Copiapoa grandiflora F.Ritter식물/들꽃-선인장과(Cactaceae) 2024. 10. 30. 15:26
국표에 없다.Origin and Habitat: Between Pan de Azucar to Cifuncho, Department of Taltal in the Atacama Desert of Chile. It is possible to find an interesting colony near Esmeralda.Altitude: 50 to 850 metres metres above sea level.Habitat: It grows in inland valleys and hill slopes. The climate is subtropical, but with moderate temperatures all year round: the lowest average temperature is 12,3°C - an..
Isolatocereus dumortieri (Scheidw.) Backeb.식물/들꽃-선인장과(Cactaceae) 2024. 10. 27. 11:08
국표에 없다.Origin and Habitat: Isolatocereus dumortieriSN|7939]]SN|7939]] is endemic to Mexico, where it is widely distributed. It occurs in the states of Aguascalientes, Federal District, Guanajuato, Hidalgo, Jalisco, Michoacán, Morelos, Oaxaca, Puebla, Querétaro, San Luis Potosí, and Veracruz.Habitat and Ecology: The species is found in xerophyllous scrub, tropical deciduous forest, grasslands and..
Lophophora diffusa (Croizat) Bravo식물/들꽃-선인장과(Cactaceae) 2024. 10. 27. 10:46
국표에 없다.Origin and Habitat: This is the southernmost population of Lophophora endemic of the of the state of Querétaro, México it grows only in a small area in the hight desert in a valley between Vizarron, Bucareli, and Toliman (Extent of occurrence about 300 km²). L. diffusa occurs at the south end of the range of the genus.Altitude: It grows at an elevations of 1,300 to 1,800 metres above sea ..
Strombocactus disciformis (DC.) Britton & Rose식물/들꽃-선인장과(Cactaceae) 2024. 10. 27. 10:32
국표에 없다.Origin and Habitat: Mexico (Quetaro, Hidalgo and Guanajuato), extent of occurrence approximately 4,500 km2. It occurs in 19 known localities, and is experiencing a decline in mature individuals due to illegal overcollection.Habitat: Strombocactus disciformisSN|2103]]SN|2103]] is reported in matorral on steep, limestone cliffs and slopes, mudrock (lutita) alluvial cliffs along stream beds ..
Mammillaria parkinsonii Ehrenb.식물/들꽃-선인장과(Cactaceae) 2024. 10. 27. 10:06
국표에 없다.Origin and Habitat: This species is endemic to Central Mexico, where it occurs in the state of Querétaro de Arteagaand into Hidalgo along the border of the Querétaro river. Extent of occurrence ca 2,500 km2Altitude: 1.200-2.400 metres over sea levelHabitat: Mammillaria parkinsoniiSN|20725]]SN|20725]] grows on lime rich soils and calcareous substrate in semi-desert areas characterized by w..
Echinocereus pentalophus ssp. pentalophus식물/들꽃-선인장과(Cactaceae) 2024. 10. 27. 09:40
국표에 없다.Plants in the Cactaceae, or Cactus Family, are almost all native to the Americas, and they occur widely in both North America and South America. Though some genera straddle both continents, most are found in either one or the other. One of those found only in North America is Echinocereus; plants in this genus are commonly referred to as “hedgehog cacti”. While some species of Echinocereu..
Opuntia azurea Rose식물/들꽃-선인장과(Cactaceae) 2024. 10. 26. 14:13
국표에 없다.Origin and Habitat: Mexico(Northern America) in Coahuila, Chihuahua, Durango, and Zacatecas. Big Bend region of Trans-Pecos Texas (USA).Type locality: Northeastern Zacatecas, Mexico.Atitude range: Around 600- 1900 metres above sea level.Habitat and ecology: Various substrates and habitats, desert to mountain grasslands and intermediate slopes. A potential threat to species of the genus Op..
Echinocereus enneacanthus Engelm. in Wisliz.식물/들꽃-선인장과(Cactaceae) 2024. 10. 25. 17:09
국표에 없다.Origin and Habitat: Echinocereus enneacanthusSN|7930]]SN|7930]] is common and wide-spread species occuring in central, north and north-east of Mexico (Sonora, Chihuahua, Durango, Nuevo León, Tamaulipas, San Luis Potosí, Coahuila and Zacatecas), New Mexico, and Texas.Altitude: (0-)600-1800 metres above sea level.Habitat: Chihuahuan desert scrub and grasslands, on mineral and sandy-loamy li..