
  • Mammillaria parkinsonii Ehrenb.
    식물/들꽃-선인장과(Cactaceae) 2024. 10. 27. 10:06

    국표에 없다.

    Origin and Habitat: This species is endemic to Central Mexico, where it occurs in the state of Querétaro de Arteagaand into Hidalgo along the border of the Querétaro river. Extent of occurrence ca 2,500 km2
    Altitude: 1.200-2.400 metres over sea level
    Habitat: Mammillaria parkinsoniiSN|20725]]SN|20725]] grows on lime rich soils and calcareous substrate in semi-desert areas characterized by warm-temperate and dry climate. It is severely fragmentation in small sub-populations and occurs in xerophyllous scrub and submontane matorral. Illegal collection and land use change are threats across the range of the species. This cactus is used as an ornamental, and is normally found elsewhere as propagated plants.

    Common Names include:
    ENGLISH: Owl's-eye Pincushion, Owl's-eye, Owl-eye cactus, Owl-eye pincushion
    FRENCH (Français): Yeux-de-hibou


    Description: Mammillaria parkinsoniiSN|20725]]SN|20725]] is a woolly, mound forming species, that, as it ages, tufts by dichotomic division forming compact bunches up to 60 cm in diameter (or more). This species is especially variable in spine length.
    Stem: Glaucous green, globose to shortly cylindrical up to about 15 cm tall, 8 to 15 cm wide, slightly depressed at apex, covered at the centre by a white wool;
    Tubercles: Spirally arranged, 8-10 mm long, 4-6 mm broad, pyramidal, with latex, axil woolly and silky.
    Areoles: At first with abundant white felt, becoming naked as they ages.
    Central spines: 2 (sometime 3-4 or rarely 5) usually bent downwards, rigid and whitish with dark brown tips, often purple red coloured on the new growth, the upper one, 4-8 mm long, the lower one up to 35 mm long often subulate.
    Radial spines: 20-30 (or more) white, thin and slightly bent, 4-6 mm long.
    Flowers: Diurnal, funnel-shaped, pale yellow with a central brownish or pinkish midvein, 12-15 mm long and in diameter, inner perianth segments apiculate; stigma lobes elongated. The flowers born in a circle close to the apex and originate from the areolae at the base of the tubercles. Flowers bud are surrounded by a mass of white wool.
    Fruits: Club-shaped, about 10 mm long, orange red to scarlet.
    Seeds: Pyriform, about 1,5 mm long, brown, edible.




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