식물/들꽃-콤브레타과(Combretaceae )
Combretum rotundifolium Rich.식물/들꽃-콤브레타과(Combretaceae ) 2024. 1. 31. 16:30
국표에는 없다. Combretum rotundifolium, the monkey brush or monkey brush vine, is a plant species in the genus Combretum found in South America. Combretum rotundifolium contains acidic dammarane arabinofuranosides. The bright yellow/red flowers are the decoration of the interior where the color green is in abundance. When in blossom the flower buds will slowly burst open giving this exotic vine its 'm..
Terminalia prunioides M.A.Lawson식물/들꽃-콤브레타과(Combretaceae ) 2023. 5. 9. 13:01
국표에 없다. Terminalia prunioides, the purple-pod cluster-leaf or purple-pod terminalia, is a small African tree in the family Combretaceae. It is native to the eastern and south-central parts of the continent. Terminalia prunioides - Wikipedia Common Name Purplepod clusterleaf Plant Type Shrub Terminalia prunoides is a shrub or small tree that is often multi-stemmed and produces greenish-white flow..