
  • 마디풀과
    나의 식물이야기 2018. 3. 17. 00:38


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    21 Polygonaceae 마디풀과 32 576

    국표에서 무려 32속 576종이라고

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    에서 찾았다.

    The Polygonaceae are a family of flowering plants known informally as the knotweed family or smartweed—buckwheat family in the United States. The name is based on the genus Polygonum, and was first used by Antoine Laurent de Jussieu in 1789 in his book, Genera Plantarum. The name refers to the many swollen nodes the stems of some species have. It is derived from Greek; poly means many and goni means knee or joint.

    The Polygonaceae comprise about 1200 species distributed into about 48 genera. The largest genera are Eriogonum (240 species), Rumex (200 species), Coccoloba (120 species), Persicaria (100 species) and Calligonum (80 species). The family is present worldwide, but is most diverse in the North Temperate Zone.

    Several species are cultivated as ornamentals. A few species of Triplaris provide lumber. The fruit of the sea grape (Coccoloba uvifera) is eaten, and in Florida, jelly is made from it and sold commercially. The seeds of two species of Fagopyrum, known as buckwheat (sarrasin in French), provide grain (its dark flour is known as blé noir (black wheat) in France). The petioles of rhubarb (Rheum rhabarbarum and hybrids) are a food item. The leaves of the common sorrel (Rumex acetosa) are eaten in salads or as a leaf vegetable.

    Polygonaceae contain some of the worst weeds, including species of Persicaria, Emex, Rumex, and Polygonum, such as Japanese knotweed.

    [마디풀과석죽목에 속하는 쌍떡잎식물이다. 43개 속에 약 1100종이 있다.

    주로 북반구온대에 널리 분포하고 있지만 열대에서 자라는 것도 있다. 한국에서는 마디풀·수영·참소루쟁이·닭의덩굴·범꼬리·여뀌·메밀·며느리배꼽··개싱아 등 11속 58종이 분포하고 있다. 대부분 풀이지만 드물게는 나무가 되는 것도 있으며, 잎은 단순한 모양으로 마주나거나 어긋나는데, 잎자루의 아랫 부분은 꼬투리가 된 턱잎과 합쳐져 있다. 꽃은 작고 방사대칭이며, 대부분 양성화이지만 종류에 따라서는 단성화인 것도 있다. 일반적으로, 총상·수상 꽃차례 또는 두상꽃차례를 이룬다. 꽃덮이는 녹색·흰색 또는 분홍색을 띠며, 3~6갈래로 나뉘어 있어, 이들이 기와 모양으로 겹쳐지면서 1줄 또는 2줄로 배열되어 있다. 이와 같은 꽃덮이는 열매가 익을 때까지 남아 있는데, 종종 날개 모양으로 발달되어 열매를 퍼뜨리는 데 큰 역할을 한다. 이때 날개 뒷면에 혹이 있는 것도 있다. 수술은 6~9개로, 보통 안팎의 2줄로 늘어서며, 수술대는 서로 떨어져 있거나 또는 아랫부분이 붙어 있다. 이때 안줄에 있는 꽃밥은 바깥쪽으로 벌어지고, 바깥줄에 있는 것은 안쪽으로 벌어진다. 암술은 1개가 존재하는데, 그 아랫 부분에는 고리 모양이나 화반 모양의 꿀샘이 있다. 씨방은 상위로, 편평하거나 3개의 모서리가 있으며, 2~4개의 심피가 1개의 방을 이루고 있다. 한편, 그 안의 아랫 부분에는 1개의 밑씨가 곧게 서 있다. 열매는 수과로 벌어지지 않는다.]

    Most Polygonaceae are perennial herbaceous plants with swollen nodes, but trees, shrubs and vines are also present. The leaves of Polygonaceae are simple, and arranged alternately on the stems. Each leaf has a peculiar pair of fused, sheathing stipules known as an ochrea. Those species that do not have the nodal ocrea can be identified by their possession of involucrate flower heads. The flowers are normally bisexual, small, and actinomorphic, with a perianth of three to six sepals. After flowering, the sepals often become thickened and enlarged around the developing fruit. Flowers lack a corolla and in some, the sepals are petal-like and colorful. The androecium is composed of three to eight stamens that are normally free or united at the base. The ovary consists of three united carpels that form a single locule, which produces only one ovule. The ovary is superior with basal or free-central placentation. The gynoecium terminates in 1 to 3 styles, each of which ends in a single stigma.

    ochrea->줄기를 둘러싼 탁엽

    마디풀과는 맞는 듯

    제일 많은 속이 Eriogonum (240 species)이다.

    이들은 buckwheat이 기본이다(다수).


    마디풀과의 1년생초인 메밀(Fagopyrum esculentum/F. sagittatum)과 그 유사종인 파고피룸 타타리쿰(F. tataricum).

    Buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum), also known as common buckwheat, Japanese buckwheat and silverhull buckwheat, is a plant cultivated for its grain-like seeds and as a cover crop. A related and more bitter species, Fagopyrum tataricum, a domesticated food plant common in Asia, but not as common in Europe or North America, is also referred to as buckwheat.

    Despite the name, buckwheat is not related to wheat, as it is not a grass. Instead, buckwheat is related to sorrel, knotweed, and rhubarb. Because its seeds are eaten and rich in complex carbohydrates, it is referred to as a pseudocereal. The cultivation of buckwheat grain declined sharply in the 20th century with the adoption of nitrogen fertilizer that increased the productivity of other staples.


    Fagopyrum tataricum, also known as Tartary buckwheat, green buckwheat, ku qiao, or bitter buckwheat, is a domesticated food plant in the genus Fagopyrum in the family Polygonaceae. With another species in the same genus, common buckwheat, it is often counted as a cereal, but unlike the true cereals the buckwheats are not members of the grass family. Thus, they are not related to true wheat. Tartary buckwheat is more bitter and contains more rutin than common buckwheat. It also contains quercitrin. Rutin and quercitrin have been proven effective in detoxification, especially in prevention of liver damage or liver inflammatory injury. 

    Tartar buckwheat was domesticated in east Asia and is also cultivated in Europe and North America. While it is an unfamiliar food in the West, it is common in the Himalayan region today, as well as other regions in Southwest China such as Sichuan province.

    The plant has been cultivated in many parts of the world; however, when found among other crops it is considered a weed.

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    꽃봉오리 보아

    Persicaria 속(개여뀌속) 이 아닐까?

    Persicaria is a genus of herbaceous flowering plants in the knotweed family, Polygonaceae. Plants of the genus are known commonly as knotweeds or smartweeds. It has a cosmopolitan distribution, with species occurring nearly worldwide. The genus was segregated from Polygonum.
    The genus includes annual and perennial herbs with taproots or fibrous root systems, or with rhizomes or stolons. The stems are often erect but may be prostrate along the ground, and some species are prickly.The stems are self-supporting or twining and climbing. The leaves are alternately arranged, deciduous, and variously shaped. The brownish or reddish ochrea may be leathery to papery. The inflorescence may be a panicle or a spikelike or headlike arrangement of fascicles of flowers. The flower is white, greenish, reddish, or purple, with the tepals partially fused together along the bases. The fruit is an achene which can take a number of shapes, including a disc or a sphere.

    Persicaria 속을 검색했으나 아직 찾지 못했다.

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