Satyrium odorum Sond.식물/들꽃-난초과(Orchidaceae) 2023. 5. 20. 08:05
국표에 없다.
Informationplant 1/2–2 ft. high; stems stout; leaves 3–5, suberect, ovate to elliptic-oblong, subobtuse, 3–8 in. long, 1 1/4–3 in. broad, somewhat fleshy; scapes 1 1/2–2 ft. high, with several spathaceous sheaths, the lower often somewhat foliaceous; spikes 3–6 in. long, usually somewhat lax, many-flowered; bracts ovate, acute, 1/2– 3/4 in. long; pedicels about 1/2 in. long; flowers medium-sized, light green, sometimes with dull purple tips to the segments, carnation-scented; sepals oblong, obtuse, 3–3 1/2 lin. long, the lateral spreading; petals spathulate-oblong, obtuse, narrower and rather shorter than the sepals; lip cucullate, broadly elliptic-oblong, 4–4 1/2 lin. long, with a broad and obtuse reflexed apex; spurs slender, curved, 7–9 lin. long; column curved, 3 1/2 lin. long; stigma oblong, obtuse or truncate, 2–2 1/2 lin. long; rostellum broadly oblong, with an obtuse crenulate apex, half as long as the stigma; capsule broadly oblong, 7–8 lin. long. nullDistributionCOAST REGION Cape Div.; Simons Bay, Wright, 138! Devils Mountain, Wolley-Dod, 393! near Rondebosch, 300 ft., Bolus, 4559! Cape Peninsula, 100 ft., Bolus in MacOwan & Bolus, Herb. Norm. Austr.-Afr. 157! Schlechter, 57! Muizenberg, Schlechter, 1555! Wynberg, Ecklon! Cape Flats, Pappe! 68! Ecklon!SOUTH AFRICA without locality, Bergius, Mund, Drège, 8291a! Zeyher, 1557! Harvey, 135! Prior! Rogers!Satyrium odorum in Global Plants on JSTOR
2 nectar spurs per flower
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