탈리눔 파니쿨라툼-Talinum paniculatum (Jacq.) Gaertn.식물/들꽃-탈리눔과(Talinaceae) 2022. 9. 15. 16:03
과명 Talinaceae (탈리눔과) 속명 Talinum (초화화속) 전체학명 [정명] Talinum paniculatum (Jacq.) Gaertn. 추천명 탈리눔 파니쿨라툼 이명 자금성세시화황제꽃하제란잎안개꽃열매안개 외국명 Talinum paniculatum (Jacq.) Gaertn. is the correct and accepted scientific name for this species of Talinum. It was described as such by Joseph Gaertner in De Fructibus et Seminibus Plantarum in 1791. It was first named and described as Portulaca paniculata by Nicholaus ..
Talinum calycinum Engelm.식물/들꽃-탈리눔과(Talinaceae) 2020. 7. 12. 19:12
Origin and Habitat: Central southern United States (Illinois to Nebraska, Colorado, Kansas, Louisiana, Missouri, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas and Arkansas). Altitude range: 100–1200 metres above sea level. Habitat and ecology: Talinum calycinum grows on exposed edge of sandstone cliffs, on rocky soils, rocks and glades. It is found growing both singly or in large colonies in the wild, lately it i..
Talinum fruticosum(L.) Juss.식물/들꽃-탈리눔과(Talinaceae) 2017. 12. 28. 17:20
자와인삼 Talinum paniculatum 쇠비름과(Portulacaceae)과 였으나 석죽목 탈리눔과로 Talinum paniculatum (Jacq.) Gaertn. 1791 not Moench 1794 nor Ruiz & Pav.1798 Talinum paniculatum is a succulent subshrub in the Talinaceae family that is native to much of the western hemisphere. It is commonly known as fameflower,Jewels-of-Opar(a name borrowed from the title of the novel Tarzan and the Jewels of Opar by Edgar Rice Burr..