Dendrobium Orchid Propagation Techniques나의 식물이야기 2019. 10. 29. 17:31
Dendrobium Orchid Propagation Techniques
Dendrobium (Orchidaceae) is a genus with more than 1,200 species and hybrid forms called "grexes." Thriving in tropical forests of southeast Asia and other tropical zones, dendrobium is epiphytic, meaning it clings to rocks or the bark of trees for support rather than growing in the ground. Dendrobium orchid culture is without soil as orchids absorb nutrients and moisture from the surrounding environment. Grow dendrobium orchid outside in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 10 and 11 or inside as a potted plant. As an epiphyte, dendrobium requires a humid atmosphere in bright but indirect light. Although dendrobium can be propagated by seeds, asexual propagation techniques are most often practiced by home growers.
Under low-light conditions, dendrobium plants produce new plants called "keikis." Keikis grow as offshoots from a node on the mother stem. These offshoots produce roots while still attached to the mother plant. Propagate dendrobiums by keikis by severing the stem 1 to 2 inches below the node and above the node after the keiki develops three to four roots. Plant keikis in a porous medium, such as composted fir bark. Keep new plants out of direct sunlight. Set pots on a tray of water with pebbles or marbles to keep the pot out of the water.
Asexual propagation by division of the rhizome involves severing the rhizome between sympodials, which are stem-and-leaf growths at the base of the plant. on many species pseudobulbs also develop with sympodials, providing nutrient and water storage. Use a sterilized knife or razor blade. Sever the pseudobulb from the old pseudobulb at the axis, making the cut close to the old pseudobulb. When there is no pseudobulb, cut the rhizome into pieces with at least one live eye, although three to four live eyes on each section is best. Place pseudobulbs or severed rhizomes on moist sphagnum peat in a low-light environment with good ventilation. Mist twice a day and keep sphagnum moist but not soggy. When new growth develops, move the new plants to their natural environment and pot.
https://homeguides.sfgate.com/dendrobium-orchid-propagation-techniques-25642.htmlPhalaenopsis spp.
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