Fremontodendron californicum Coville식물/들꽃-물밤나무과(Bombacaceae) 2022. 12. 10. 09:02
과명 Bombacaceae (물밤나무과) 속명 Fremontodendron (프레몬토덴드론속) 전체학명 [정명] Fremontodendron californicum (Torr.) Coville 추천명 프레몬토덴드론 칼리포르니쿰 이명 외국명 추천명변경: 칼리포르니쿰프레몬토덴드론 -> 프레몬토덴드론 칼리포르니쿰 Fremontodendron californicum, with the common names California flannelbush, California fremontia, and flannel bush, is a flowering shrub native to diverse habitats in southwestern North America. Fremontodendron californicum i..
케이바물병나무-ceibar insignis (Kunth) P.E.Gibbs & Semir식물/들꽃-물밤나무과(Bombacaceae) 2022. 1. 1. 15:17
Origin and Habitat: Ceiba insignis, sometimes still called by the synonym Chorisia insignis, is a deciduous tree native to South Ecuador (Loja), North Peru (Amazonas, Cajamarca, Piura, and San Martin), Argentina, Paraguay, and Bolivia. Habitat and ecology: Dry valleys with semi-deciduous, mainly xerophytic, woodland and savannas. Synonyms: Ceiba insignis (Kunth) P.E.Gibbs & Semir See all synonym..
Adansonia za Baill식물/들꽃-물밤나무과(Bombacaceae) 2021. 12. 30. 17:21
국표에는 없다. Adansonia za is a species of baobab in the genus Adansonia of the family Malvaceae (previously included in the Bombacaceae). It was originally named in French as anadzahé. Common names in Malagasy include bojy, boringy, bozy, bozybe, ringy, and za, the last of which gives the plant its specific epithet. Eight Adansonia species are recognized, with six endemic to Madagascar. Adansonia za..
바오밥나무-[정명] Adansonia digitata L.식물/들꽃-물밤나무과(Bombacaceae) 2017. 5. 3. 15:08
바오밥나무 과명 Bombacaceae (물밤나무과) 속명 Adansonia (바오밥나무속) 전체학명 [정명]Adansonia digitata L. 추천명 바오밥나무 이명 외국명 Dead-rat tree,Baobab,Monkey-bread tree Adansonia digitata (baobab) is the most widespread of the Adansonia species, and is native to the African continent. The long-lived pachycauls are typically found in dry, hot savannahs of sub-Saharan Africa, where they dominate the landscape, and reveal the pr..
파키라식물/들꽃-물밤나무과(Bombacaceae) 2016. 9. 17. 14:16
파키라 과명 Bombacaceae (물밤나무과) 속명 Pachira (파키라속) 전체학명 Pachira aquatica Aubl. 추천명 파키라 이명 외국명 Chestnut Guiana; Chestnut Water; Coca Wild; Provision tree Pachira aquatica is a tropical wetland tree of the mallow family Malvaceae, native to Central and South America where it grows in swamps. It is known by the common names Malabar chestnut, French Peanut, Guiana chestnut, provision tree, saba nut, mongu..