Musa acuminata 'Red Dacca'식물/들꽃-파초과(Musaceae) 2023. 12. 8. 14:24
Red bananas are a group of varieties of banana with reddish-purple skin. Some are smaller and plumper than the common Cavendish banana, others much larger. When ripe, raw red bananas have a flesh that is cream to light pink in color. They are also softer and sweeter than the yellow Cavendish varieties, some with a slight raspberry flavor and others with an earthy one. Many red bananas are export..
황금연꽃바나나-Musella lasiocarpa(Franch.) C.Y.Wu ex H.W.Li식물/들꽃-파초과(Musaceae) 2021. 12. 28. 11:31
Musella lasiocarpa (syn. Musa lasiocarpa), commonly known as Chinese dwarf banana, golden lotus banana or Chinese yellow banana, is the sole species in the genus Musella. It is thus a close relative of bananas, and also a member of the family Musaceae. The plant is native to the Yunnan province in China, where it grows high in the mountains up to an altitude of 2500 m. It is known for its erect,..
여인초식물/들꽃-파초과(Musaceae) 2020. 3. 2. 11:58
여인초 여인초,旅人草,旅人木,旅人樹,여행자야자,나그네나무,부채파초,traveler's tree,traveller's palm,등으로 불린다. 여행자 나무 펼쳐진 가지사이로 물이 고이고 여행자가 여행하다가 그곳에 고인물을 마신다 하여 여행자 나무라 이름 지어졌다. 극락조화과(Strelitziaceae) 나무로 깊 잎자루와 깊은 녹색 잎은 바나나 나무잎을 닮았다. https://www.treeinfo.net/plant/view.php?ti_no=4373 40 Strelitziaceae 극락조화과 1 3 국가표준식목록구축시스템(nature.go.kr/kpni/stndasrch/faml/selectNtnStndaPlantFamlList.do#) 국표에서는 1속 3종으로 재배식물 정명 Strelitzia nico..
ensete ventricosum maurelii-red banana식물/들꽃-파초과(Musaceae) 2019. 9. 1. 21:22
ensete ventricosum maurelii 국표에는 없다. 1 Musa 파초속 14 2 Ravenala 라베날라속 1 국표에는 2속뿐이며 ensete속은 없다. Common Name: red banana Type: Herbaceous perennial Family: Musaceae Height: 8.00 to 10.00 feet Spread: 6.00 to 8.00 feet Bloom Time: Seasonal bloomer Sun: Full sun Water: Medium Maintenance: High Flower: Showy Leaf: Evergreen Fruit: ..
Musa ornata 'Roxburgh'식물/들꽃-파초과(Musaceae) 2019. 4. 1. 20:39
Musa ornata 'Roxburgh' 오나타 바나나' 록스버러' Description: [syn. M. rosacea of auth., not Jacq.] Cespitose, rhizomatous, tree-like herb with Pseudostems to 9 feet high, 4 inches in diameter, pale green and waxy, developing black blotches; leaves to 6 feet long, 14 inches wide, medium green and slightly glaucous, often red-flushed on midrib beneath; inflorescence er..
애기바나나-[정명] Musa acuminata Colla식물/들꽃-파초과(Musaceae) 2018. 8. 18. 18:52
애기바나나 Musa acuminata Colla 과명 Musaceae (파초과) 속명 Musa (파초속) 전체학명 [정명] Musa acuminata Colla 추천명 애기바나나 이명 외국명 Plantain 가는잎바나나->애기바나나 Musa acuminata is a species of banana native to Southeast Asia. Many of the modern edible dessert bananas are from this species, although some are hybrids with Musa balbisiana. First cultivated by humans around 10 kya (8000 BCE), it is one of the early examples of dom..
유나넨시스 바나나식물/들꽃-파초과(Musaceae) 2017. 5. 21. 12:29
유나넨시스 바나나 과명Musaceae (파초과)속명Musa (파초속)전체학명 musa yunnanensis Häkkinen & H.Wang추천명 유나넨시스 바나나 이명외국명 이명 정명 총 12종이 국표에 있으나 히 학명은 없다. Musa yunnanensis, commonly known as either Yunnan banana or wild forest banana, is a recently described plant in the banana and plan..
부채파초-[정명] Ravenala madagascariensis J.F.Gmelin식물/들꽃-파초과(Musaceae) 2017. 3. 21. 13:20
마다가스카리엔시스라베날라 과명 Musaceae (파초과) 속명 Ravenala (라베날라속) 전체학명 [정명] Ravenala madagascariensis J.F.Gmelin 추천명 부채파초 이명 외국명 Palm Traveler's; Traveler's tree Ravenala is a genus of flowering plants with a single species, Ravenala madagascariensis, commonly known as traveller's tree or traveller's palm, from Madagascar . It is not a true palm (family Arecaceae ) but a member of a monocotyledonous flowering..