
  • Prescottia stachyodes (Sw.) Lindl.
    식물/들꽃-난초과(Orchidaceae) 2023. 5. 8. 10:32


    • Edwards's Bot. Reg. 22: t. 1915 (1836)
    • This name is reported by Orchidaceae as an accepted name in the genus Prescottia (family Orchidaceae).

      The record derives from WCSP which reports it as an accepted name (record 165259


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    General Information

    Prescottia stachyodes (Sw.) Lindl., Edwards's Bot. Reg. 22: sub t. 1915[anotado como 1916]. 1836; Cranichis stachyodes Sw.; P. cordifolia Rchb. f.; P. longipetiolata Schltr.; P. schlechteri Hoehne.

    Terrestres o raramente epífitas, erectas, hasta 65 cm de alto, foliadas. Hojas elíptico-lanceoladas, 15 cm de largo y 7 cm de ancho, agudas, el pecíolo terete, 13 cm de largo, con bordes cartilaginosos y serrulados. Inflorescencia una espiga multiflora, parcialmente revestida de vainas rojizas de hasta 5 cm de largo, la bráctea floral lanceolada, 8 mm de largo, aguda, las flores con el labelo verde oliva, los sépalos y pétalos verdes a rosados y fuertemente reflexos; sépalos 3 mm de largo o más largos, unidos basalmente y con las bases de los pétalos, fuertemente reflexos; pétalos linear-lanceolados, 3 mm de largo, agudos; labelo galeiforme, 2.5–5 mm de largo (incluyendo las aurículas basales de 0.5 mm de largo) y 4.5 mm de ancho, suberecto, con bordes fuertemente encorvados, carnoso-subgloboso, bordes laterales ligeramente lobados en el centro con los lobos superpuestos en posición natural; ovario 8 mm de largo, pedicelado.

    Común, en todo el país; 60–1450 m; fl feb–ago; Moreno 4993, 20920; México a Perú y Brasil, también en las Antillas. Esta especie se distingue por las varias hojas largamente pecioladas, lanceolado-elípticas, agudas en el ápice y superpuestas en la base, y por el labelo con un par de cornículos cortos en la base.

    Terrestrial herbs, up to about 1 m. tall. Leaves basal, long-petiolate, large, membranaceous, suberect; petiole up to about 25 cm. long, slender; lamina 8-22 cm. long and 3-16 cm. broad (those of Panamanian specimens large), elliptic or elliptic-oval to broadly oval, acute, acuminate or obtuse, margin often sphacelate. Inflorescence a densely flowered spike up to about 30 cm. long. Sepals 3-5 mm. long and 0.75-1.25 mm. broad, linear-oblong, obtuse, 1-nerved, strongly coiled, connate at their bases into a short tube. Petals 3-5 mm. long and 0.2-0.5 mm. broad, linear, obtuse, 1-nerved. Lip 4-6 mm. long, strongly concave or calcei- form, short-unguiculate, with a lateral callus on either side at the base, glabrous. Column about 2 mm. long.

    Hojas 1–7; pecíolo 7–27 cm; lámina 12–24 × 3.6–16 cm, oblongo-ovada a elíptico-lanceolada, cuneadao subcordada, aguda. Infl. 40–95 cm. Fls. verde pálido; sépalos ca. 3–4.3 × 0.8–1.3 mm, oblongos o lance-oblongos, circinados; pétalos 2.5–4 × ca. 0.6 mm, linear-lanceolados, circinados; labelo profundamentecóncavo, 3.5–5 × ca. 5 mm, subgloboso en posiciónnatural, con aurículas laterales basales.

    Terrestrial, glabrous herb of variable size, often >50 cm tall; roots numerous, fasciculate, fleshy, 3-7 mm thick. Leaves green to dark purplish green, basal, 1-4, slightly fleshy, erect-spreading; blades 8-15 x 4-7 cm, elliptic, acute to acuminate, entire to denticulate; petioles erect, 2.5-15 cm long. Flowers greenish white to greenish brown, in dense, erect spikes 4-16 cm long on scapes 25-50 cm tall; floral bracts lanceolate, acuminate, to 12 mm long. Sepals basally connate, reflexed-curled; dorsal sepal linear-lanceolate, 2.5 x 0.5 mm; lateral sepals ovate-lanceolate, acute, 3 x 1.7 mm; petals adnate to the sepaline tube, filiform, reflexed-curled, ca. 2 x 0.3 mm; lip green, pink, or strawcolored, basally auriculate, adnate to sepaline tube, 2.5-3.5 mm long, very thick and fleshy, ovate and deeply concave, forming a cavity around the short column; column basally adnate to sepaline tube, minute, 1.7 mm long; ovary subsessile, 4-6 mm long. Capsule erect, ellipsoidal, 6-8 mm long.

    provided by: [D].Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden

    Plants glabrous terrestrials of variable size, often more than 50 cm tall. Roots numerous, fasciculate, fleshy, 3-7 mm diam. Leaves green to dark purplish green, basal, 1-4, slightly fleshy; petioles erect, 2.5-20 cm long; blades erect-spreading, elliptic, acute to acuminate, entire to denticulate, 8-16 cm long, 4-7.5 cm wide. Inflorescences terminal, erect; scape 25-50 cm tall, mostly covered by sheathing bracts; spike 4-20 cm long, densely many-flowered; floral bracts lancolate, acuminate, to 12 mm long. Flowers greenish white to greenish brown, erect, nonresupinate, fleshy. Ovary subsessile, 4-6 mm long. Sepals basally connate, reflexed-curled; dorsal sepal linear-lanceolate, 2.5 mm long, 0.5 mm wide; lateral sepals ovate-lanceolate, acute, 3 mm long, 1.7 mm wide. Petals adnate to the sepaline tube, filiform, reflexedcurled, ca. 2 mm long, 0.3 mm wide. Lip basally auriculate, connate to sepaline tube, 2.5-3.5 mm long, very thick and fleshy, ovate and deeply concave, forming a cavity around the short column. Column basally adnate to sepaline tube, minute, 1.7 mm long. Fruits erect, ellipsoidal, 6-8 mm long.

    Prescottia stachyodes (Sw.) Lindl. (worldfloraonline.org)



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