Cycas bougainvilleana K.D.Hill식물/들꽃-소철과(Cycadaceae) 2025. 3. 7. 13:00
국표에 없다.Origin and Habitat: Cycas bougainvilleanaSN|28872]]SN|31813]] is confined to near-coastal sites on Bougainville and New Britain islands of Papua New Guinea (Bismarck Archipelago, North Solomons) and also on other Solomon islands (South Solomons).Habitat and Ecology: This species is found in coastal and near coastal sites in calcareous coral sand dunes and in adjacent forests. Plants occur..
Zamia vazqueziiD.W.Stev., Sabato & De Luca식물/들꽃-소철과(Cycadaceae) 2023. 5. 30. 12:57
국표에 없다. 국표에서는 자메이카소철과, 플로리다소철과 가 없다. 소철과 속에 Zamia (자미아속)이 2종 있다. Zamia vazquezii is a species of plant in the family Zamiaceae. It is endemic to northern Veracruz state, in eastern Mexico. It is a Critically endangered species, threatened by habitat loss. There are only two wild populations with no more than a combined total of 50 individuals. Zamia vazquezii - Wikipedia Zamia vazquezii (Cycad) ..
자메이카소철식물/들꽃-소철과(Cycadaceae) 2022. 3. 2. 12:56
국표에는 소철과 2종이다. 재배식물 정명 Zamia furfuracea L. f. 멕시코소철 2011/12/08 재배식물 정명 Zamia pumila L. 자메이카소철 2011/12/08 repidozamia는 없고 Zamia 속만 있다. Zamia pumila, commonly known as guáyara in Spanish, is a small, tough, woody cycad native to the Greater Antilles. Z. pumila was the first species described for the genus and, therefore, is the type species for the genus Zamia and the family Zamiaceae This cycad c..
호페이소철-lepidozamia hopey regel식물/들꽃-소철과(Cycadaceae) 2022. 1. 2. 11:17
국표에는 없다. Lepidozamia is a genus of two species of cycad, both endemic to Australia.[1] They are native to rainforest climates in eastern Queensland and eastern New South Wales. They have a chromosome number of 2n = 18. Species Lepidozamia hopei (W.Hill) Regelnorthern Queensland Lepidozamia peroffskyana Regelsoutheastern Queensland, northeastern New South Wales A specimen of L. hopei is known as ..
멕시코소철식물/들꽃-소철과(Cycadaceae) 2017. 3. 6. 13:19
멕시코소철 멕시코소철 과명 Cycadaceae (소철과) 속명 Zamia (자미아속) 전체학명 Zamia furfuracea L. f. 추천명 멕시코소철 이명 외국명 Cardbpardpalm 멕시코소철 Palmifolium furfuraceum Kuntze Zamia furfuracea is a cycad native to southeastern Veracruz state in eastern Mexico. Although not a palm tree (Arecaceae), its growth habit is superficially similar to a palm; therefore it is commonly known as cardboard palm or cardboard cycad. Other nam..
소철-[정명] Cycas revoluta Thunb.식물/들꽃-소철과(Cycadaceae) 2013. 12. 4. 13:07
소철 소철 과명 Cycadaceae (소철과) 속명 Cycas (소철속) 전체학명 [정명]Cycas revoluta Thunb. 추천명 소철 이명 외국명 Sago Palm ,Japanese Sago Palm ,Japanese Fern Palm 소철 수배우체 암배우체 100년에 한 번 핀다는 소철나무 꽃, 소노캄 여수에 ‘활짝’ (msn.com) [평택=뉴시스] 소철 암꽃(왼쪽)과 수꽃 평택에서 소철 꽃 피었다, 다음번 개화는 20년 뒤 :: 공감언론 뉴시스통신사 :: (newsis.com)