Delphinium wellbyi Hemsl.식물/들꽃-미나리아재비과(Ranunculaceae) 2025. 3. 2. 12:28
국표에 없다.Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew 1907: 360 (1907) This name is reported by Ranunculaceae as an accepted name in the genus Delphinium (family Ranunculaceae).The record derives from WCSP (in review) (data supplied on 2024-06-04) which reports it as an accepted nameMorphologyFilaments definitely ciliated. Carpels 3, covered with a very dense silky indumentum. Flowers 4.5 cm. in diameter, sweetly scen..
바이칼바람꽃-[정명] Anemone baicalensis Turcz.식물/들꽃-미나리아재비과(Ranunculaceae) 2025. 1. 22. 16:41
Anemonastrum baicalense is a species of flowering plant in the genus Anemonastrum. It is native to forests, scrub, and grassy places at 500–3100 m. altitude in Siberia, Mongolia, northern China, and North Korea in Northeast Asia.Anemonastrum baicalense - Wikipedia Grass and Trees Jilin | Anemone-China Jilin Net (cnjiwang.com)https://youtu.be/fl_7KmgMhGM
지메르만할미꽃-[정명] Pulsatilla zimmermannii Soó식물/들꽃-미나리아재비과(Ranunculaceae) 2025. 1. 12. 15:06
Pulsatilla zimmermannii, also called Zimmermann's pasqueflower, is a species of flowering plant of the family Ranunculaceae.DescriptionP. zimmermannii is a herbaceous perennial which grows up to 30 cm with feathery leaves. It has dark purple flowers with yellow stamens and purple stigmas which bloom from March to April and last between 5 and 11 days.HabitatP. zimmermannii is a calciphile and mos..
가는잎할미꽃-[정명] Pulsatilla cernua (Thunb.) Bercht. ex J.Presl식물/들꽃-미나리아재비과(Ranunculaceae) 2025. 1. 12. 14:53
분포제주특별자치도해외분포중국, 러시아, 일본생육환경산기슭의 양지생육형여러해살이풀크기높이는 10∼30cm이다.잎잎은 기수우상복엽이다. 소엽은 5개이고, 밑부분의 소엽은 2∼5개로 갈라진다. 꼭대기에 갈라진 잎 조각의 끝은 뾰족하며 표면에 털이 없고 뒷면에는 명주실 같은 털이 있다.꽃꽃은 4∼5월에 피는데 종모양으로 밑쪽을 향한다. 꽃대는 길이 10∼30cm이고 그 윗부분의 총포는 대가 없으며 3∼4갈래로 갈라진 잎조각은 다시 줄 모양으로 갈라지고 겉에 털이 빽빽이 난다. 꽃받침조각은 6개로 긴타원모양이고 흰 털이 빽빽이 난다. 안쪽에는 털이 없으며 검은 적자색이다.열매열매는 수과로 좁은 달걀 모양이고, 흰 털이 나 있다.뿌리뿌리는 굵고, 땅속 깊이 들어가며 뿌리잎이 뭉쳐난다. 국가생물종지식정보시스템 > 식..
Clematis scottii Porter식물/들꽃-미나리아재비과(Ranunculaceae) 2025. 1. 12. 11:50
국표에 없다.Features and CharacteristicsClematis scottii, commonly known as sugar bowl clematis, is a non-vining bush clematis which typically grows in an upright clump to 12” tall and 18” wide. It is native to South Dakota, Wyoming, western Nebraska, Utah, Colorado, Oklahoma and New Mexico, but is particularly noted for its showy presence in open mountain woodlands, mountain meadows, thickets and ro..
렙토세팔라동의나물-[정명] Caltha leptosepala DC.식물/들꽃-미나리아재비과(Ranunculaceae) 2025. 1. 12. 10:30
Caltha leptosepala, the white marsh marigold, twinflowered marsh marigold, or broadleaved marsh marigold, is a North American species of flowering plant in the buttercup family. The species has regionally distinct variations.DescriptionThis is a perennial herb growing a mostly naked stem with leaves located basally. The leaves are up to 13 or 15 centimetres (5 or 6 inches) long and may have smoo..
아네모네 물티피다-[정명] Anemone multifida Poir.식물/들꽃-미나리아재비과(Ranunculaceae) 2025. 1. 10. 20:02
Anemone multifida is a species of flowering plant in the buttercup family known by the common names cutleaf anemone, Pacific anemone and globe anemone. It is a perennial herb native to northern North America from Alaska to New York and as far south as Arizona and New Mexico. It is also known from parts of South America.DescriptionThis is a perennial herb which is quite variable in appearance, es..
Thalictrum pubescens Pursh식물/들꽃-미나리아재비과(Ranunculaceae) 2025. 1. 9. 19:35
Thalictrum pubescens, the king of the meadow or tall meadow-rue, is a plant in the buttercup family, Ranunculaceae.DescriptionThalictrum pubescens is a herbaceous plant with alternate, pinnately compound leaves, on hollow, green stems. The flowers are white, borne in spring and summer.DistributionThe range of this plant includes most of eastern Canada and United States excluding Florida. Thalict..