Polygaloides paucifolia (Willd.) J.R.Abbott식물/들꽃-원지과(Polygalaceae) 2024. 11. 24. 16:39
국표에 없다.Polygaloides paucifolia, synonym Polygala paucifolia, known as gaywings or fringed polygala, is a perennial plant of the family Polygalaceae.DescriptionMature plants are 3 to 6 inches tall. Stems are smooth, slender and green. Leaves are clustered at the top, appearing to be whorled, but they are not. Leaflets are oblong to lanceolate—narrow at the base with a pointed tip. Leaves have an ..
Polygaloides chamaebuxus (L.) O.Schwarz식물/들꽃-원지과(Polygalaceae) 2024. 11. 18. 10:48
국표에 없다.Polygaloides chamaebuxus, synonym Polygala chamaebuxus, the shrubby milkwort, is an ornamental plant in the family Polygalaceae. Its flowers are solitary or in pairs in the leaf axils. The inner two sepals, the wings, are upright and white to yellow, sometimes pinkish or purple. The keel petals are bright yellow, aging to brownish-red or purple. It is native to the Alps and the mountains ..
Polygala paucifolia Willd.식물/들꽃-원지과(Polygalaceae) 2024. 10. 19. 19:13
국표에 없다.Easily mistaken for an orchid, this bright little jewel is always a delight to stumble across. A member of the Polygalaceae or Milkwort Family, this and fellow species in the genus Polygala produce compounds reputed to increase milk production in nursing mammals. In fact, Polygala is derived from the Latin “poly” meaning “many, much” and “gala” meaning “milk”. Ethnobotanical references to..
원지-[정명] Polygala tenuifolia Willd.식물/들꽃-원지과(Polygalaceae) 2024. 1. 3. 18:46
과명 Polygalaceae (원지과) 속명 Polygala (원지속) 전체학명 [정명] Polygala tenuifolia Willd. 추천명 원지 비추천명 실영신초,아기원지 외국명 Thin-leaf milkwort, イトヒメハギ 분포 중국, 러시아 아무르, 우수리, 몽골 등 / 한반도 중부 이북, 한국(경상북도 안동시, 영주시) 생육환경 우리 나라 기후에 알맞은 식물로서 전국 각지에 재배된다. 토질은 겉흙이 깊고 부식질이 많은 땅과 진흙땅이 좋다. 생육형 여러해살이풀 크기 높이 30cm 정도이다. 잎 잎은 어긋나기하며 길이 1.5-3cm, 나비 0.5-1mm로서 선형이다. 엽병이 없으며 다소 원형이고 가장자리에 톱니가 없고 끝은 뾰족하다. 꽃 총상꽃차례는 줄기와 가지의 끝에 발달하고 꽃이 드문드문 달..
Polygala alba Nutt.식물/들꽃-원지과(Polygalaceae) 2023. 5. 1. 07:25
국표에 없다.Polygala alba, commonly called white milkwort, is a species of flowering plant in the milkwort family (Polygalaceae).DistributionIt is native to North America, where it is found in Canada, Mexico, and the United States. In the United States, its range is concentrated in the Great Plains and the Southwest. Its natural habitat is in rocky or sandy dry prairies.DescriptionIt is an erect pere..
Monnina xalapensis Kunth식물/들꽃-원지과(Polygalaceae) 2022. 12. 28. 10:08
국표에 없다. Monnina xalapensis Kunth, Nov. Gen Sp. 5: 414. 1823; M. evonymoides Schltdl., Linnaea 14: 380. 1840; M. . Arbustos o sufrútices, 1–2 (–7) m de alto; ramas a veces huecas, el lumen pequeño, finamente puberulentas. Hojas elípticas, estrechamente elípticas u oblanceoladas, (2.5–) 3–11 (–15) cm de largo y 0.5–4 (–6) cm de ancho, ápice acuminado, base cuneada, ligeramente puberulentas, con 4–..
Polygala californica Nutt.식물/들꽃-원지과(Polygalaceae) 2022. 11. 13. 15:46
국표에 없다. Polygala californica is a species of flowering plant in the milkwort family known by the common name California milkwort. It is native to southwestern Oregon and northern and central California, where it grows in the coastal mountain ranges in local habitat types such as chaparral and forest. It is a perennial herb producing spreading stems, generally decumbent in form, up to about 35 ce..
Polygala myrtifolia L.식물/들꽃-원지과(Polygalaceae) 2022. 11. 9. 22:15
국표에 없다. Polygala myrtifolia, the myrtle-leaf milkwort, is an evergreen 2-4m tall South African shrub or small tree found along the southern and south-eastern coasts, from near Clanwilliam in the Western Cape to KwaZulu-Natal. It is a fast-growing pioneer plant, a typical fynbos component, and may be found on dunes, rocky places, along forest margins, beside streams, and in open grassland. It bel..