する多年草。高さ10cmほど。葉身は3裂し、裂片は倒心形。花は白色。花弁は5個。基本変種のミヤマカタバミとは、葉の裏の毛が少なく、果実はやや小型であることで区別できる。花期は3~4月。多摩部の丘陵から山地下部に分布し、谷沿い樹林内の陰湿地に群生する。南多摩と西多摩には比較的よく見られるが、北多摩ではごく稀。[ 혼슈(관동 남서부, 이즈 반도, 동해 동부)에 분포하는 다년초. 높이 10cm 정도. 잎몸은 3열, 열편은 도심형. 꽃은 흰색. 꽃잎은 5개. 기본 변종인 마야카타바미와는 잎 뒷면의 털이 적고 열매는 약간 작은 것으로 구별할 수 있다.화기는 3~4월. 다마부의 구릉에서 산 지하부에 분포하며, 계곡을 따라 수림 내의 음습지에 군생한다. 남다마와 서다마에서는 비교적 흔하지만 기타다마..
스타프루트-[정명] Averrhoa carambola L.식물/들꽃-괭이밥과(Oxalidaceae) 2023. 12. 19. 10:25
과명 Oxalidaceae (괭이밥과) 속명 Averrhoa (아베로아속) 전체학명 [정명] Averrhoa carambola L. 추천명 스타프루트 Averrhoa carambola is a species of tree in the family Oxalidaceae native to tropical Southeast Asia; it has a number of common names, including carambola, star fruit and five-corner. It is a small tree or shrub that grows 5 to 12 m (16 to 39 ft) tall, with rose to red-purple flowers. The flowers are small and bel..
Oxalis ‘Plum Crazy’식물/들꽃-괭이밥과(Oxalidaceae) 2023. 6. 27. 10:07
국표에는 없다. A striking shamrock-leaf wood sorrel with petite, vivid maroon leaves liberally marked with bright pink splashes. Each distinctive leaf is like its own miniature painting! Add in bright yellow ever-blooming flowers for a real show-stopper! Topping off at a modest 6” tall and spreading up to 12” wide, it makes a wonderful ground cover. It also looks charming planted in a ceramic pot. It’..
Oxalis squamata Zucc.식물/들꽃-괭이밥과(Oxalidaceae) 2023. 6. 13. 15:32
국표에 없다. Homotypic Synonyms Acetosella squamata (Zucc.) Kuntze in Revis. Gen. Pl. 1: 92 (1891) Heterotypic Synonyms Acetosella geminata (Hook. & Arn.) Kuntze in Revis. Gen. Pl. 1: 92 (1891) Acetosella macropus (Phil.) Kuntze in Revis. Gen. Pl. 1: 92 (1891) Acetosella polyantha (Walp.) Kuntze in Revis. Gen. Pl. 1: 92 (1891) Oxalis chilensis R.Knuth in Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin-Dahlem 7: 304 (1919..