
  • Musa ornata 'Roxburgh'
    식물/들꽃-파초과(Musaceae) 2019. 4. 1. 20:39

    Musa ornata 'Roxburgh'

    오나타 바나나' 록스버러'

    Description: [syn. M. rosacea of auth., not Jacq.]

    Cespitose, rhizomatous, tree-like herb with Pseudostems to 9 feet high, 4 inches in diameter, pale green and waxy, developing black blotches; leaves to 6 feet long, 14 inches wide, medium green and slightly glaucous, often red-flushed on midrib beneath; inflorescence erect, glabrous; female flowers in a single row, 3-5 in each of as many as 7 clusters, male bud top-shaped, acute, bracts more or less grooved, somewhat glaucous, pale pink, tipped with yellow, similar to darker within, usually only one lifted at a time, male flowers in a single row, 3-6 in each bract; fruit to 3.12 inches long, 0.75 inches in diameter, pale greenish-yellow with white pulp, seeds warty, black, angular-depressed, about 1/4 inch wide, 1/8 inch thick.


    Plant stooling freely ; pseudostems slender, 1-3 metres high, rarely much more than 10 cm. in diameter at base, upper parts at first pale green, heavily waxy, later developing black blotches.

    Leaf blades rather narrow oblong, up to 2 m. long, 35 cm. wide, truncate at apex, unequal-sided at base (one side rounded, the other more wedge-shaped), medium green on both surfaces, very lightly glaucous above, lightly so beneath ; midribs often flushed with red beneath ; petioles up to 60 cm. long, with definite margins (3 - 5 mm. wide) which are erect or slightly spreading above, clasping the pseudostem at base, not becoming scarious.

    Inflorescence quite erect ; peduncle 2 - 3 cm. thick, glabrous ; sterile bracts usually 2, the first a shortened foliage leaf with broadened and coloured petiole, the second a fully coloured true bract, up to 30 cm. long ; basal flowers female, the number of female " hands " varying up to about 7, upper flowers male.

    Female flowers 3 - 5 per bract, in a single row ; ovary 4 cm. long, green ; compound tepal 3.5 cm. long, deep orange-yellow, its lateral lobes ovate, 5 mm. long, with a minute dorsal appendage or none ; free tepal 3 cm. long, translucent white, ovate-oblong, with a rather obtuse yellow acumen ; staminodes one-third to one-half the length of the style ; style green, about 3 cm. long.

    Male bud in advanced blooming top-shaped, acute, the bracts convolute or slightly imbricate at the tip. Bracts pale pink outside, yellow at the extreme tip, sulcate, slightly glaucous, the inner surface shining, of the same colour or slightly darker. Bracts lanceolate, the first about 10 cm. long, 5 cm. wide, those produced in very advanced blooming, much smaller. Usually only one bract lifted at a time (occasionally two) ; bracts soon deciduous, not revolute on fading.

    Male flowers 3 - 5 per bract in a single row ; compound tepal 3.5 - 4 cm. long, deep orange in the upper half paling to nearly white at base, its lobes similar to those of the female flower ; free tepal 3 - 3.5 cm. long, 1 cm. wide, oblong, with an acute acumen ; stamens at first as long as the free tepal, at length slightly exserted, their filaments longer than the anthers, the anthers purple.

    Fruit bunch compact, the " fingers " strongly inflexed to stand nearly parallel with the rachis. Individual fruit 6 - 8 cm. long, 1.5 - 2 cm. in diameter, obscurely 4 - 5-angled, rounded at base to a short (5 - 7 mm.) pedicel, narrowed at apex into a short, broad, truncate acumen, which is rather sharply 4-sided at maturity. Pericarp about 1 mm. thick, pale somewhat greenish yellow at full ripeness ; pulp white. Seeds black, warty, irregularly angulate-depressed, 5 mm. across and 3 mm. high.


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