피멜레아 페루기네아-[정명] Pimelea ferruginea Labill.식물/들꽃-팥꽃나무과(Thymelaeaceae) 2024. 12. 15. 17:07
Pimelea ferruginea, commonly known as pink rice flower or coastal banjine, is a species of flowering plant in the family Thymelaeaceae and is endemic to near-coastal areas of south-western Western Australia. It is a dense, erect shrub with elliptic to narrowly elliptic leaves and head-like clusters of pale to deep pink, tube-shaped flowers.DescriptionPimelea ferruginea is a dense, erect shrub th..
이월서향-[정명] Daphne mezereum L.식물/들꽃-팥꽃나무과(Thymelaeaceae) 2024. 12. 11. 12:45
Daphne mezereum, commonly known as mezereum, mezereon, February daphne, spurge laurel or spurge olive, is a species of Daphne in the flowering plant family Thymelaeaceae, native to most of Europe and Western Asia, north to northern Scandinavia and Russia. In southern Europe it is confined to medium to higher elevations and in the subalpine vegetation zone, but descends to near sea level in north..
노랑서향-[정명] Daphne jezoensis Maxim.식물/들꽃-팥꽃나무과(Thymelaeaceae) 2024. 9. 29. 09:56
과명Engler- APG Ⅳ- Thymelaeaceae (팥꽃나무과) 속명Daphne (백서향속)전체학명[정명] Daphne jezoensis Maxim.추천명노랑서향 추천명변경: 예조인시스서향 -> 노랑서향 ナニワズ(学名:Daphne jezoensis)はジンチョウゲ科ジンチョウゲ属の落葉小低木。別名、エゾナニワズ、エゾナツボウズ(蝦夷夏坊主)。オニシバリ Daphne pseudomezereum の亜種、カラフトナニワズ Daphne kamtschatica の変種、亜種とされる場合がある。特徴高さは50cmになり、全体に無毛で、太い枝がまばらに分枝する。葉は枝端に互生し、葉質は薄く、形は倒披針状長楕円形で長さ3-8cm、幅1-3.5cm、先端近くが幅広く、先端は円頭から鈍頭、基部は長いくさび形になり、同属のオニシバリより一まわり大きい。葉の縁は全縁..
Daphne bholua 'Jacqueline Postill'식물/들꽃-팥꽃나무과(Thymelaeaceae) 2024. 3. 4. 15:11
Daphne bholua 'Jacqueline Postill' The RHS Award of Garden Merit (AGM) helps gardeners choose the best plants for their garden. HS Plants for Pollinators plants This plant will provide nectar and pollen for bees and the many other types of pollinating insects. It is included in an evolving list of plants carefully researched and chosen by RHS experts. Divided into 3 groups these lists, linked be..
Daphne gemmata E.Pritz. ex Diels식물/들꽃-팥꽃나무과(Thymelaeaceae) 2024. 3. 2. 15:22
국표에 없다. Daphne gemmata is a shrub, of the family Thymelaeaceae. It is native to China, specifically Sichuan and Yunnan. Description The shrub is normally deciduous, and grows from 0.3 to 1.0 meters tall. Its yellowish brown or purplish branches are broom-like. It is often found on cliffs and dry sunny banks at altitudes of 400 to 1500 meters. Daphne gemmata - Wikipedia jewelled daphne A compact,..
Daphne 'White Queen'식물/들꽃-팥꽃나무과(Thymelaeaceae) 2024. 2. 22. 18:42
국표에 없다. daphne 'White Queen' A compact, bushy shrub to around 1.2m tall with dark green, semi-evergreen leaves and in early spring, loose clusters of fragrant, white flowers Botanical details Family Thymelaeaceae Foliage Semi evergreen Habit Bushy Potentially harmful TOXIC if eaten, skin irritant. Wear gloves and other protective equipment when handling Genus Daphne can be deciduous or evergreen..
삼지닥나무 '레드 드래곤'-[정명] Edgeworthia chrysantha 'Red Dragon'식물/들꽃-팥꽃나무과(Thymelaeaceae) 2024. 2. 22. 14:08
과명 Thymelaeaceae (팥꽃나무과) 속명 Edgeworthia (삼지닥나무속) 전체학명 [정명] Edgeworthia chrysantha 'Red Dragon' 추천명 삼지닥나무 '레드 드래곤' 비추천명 삼지닥나무 '아카바나' Paper Bush 'Red Dragon' Edgeworthia - Paper Bush - is a rounded shrub with lance-shaped leaves and globes of small fragrant tubular yellow flowers, each with 4 lobes, that appear before the foliage in early Spring. Will require frost protection. 'Red Dragon' bears g..
침향나무-[정명] Aquilaria agallocha Roxb.식물/들꽃-팥꽃나무과(Thymelaeaceae) 2024. 2. 3. 18:03
과명 Thymelaeaceae (팥꽃나무과) 속명 Aquilaria (아쿠이라리아속) 전체학명 [정명] Aquilaria agallocha Roxb. 추천명 침향나무 Aquilaria malaccensis is a species of plant in the family Thymelaeaceae. It is found in Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, also Thailand. It is threatened by habitat loss. The World List of Threatened Trees (Oldfield et al., 1998) listed Iran as one..