
  • 하바롭스크 여행기-시베리아 횡단 열차->하바롭스크 역->레닌광장->향토박물관->아무르강변->우스벤스키사원->꼼소몰->아무르강 유람선
    나의 여행기 2020. 1. 31. 18:48

    하바롭스크 여행기

    시베리아 횡단 열차->하바롭스크 역->레닌광장->향토박물관->아무르강변->우스벤스키사원->꼼소몰->아무르강 유람선



    승무원의 노크에



    시베리아열차에서 처음 먹는

    아침 식사


    05시 40분

    아침이 제공되었다.

    준 것 다먹었다.

    알루미눔에 담긴 것이 좋았다.

    주식으로 생각되었다.

    밖은 아직 어둡다.


    밖을 보니 밝아 온다.

    열차안 화장실

    해가 뜬다.


    보이는 나무는 자작나무들이다.


    하바롭스키역에 도착했다.



    Khabarovsk railway station is a railway station in Khabarovsk, Russia, and an important station of the Trans-Siberian Railway.

    The first station building was built on November 1, 1897. It represented a typical one-story wooden building with an area of about one hundred square meters. In December 1921, it burned down as a result of the panic evacuation of parts of the People's Revolutionary Army of the Far Eastern Republic from Khabarovsk. A new one-story stone building in the Russian Revival architecture was built in November 1926, and the entire station complex was completed in 1935. The construction of the new building on the pre-revolutionary project - an exceptional case in the history of architecture of the Soviet period.[4] The station room for passenger service was insufficient. The building was designed to stay 700 passengers per day, but sometimes more than 1500 people used this station per day. The approach to the trains was carried out directly through the tracks, which, while simultaneously stopping several trains, created inconveniences. The project for the reconstruction of the station was sent to the Ministry of Railways in 1956, but this issue was not implemented. In 1963, the reconstruction of the station began, completed by 1966. The main station building was built a reinforced concrete two-story building in the style of functionalism. An underground pedestrian to go to platforms was built. In March 2000, reconstruction of building was begun, completed in 2007 - the two-story building was turned into a three-story building. As a result of the reconstruction, the building acquired a new architectural look - in the style of Russian modern. Reconstruction of the station complex cost more than 670 million rubles. Ten thousand people can use new station, and almost three million passengers a year.


    여기도 동상이네

    하바로프 동상

    Monuments of Khabarovsk

    Monument to Erofey Khabarov
    Pathfinder Erofey Khabarov meets city visitors on the Railroad square. Nothing can be said about the portrayal with Khabarov because there aren’t only the photographs of him but even not the description of his appearance in the archived documents. Khabarov is presented climbed on the mountain and looking in to the horizons of Amur. He has got a scroll of paper with the notes in his left hand and the right hand is holding a tail of the slipped down from the shoulder coat. on the face front of the postament there is an engraving “To Erofey Pavlovich Khabarov” and a bit lower there are words: In the day of the hundreds anniversary of Khabarovsk. 1858-1958”.
    The height of the sculptured figure is 4,5 meters and total height with the postament is 11,5 meters.


    17세기 중엽 러시아 탐험가 하바로프의 이름을 따서 도시 이름을 하바롭스크라고 하였습니다. 그리고 시베리아 횡단 열차 중간 기착지인 하바롭스크 기차역 앞에 미지의 개척자 에브로페이 하바로프가 방문객들을 맞이하고 있습니다. 그의 외양 묘사는 고문서, 초상화 등 어디에서도 전혀 존재하지 않기 때문에 이 기념비만이 그의 옛 모습을 그대로 간직하고 있다고 말해도 과언이 아닙니다. 기념비에는 하바로프가 절벽 위에서 고개를 들고 아무르 먼 곳을 바라보는 구도로 조각되어 있습니다. 왼손에는 두루마리 문서가 꼭 쥐어져 있고, 오른손은 어깨에서 흘러내린 겨울 외투의 옷자락을 꼭 쥐고 있습니다. 받침대 정면 돌에는 '에브로페이 파블로비치 하바로프 에게' 라는 글귀가 새겨져 있으며, 아래에는 '하바롭스크 시 100주년. 1858-1958'이라는 글귀가 새겨져 있습니다. 부조의 높이는 4.5m이며 받침대에서부터 전체 높이는 11.5m입니다.


    Monuments of Khabarovsk

    우리가 타고 다녔던 관광버스

    레닌광장으로 향했다.

    10분만에 도착했다.

    Government of the Khabarovsk Kra


    Lenin Square (Russian: Площадь Ленина) is a square in Khabarovsk, Russia. It is the second biggest square in Russia next to Moscow's Red square. It is located in the Central District and intersects with Gogolya Street, Turgyeneva Street, Karl Marx Street, and Glory Square, Muravyova-Amurskogo Street. Itbos currently the location for main city events and celebrations. 

    It was created in 1864 as Nikolaevskaya square. In 1917, it was renamed Freedom Square. In 1925, a monument to Vladimir Lenin was placed in the center of the square. In 1949, architect E. Mameshin developed a project for the planning and development of the square which included a modern medical university. In 1950, it was renamed Stalin Square and began to host International Workers Day and October Revolution Day civil/military parades for the first time. In 1957 the square was renamed Lenin square. In 1998 the square underwent a final reconstruction. 



    Fountain on Lenin sq in Khabarovsk.JPG
    Native nameПлощадь Ленина
    Former name(s)
    • Stalin Square (1917)
    • Freedom Square (1950)
    • Nikolaevskaya Square (1957)
    TypePublic square
    LocationKhabarovsk, Russia
    Coordinates48°28′48″N 135°4′18″E
    Construction start1864
    • 레닌 광장 
    • 스탈린광장(Stalin Square) (1917)
    • 자유광장(Freedom Square) (1950)
    • 니콜라에프스카야 광장(Nikolaevskaya Square) (1957)
    • Type: Public square
    • Khabarovsk, Russia


    왼쪽에 Far Eastern State Medical University가 있다.

    잘 정리된 사각형의 광장이다.

    광장의 비둘기가 난리다.

    팔에 와서 앉는다.

    배가 고픈 것 같다.


    Junker College Khabarovsk

    전기버스가 대중교통의 주요 수단이다.

    이곳에서 커피 한잔

    Яков Васильевич Дьяченко
    Памятник капитану Дьяченко в Хабаровске
    Дата рождения 21 марта (2 апреля) 1817
    Место рождения Полтавская губерния
    Дата смерти 26 марта (7 апреля) 1871 (54 года)
    Место смерти Залив Посьета
    Принадлежность  Российская империя
    Годы службы 18321871
    Звание полковник
    Командовал линейными батальонами на Амуре
    Награды и премии
    Орден Святой Анны III степени RUS Imperial Order of Saint Stanislaus ribbon.svg

    야코프 바실리예비치 디야첸코

    생년월일:1817년 3월 21일

    혹은 (4월 2일) 출생지:하바로프스크

    사망일:1871년 3월 26일 혹은 4월 7일

    사망지: 파울타브 지방의 소시에타 만

    서비스 연도:1832년 ~ 1871년

    계급:러시아 제국의 대령

    사령관님:아마르의 선형 대대

    향토 박물관 건너편 쉐브첸코 길에는 야코브 바실리예비치 디야첸코를 위한 청동상이 자리 잡고 있다. 함장 디야첸코는 1858년 5월 자신의 제 13 상비대대와 함께 아무르 강변에 상륙하여 하바롭스크의 주민 거주지를 건설했다. 기념비는 2008년 하바롭스크 150주년에 개축되었다.
    기념비의 설계자는 모스크바의 그리스도 구원 교회의 <표도르 도스토예프스키와 알렉산드르 2세>를 설계한 알렉산드르 루카뷔쉬닉이다.
    야코바 디야첸코 청동 조각상의 높이는 4m이며, 테루디에 푸른 가문비 나무와 황경피나무, 그리고 마가목등이 있는 4m의 화강암 받침대 위에 축조되어 있다. 기념비는 2백만 루블 가까이 되는 하바롭스크 시민들의 기부금으로 만들어졌다.

    Khabarovsk 향토박물관

    The Khabarovsk Museum of Regional Studies after N. I. Grodekov is one of the oldest museums in the Far East. It was founded on April 19, 1894. The present building of the museum was finished in 1900, and a 6100-kg stone turtle of Juchen was installed in front of the museum. The museum offers several permanent expositions of nature and history of the pre-Soviet and Soviet period. It has unique exhibits of the world value. Besides, you can see a collection of rocks, minerals and petrified remains of flora and fauna in the museum.


    The Museum of Regional Studies was opened on the initiative of the Priamursky department of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society in 1894. After renovation Museum was re-opened in 1995. It was named after N.I. Grodekov – the honored citizen of Khabarovsk, the governor-general of the Priamursky Territory, the explorer and the active creator of the museum reserves. In 2000 the Khabarovsk Museum of Regional Studies has been given the status of the scientific institution and the title "The best museum of the year 2000".

    The museum is a member of the Russian Committee of the International Council of Museums (ICOM). Nowadays the museum reserves include more than 328.438 thousand items. Many of them are exposed in 12 sections of the museum. Annually the museum is visited by 180.000 people. You`ll see different departments in museum: the Far Eastern Fauna and Flora Departments, the Ethnography Department, the History Department and others.

    겉 옷 을 갈아입고 관람하란다.


    향토박물관이라 했는데 향토가 국어의 향토와는

    다른 의미를 갖고 있는 것 같다.

    자연사,선사,역사,생활사를 포함하는 종합박물관이다.

    대한민국의 누구가 검증된 한복의 변천사를 이 곳에다

    기증하면 방문하는 한국 관광객에게

    큰 감동을 줄 것이라 생각하였다.

    전쟁 역사의 흔적들이다.

    아무르스키 동상

    니콜라이 무라비요프아무르스키는 동시베리아 지역 즉 극동지역의 총독으로 38세의 젊은나이에 당시 왕인 니콜라이 1세의 눈에 띄어 기용되었다. 네벨스코이의 협력으로 헤이룽 강(아무르 강) 하구(河口)에 니콜라옙스크를 건설, 헤이룽 강·사할린의 탐험을 권하였으며, 크림 전쟁 때 영국, 프랑스군에게 공격당한 캄차카 구원을 구실로 헤이룽 강 유역을 점령하고 태평천국의 난으로 고통을 받고 있던 청조(淸朝)를 위협하여 아이훈 조약을 맺어, 헤이룽 강 이북의 영유(領有)를 승인받았다. 그 공을 인정받아 아무르스키 백작이 되었다.
    이런 업적을 가진 인물을 기리고자 동상으로 만들어 세운것이 아무르스키 동상이다.


    Nikolay Muravyov-Amursky

    Nikolay Nikolayevich Muravyov-Amursky (also spelled as Nikolai Nikolaevich Muraviev-Amurskiy; Russian: Никола́й Никола́евич Муравьёв-Аму́рский; August 23 [O.S. August 11] 1809 – November 30 [O.S. November 18] 1881) was a Russian general, statesman and diplomat, who played a major role in the expansion of the Russian Empire into the Amur River basin and to the shores of the Sea of Japan

    The surname Muravyov has also been transcribed as Muravyev or Murav'ev. 

    Nikolay Muravyov was born in St. Petersburg. He graduated from the Page Corps in 1827. He participated in the Siege of Varna in the Russo-Turkish War in 1828–1829, and later in suppression of the November Uprising in Poland in 1831. Due to health reasons, he retired from the military in 1833 and returned home to manage his father's estate. However, he returned to active duty in 1838, as General Golovin's aide-de-camp, to serve in the Caucasus region. During one of the campaigns against the mountain people Muravyov was wounded.

    In 1840, Muravyov was assigned to command one of the sections of the Black Sea coast defense lines, during which time he participated in the suppression of the Ubykh people.

    Muravyov was promoted in rank to major-general in 1841, but had to permanently retire from the military due to illness. He transferred to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and was appointed as an acting military and civil governor of Tula province in 1846. Eager in his willingness to improve the province's state of affairs, he proposed to establish the governorate agricultural society. Muravyov was the first governor to propose Tsar Nicholas I to abolish serfdom; a motion signed by nine local land-owners. While the tsar did nothing about the petition, from then on he always referred to Muravyov as a "liberal" and a "democrat".



    The Amur River (Russian: река́ Аму́р, IPA: [ɐˈmur]; Even: Тамур, romanized: Tamur[citation needed]) or Heilong Jiang (Chinese: 黑龙江; pinyin: Hēilóng Jiāng, "Black Dragon River", IPA: [xéi.lʊ̌ŋ tɕjáŋ]; Manchu: ᠰᠠᡥᠠᠯᡳᠶᠠᠨ
    ; Möllendorff: sahaliyan ula/helung giyang; Abkai: sahaliyan ula/helung giyang, "Black River") is the world's tenth longest river, forming the border between the Russian Far East and Northeastern China (Inner Manchuria). The largest fish species in the Amur is the kaluga, attaining a length as great as 5.6 metres (18 ft). The river basin is home to a variety of large predatory fish such as northern snakehead, Amur pike, taimen, Amur catfish, predatory carp and yellowcheek, as well as the northernmost populations of the Amur softshell turtle and Indian lotus.

    Historically, it was common to refer to a river simply as "water." There are similar words for "water" or "river" in a number of Asiatic languages: e.g.mul ("water") in Korean, muren or mörön ("river") in Mongolian, and 水 midu > mizu ("water") in Japanese. The name "Amur" may have evolved from a root word for water, coupled with a size modifier for "Big Water". 

    The Chinese name for the river, Heilong Jiang, means Black Dragon River in Chinese, and its Mongolian name, Khar mörön (Cyrillic: Хар мөрөн), means Black River.




    The Dormition Cathedral of Khabarovsk (Russian: Градо-Хабаровский Успенский собор, Grado-Khabarovsky Uspensky sobor) is a Russian Orthodox cathedral. It is one of the largest churches in the Russian Far East, and was built in 2000-02 to a design by Yuri Podlesny, a local architect. 

    The five-domed church stands about 60 meters tall. Its design harks back to Konstantin Thon's design for the Annunciation Church in Saint Petersburg.

    The church contains a 19th-century copy of the Abazino icon of the Theotokos from a previous church on the site. That church was built in the 1890s and contained the marble tomb of Baron Andrei von Korff. It was demolished by the Communists in 1930.


    더블클릭을 하시면 이미지를 수정할 수 있습니다

    콤소몰 광장(Komsomol Square)

    Komsomolskaya Square Guide

    If you are looking for Komsomolskaya Square travel information, Expedia has you covered. When visiting the Khabarovsk area, Expedia can provide you with extensive Komsomolskaya Square information, as well as great savings on nearby hotels and flights! Let Expedia help inspire your next travel plans!

    Leave plenty of time for sightseeing tours - you wouldn't want to miss out on top attractions like this one and many more! And before you go, make sure to read Expedia's sightseeing & tourist guide, filled with all you need to know for the best Komsomolskaya Square experience possible. Expedia has more than 640,000 properties to browse but we make it easy with advanced search functionality.


    Komsomolskaya square, 1 Muravyova-Amurskogo str., Khabarovsk
        Komsomolskaya square is the second central square of the city is connected by the wide straight main road – Muravyova-Amurskogo street – with the V.I.Lenin square. It is stretching over the embankment of the Amur River. In the beginning the square was called Sobornaya, there was a big cathedral located there but in the 30s years of the last century the cathedral was demolished. In October 1956 twenty two meter high granite monument for the “Heroes of the Civil war in the Far East” was opened in the square.
        In 2002 on the place of the demolished in the 30s years cathedral the memorial church was built, the Khabarovsk-city Holy Assumption Cathedral church. Nowadays two squares Komsomolskaya and Sobornaya are united in to one architectural complex.



    Khabarovsk (Russian: Хаба́ровск, tr. Khabarovsk, IPA: [xɐˈbarəfsk] (About this soundlisten)) is the largest city and the administrative center of Khabarovsk Krai, Russia, located 30 kilometers (19 mi) from the Chinese border, at the confluence of the Amur and Ussuri Rivers, about 800 kilometers (500 mi) north of Vladivostok. The city was the administrative center of the Far Eastern Federal District of Russia from 2002 until December 2018, when Vladivostok took over that role. It is the largest city in the Russian Far East, having overtaken Vladivostok in 2015. As of the 2010 Census, its population was 577,441. It was previously known as Khabarovka (until 1893). Khabarovsk is the closest major city to Birobidzhan, which is a town and the administrative center of the Jewish Autonomous Oblast.


    17th-century Russian explorers

    In the mid-17th century, the Amur Valley became the scene of hostilities between the Russian Cossacks, trying to expand into the region and to collect tribute from the natives, and the rising Manchu Qing Dynasty, intent on securing the region for itself.

    Khabarov's Achansk

    Monument to Yerofey Khabarov in Khabarovsk.

    The Russian explorers and raiders of the 1650s set up a number of more or less fortified camps (ostrogs) on the Amur; most of them were in use for only a few months, and later destroyed. It is usually thought that the first such camp in the general area of today's Khabarovsk was the fortified winter camp named Achansk (Ачанск) or Achansky gorodok (Ачанский городок), built by the Cossacks of Yerofey Khabarov in September 1651 after they had sailed to the area from the upper Amur. The fort was named after the local tribe whom Khabarov's people called "Achans". Already on October 8 the fort was unsuccessfully attacked by joint forces of Achans and Duchers (who had good reasons to hate the Cossacks, due to their rather heavy-handed tribute-extraction tactics), while many Russians were away fishing. In late November, Khabarov's people undertook a three-day campaign against the local chief Zhakshur (Жакшур) (whose name is also known in a more Russian version, Zaksor (Заксор)), collecting a large amount of tribute and announcing that the locals were now subjects of the Russian Czar. Similar campaign was waged later in winter against the Ducher chief Nechiga (Нечига), farther away from Achansk. 

    On March 24 (or 26), 1652, Fort Achansk was attacked by Manchu cavalry, led by Ninguta's commander Haise, reinforced by Ducher auxiliaries, but the Cossacks stood their ground in a day-long battle and even managed to seize the attackers' supply train. once the ice on the Amur broke in the spring of 1652, Khabarov's people destroyed their fort and sailed away. 

    The exact location of Khabarov's Achansk has long been a subject for the debate among Russian historians and geographers. A number of locations, both upstream and downstream of today's Khabarovsk, have been proposed since Richard Maack, one of the first Russian scholars to visit the region, identified Achansk in 1859 with the ruins on Cape Kyrma, which is located on the southern (Chinese) shore of the Amur, upstream of Khabarovsk. The most widely accepted point of view is probably that of Boris Polevoy, who believed that Khabarov's Achansk was located in the Nanai village later known as Odzhal-Bolon (Russian: Оджал-Болонь), located on the left bank of the Amur, closer to Amursk than to Khabarovsk. one of his arguments was that both Khabarov's Achan (sometimes also spelled by the explorer as Otshchan, Отщан), and Wuzhala (乌扎拉) of the Chinese records of the 1652 engagement are based on the name of the Nanai clan "Odzhal" (Оджал), corresponding to the 20th-century name of the village as well. (The name of the clan was also written as "Uzala", as in the name of its best-known member, Dersu Uzala). 

    Polevoy's view appeared to gain wide support among the Russian geographer community; petitioned by the Amur Branch of the Russian Geographical Society, the Russian Government renamed the village of Odzhal to Achan in 1977, to celebrate its connection with Khabarov's raid. 

    As to the Cape Kyrma ruins, thought by Maack to be the remains of Achansk, B.P. Polevoy identified them as the remains of another ostrog - namely, Kosogorsky Ostrog, where Onufriy Stepanov stayed a few years later. 

    Qing Empire

    After the Treaty of Nerchinsk (1689), the area became an uncontested part of the Qing Empire for the next century and a half. Modern historical maps of the Qing period published in China mark the site of future Khabarovsk as Bólì (Chinese: 伯力). All of the middle and lower Amur region was nominally part of the Jilin Province, run first out of Ninguta and later out of Jilin City.

    French Jesuits who sailed along the Ussury and the Amur in 1709 prepared the first more or less precise map of the region. According to them, the indigenous Nanai people were living on the Ussury and on the Amur down to the mouth of the Dondon River (i.e., in the region including the site of the future Khabarovsk). These people were known to the Chinese as Yupi Dazi ("Fish skin Tartars"). 

    From Khabarovka to Khabarovsk

    Khabarovsk - residence of the governor-general of Eastern Siberia 1895

    In 1858, the area was ceded to Russia under the Treaty of Aigun. The Russians founded the military outpost of Khabarovka (Хаба́ровка),[citation needed] named after Yerofey Khabarov. The post later became an important industrial center for the region. Town status was granted in 1880; in 1893, it was given its present name. 

    In 1894, a department of Russian Geographical Society was formed in Khabarovsk and to found libraries, theatres and museums in the city. Since then, Khabarovsk's cultural life has flourished. Much of the local indigenous history has been well preserved in the Regional Lore Museum and Natural History Museum and in places like near the Nanai settlement of Sikachi-Alyan, where cliff drawings from more than 13,000 years ago can be found. The Khabarovsk Art Museum exhibits a rare collection of old Russian icons.

    In 1916, the Khabarovsk Bridge across the Amur was completed, allowing Trans-Siberian trains to cross the river without using ferries (or temporary rail tracks over the frozen river in winter).

    Soviet era

    After the defeat of Japan in World War II, Khabarovsk was the site of the Khabarovsk War Crime Trials, in which twelve former members of the Japanese Kwantung Army and Unit 731 were put on trial for the manufacture and use of biological weapons during World War II.

    Chinese Emperor Puyi, captured by Soviet troops in Manchuria, was relocated to Khabarovsk and lived there from 1945 up to 1950, when he was returned to China. 

    When Japan fell in September 1945 the United States reached an agreement with Stalin to build two U.S. Naval Advance Bases (Fleet Weather Centrals) in the USSR. The U.S built one 10 miles outside Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky on the Kamchatka Peninsula with the code name TAMA. The other was 20 miles outside Khabarovsk in buildings provided by the Soviets, code-named MOKO. For mail Khabarovsk was assigned U.S.Navy number 1168, FPO San Francisco. The American use of these two bases was short-lived.

    On 5 November 1956, the first phase of the city tram was commissioned. The Khabarovsk television studio began broadcasting in 1960. on 1 September 1967, the Khabarovsk Institute of Physical Education, now the Far Eastern State Academy of Physical Culture, opened. on 14 January 1971 Khabarovsk was awarded the Order of October Revolution. In 1975 the first stage of the urban trolley opened. In 1976 the city hosted an international ice hockey tournament with the ball for the prize of the newspaper Sovietskaya Rossia. In 1981 the Bandy World Championship was played in the city.

    Russian Federation

    In 1996, Khabarovsk held its first mayoral elections. Paul D. Filippov, whose candidacy was supported by Governor Viktor Ishayev, was defeated. In 1998, reconstruction of the central square of Khabarovsk was completed. In May 2000, President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, decreed that new federal districts be formed, and Khabarovsk became the center of the Far Eastern Federal District.

    In 2006, the Center for Cardiovascular Surgery, a high-tech medical center, was constructed according to a Russian national health project. In 2008, the train station was completely renovated, and the adjacent square was reconstructed to include fountains and an underground passage. In 2009, Khabarovsk hosted the EU-Russia summit. In 2010, the city hosted a meeting of the Great Circle of Ussuri Cossacks. on 3 November 2012, Khabarovsk was awarded the honorary title of "City of Military Glory".


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