Calceolaria cypripediiflora Kraenzl.식물/들꽃-현삼과(Scrophulariaceae) 2025. 3. 10. 12:12
국표에 없다.Calceolaria cypripediiflora: The Slipper Plant MarvelCalceolaria cypripediiflora, commonly known as the Slipper Plant, is an enchanting member of the Calceolariaceae family. This captivating species, with its unique floral structures and vibrant colors, offers a glimpse into the extraordinary world of plant biodiversity. In this article, we will explore its growth habits, habitat, and eco..
Buddleja polystachya Fresen.식물/들꽃-현삼과(Scrophulariaceae) 2025. 2. 28. 15:25
국표에 없다.Buddleja polystachya is a multi-branched shrub or occasionally small tree endemic to the semi-arid highlands flanking the Red Sea in Eritrea, Ethiopia, Saudi Arabia, Somalia and Yemen, where it grows in secondary scrub or around forest, often along watercourses, at elevations of between 2,200 and 3,600 m; its range extends southward into the highlands of Kenya and Tanzania. The species wa..
방패꽃-[정명] Veronica serpyllifolia L. subsp. humifusa (Dicks.) Syme식물/들꽃-현삼과(Scrophulariaceae) 2025. 1. 16. 19:55
분포북부지방의 고산지대에 분포한다.생육환경높은 산의 다소 습한 곳에서 난다.생육형여러해살이풀크기높이 10~25cm이다.잎잎은 마주나기하고 엽병이 없거나 짧으며 달걀모양 또는 넓은 달걀모양이고 끝이 둔하며 밑부분이 둥글고 길이 1~2cm, 폭 6~13cm로서 희미한 낮은 톱니가 있다.꽃꽃은 7~8월에 피며 백색 바탕에 자주색 맥이 있고 총상꽃차례는 길이 5~10cm로서 꽃자루와 더불어 샘털이 산생하며 10~20개의 꽃이 드문드문 달리고 포는 피침형이며 꽃자루보다 짧다. 꽃받침은 길이 3mm로서 4개로 갈라지고 열편은 긴 타원형이며 끝이 둔하고 삭과와 길이가 거의 비슷하며 꽃부리는 지름 6~7mm이다.열매삭과는 타원형이고 폭 4~5mm이며 암술대는 길이 3mm 정도이다.줄기높이 10-25cm이고 원줄기는 옆..
펜스테몬 우닐라테랄리스-[정명] Penstemon unilateralis Rydb.식물/들꽃-현삼과(Scrophulariaceae) 2025. 1. 10. 12:41
One of the most familiar and beloved wildflowers in the Rocky Mountains is the so-called “one-sided penstemon”. True to its name, the plant has its flowers all on one side of the stem. You can read the Wikipedia article about this plant.Recently it crossed my mind that I had no idea why the plant goes to the trouble of keeping all of its flowers on one side of the step. So I surfed around a bi..
Eremophila nivea Chinnock식물/들꽃-현삼과(Scrophulariaceae) 2024. 12. 15. 19:34
국표에 없다.Eremophila nivea, commonly known as silky eremophila, is a flowering plant in the figwort family, Scrophulariaceae and is endemic to Western Australia. In nature it is a rare shrub with hairy branches and leaves, and blue, purple or violet flowers.DescriptionEremophila nivea is an erect shrub which grows to a height of between 0.8–1.6 m (3–5 ft). Its branches, leaves and sepals are covere..
참새외풀-[이명] Bonnaya antipoda (L.) Druce식물/들꽃-현삼과(Scrophulariaceae) 2024. 11. 23. 10:09
국표에 이명으로과명앵글러- Scrophulariaceae (현삼과) 속명Bonnaya전체학명[이명] Bonnaya antipoda (L.) Druce추천명참새외풀영문명Sparrow false pimpernel정명Lindernia antipoda (L.) AlstonBonnaya antipoda is a herbaceous perennial plant belonging to Linderniaceae family. It is native to tropical and sub-tropical Asia and Australia. DescriptionIt is a prostrate or diffuse herb usually rooting at nodes. Sub-sessile, hairless leaves are ..
큰자라송이풀-[정명] Chelone glabra L.식물/들꽃-현삼과(Scrophulariaceae) 2024. 11. 18. 18:16
과명앵글러- Scrophulariaceae (현삼과) 속명Chelone (자라송이풀속)전체학명[정명] Chelone glabra L.추천명큰자라송이풀영문명Turtlehead,Snakehead추천명변경: 글라브라자라송이풀 -> 큰자라송이풀Chelone glabra, or white turtlehead, is a herbaceous species of plant native to North America. Its native range extends from Georgia to Newfoundland and Labrador and from Mississippi to Manitoba. Its common name comes from the appearance of its flower petals, which ..