두충- Eucommia ulmoides Oliv.식물/들꽃-두충과(Eucommiaceae) 2013. 12. 4. 12:34
두충 과명 Eucommiaceae (두충과) 속명 Eucommia (두충속) 전체학명 Eucommia ulmoides Oliv. 추천명 두충 이명 외국명 Eucommia ,トチュウ Eucommia ulmoides grows to about 15 m tall. The leaves are deciduous, arranged alternately, simple ovate with an acuminate tip, 8–16 cm long, and with a serrated margin. If a leaf is torn across, strands of latex exuded from the leaf veins solidify into rubber and hold the two parts of the leaf t..