Saltera sarcocolla (L.) Bullock식물/들꽃-Penaeaceae과 2023. 5. 19. 17:36
국표에 없다. Saltera sarcocolla belongs to the Penaeaceae, which is a family confined to the fynbos region. Despite interesting variations in plant and flower size, groupings and colour, there is only one species in the genus Saltera. Saltera sarcocolla is a medium-sized, sturdy, upright shrub producing strong stems coppicing from a persistent, woody, underground root-stock. It has an open bushy habi..
Penaea mucronata L.식물/들꽃-Penaeaceae과 2022. 11. 9. 19:00
국표에 없다. Penaeaceae-국표에는 없는 과다. A resprouting shrub, with branches coppicing from a woody base, triangular leaves and yellow to red flowers in spring and summer; found in fynbos, and common in frequently burned fynbos vegetation. Penaea mucronata is an erect or ascending, multi-branched shrub, with an average height of 300–800 mm, occasionally up to 1 m, depending on where it is growing. It tends..