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인터넷 검색에서 여염옥의 학명을 찾았다.
1.Haworthia truncata라고 [ http://m.xplant.co.kr/shop/item.php?it_id=1481163871]에서
Haworthia (하워티아속)은 백합과이니 오기로 보인다.NO2.Oroya neoperuviana minima '[여염옥(麗髥玉)]'3.Oroya neoperuviana[여염옥(麗髥玉)][http://www.cactus.or.kr/cacti_sc.htm]4.여염옥 [Oroya gibbosa]
5.Oroya neoperuviana[http://www.simpol.co.kr/front/productdetail.php?productcode=004025000002765171&NaPm=ct%3Dj9xkdwsg%7Cci%3Da00ffad9791eb41eb9992dcc2f4930e429dd1190%7Ctr%3Dsls%7Csn%3D249448%7Chk%3D2293c1b5903fd4375096a409afa2ac0ef8c5dfbc]2,3,4,5로 보면 Oroya 속이다.Oroya neoperuviana minima '[여염옥(麗髥玉)]'은 구글 검색에서 검색이 되지 않고Oroya peruviana minima '[여염옥(麗髥玉)]'으로 검색이 된다.Oroya neoperuviana[여염옥(麗髥玉)][http://www.cactus.or.kr/cacti_sc.htm]도 구글에서 검색이 않되고Oroya peruviana로 검색된다.
Oroya gibbosa를 구글에서 검색하면Accepted Scientific Name: Oroya peruviana Britton & Rose
3: 102. 1922 [12 Oct 1922로Oroya peruviana Britton & Rose로이상으로 보면 학명으Oroya peruviana Britton & Rose로 보아야이 학명도 국가표준식물목록에는 없다.Oroya peruviana Britton & Rose=Oroya neoperuviana Britton & Rose로 보아야 하지 않을까?Oroya peruviana Britton & Rose를 검색하면Oroya neoperuviana
Kaktus-ABC [Backeb. & Knuth] 282, 416. 1936 [12 Feb 1936]= Oroya peruviana var. neoperuviana (Backeb.) SlabaKaktusy (Brno) Kaktusy (Brno) 21(1): 7 (1985) cf. Repert. Pl. Succ. (I.O.S.), 36: 8 (1985 publ. 1986)Accepted Scientific Name: Oroya peruviana Britton & Rose
3: 102. 1922 [12 Oct 1922]Description: Oroya peruviana is a variable species with (usually) solitary slow-growing flattened stem, that eventually becomes shortly columnar. up to 20 cm in diameter, 30 cm tall. The spines are also variable, more or less pectinated and range in colour from pale yellow to brown.
The flowers are small pink with a yellowish centres, in dense clusters at the plant apexes and open in the summer, sometimes in a ring.. They are followed by red, hollow berries.
The so called forma "neoperuviana" is up to about 40 cm. tall and 25 cm. wide, with 24-40 ribs, the spines are pectinated, yellowish to straw-yellow. The flowers are produced in a ring around the crown of the plant in spring, they are orange-red.
Remarks: Oroyas grow, as the Oreocereus do, in the high mountains of the Andes. The globular bodies often sit deep in the ground. The spines are very varied in form and color.Subspecies, varieties, forms and cultivars of plants belonging to the Oroya peruviana groupOroya peruviana Britton & Rose: is a variable species with (usually) solitary slow-growing flattened stem up to 20 cm in diameter. The spines are also variable, more or less pectinated and range in colour from pale yellow to brown.
Oroya peruviana f. cristata hort.: crested form. Garden origin (Nursery produced cultivar)
Oroya peruviana var. depressa (Rauh & Backeb.) Rauh & Backeb. in Rauh: has very flattened (depressed) stem, growing slowly to 20 cm. across. Diastribution: Apurimac region (Totorabamba, Andahuaylas, Kishuara), Peru.
Oroya peruviana var. gibbosa F.Ritter: Plant with few spines and ribs notched and forming noticeable tubercles.
Oroya peruviana var. minima Kníže: it is a freely offseting clone known in cultivation only. In age forms clump up to 15 cm in diameter with up to 100 heads (or more).
Oroya peruviana var. neoperuviana (Backeb.) Slaba: Up to about 40 cm. tall and 25 cm. wide, with 24-40 ribs, spines pectinated, yellowish to straw-yellow. Flowers orange-red, produced in a ring around the crown of the plant in spring.
1.Oroya borchersii[모운각(暮雲閣), 박운각(薄雲閣)]Origin and Habitat: Oroya borchersii is endemic to Peru’s Áncash region (Cordillera Blanca and Cordillera Negra), northern Peru, where it grows in dispersed areas in the Santa river catchment. Oroya borchersii has a wide range and is very common.
Altitude range: 3,900 to 4,300 metres above sea levelSynonymsEchinocactus borchersii Boed.Description: Oroya borchersii is a solitary or clustering, globular cactus about 20 cm in diameter which is completely covered with thin yellow spines. It is one of the most beautiful species of the genus, and can be described without exaggeration as a jewel of the Peruvian flora. The plants has many ribs, elongate areoles, and pectinately arranged spines. Notable with O. borchersii is the central inflorescence. The small yellow-green or yellow flowers are rarely produced in cultivation.
Stems: Globose to short cylindrical 12-32 cm tall, 15-22 cm in diameter. As younger plants O. borchersii set close pressed against the ground and are depressed globular. As the plants become older, they exhibit a tendency to extend in height, whereby the bottom becomes more or less corky.
Ribs: Numerous, 12-30. The ribs are completely hidden behind the spines.
Areoles: Elongate ,brown
Spines: Fine, yellowish to reddish brown, pectinately arranged barely differentiated as centrals and radial 2-2.5 cm long. Radial spines 25-30, thin and needle-like to bristly. Central spines 1-3. The oldest spines at the base of the stem become grey to black with age.http://www.llifle.com/Encyclopedia/CACTI/Family/Cactaceae/1500/Oroya_borchersii2.Oroya gibbosa[구염옥(久髥玉), 기왕환(妓王丸)]Oroya gibbosa
2-1 Oroya laxiareolata[극미환(極美丸_玉)]
Oroya laxiareolata
Descr. Cact. Nov. 32. 1956Accepted Scientific Name: Oroya peruviana Britton & Rose3: 102. 1922 [12 Oct 1922]SynonymsOroya subocculta var. laxiareolata (Rauh & Backeb.) Slabahttp://www.llifle.com/Encyclopedia/CACTI/Family/Cactaceae/1498/Oroya_laxiareolata2-2 Oroya neoperuviana[여염옥(麗髥玉)],Oroya neoperuviana
Kaktus-ABC [Backeb. & Knuth] 282, 416. 1936 [12 Feb 1936]= Oroya peruviana var. neoperuviana (Backeb.) SlabaKaktusy (Brno) Kaktusy (Brno) 21(1): 7 (1985) cf. Repert. Pl. Succ. (I.O.S.), 36: 8 (1985 publ. 1986)Accepted Scientific Name: Oroya peruviana Britton & Rose
3: 102. 1922 [12 Oct 1922]Description: Oroya peruviana is a variable species with (usually) solitary slow-growing flattened stem, that eventually becomes shortly columnar. up to 20 cm in diameter, 30 cm tall. The spines are also variable, more or less pectinated and range in colour from pale yellow to brown.
The flowers are small pink with a yellowish centres, in dense clusters at the plant apexes and open in the summer, sometimes in a ring.. They are followed by red, hollow berries.
The so called forma "neoperuviana" is up to about 40 cm. tall and 25 cm. wide, with 24-40 ribs, the spines are pectinated, yellowish to straw-yellow. The flowers are produced in a ring around the crown of the plant in spring, they are orange-red.
Remarks: Oroyas grow, as the Oreocereus do, in the high mountains of the Andes. The globular bodies often sit deep in the ground. The spines are very varied in form and color.Subspecies, varieties, forms and cultivars of plants belonging to the Oroya peruviana groupOroya peruviana Britton & Rose: is a variable species with (usually) solitary slow-growing flattened stem up to 20 cm in diameter. The spines are also variable, more or less pectinated and range in colour from pale yellow to brown.
Oroya peruviana f. cristata hort.: crested form. Garden origin (Nursery produced cultivar)
Oroya peruviana var. depressa (Rauh & Backeb.) Rauh & Backeb. in Rauh: has very flattened (depressed) stem, growing slowly to 20 cm. across. Diastribution: Apurimac region (Totorabamba, Andahuaylas, Kishuara), Peru.
Oroya peruviana var. gibbosa F.Ritter: Plant with few spines and ribs notched and forming noticeable tubercles.
Oroya peruviana var. minima Kníže: it is a freely offseting clone known in cultivation only. In age forms clump up to 15 cm in diameter with up to 100 heads (or more).
Oroya peruviana var. neoperuviana (Backeb.) Slaba: Up to about 40 cm. tall and 25 cm. wide, with 24-40 ribs, spines pectinated, yellowish to straw-yellow. Flowers orange-red, produced in a ring around the crown of the plant in spring.
2-3Oroya subocculta[은염옥(金/銀髥玉)]
Oroya suboccultaDescr. Cact. Nov. 32. 19563: 102. 1922 [12 Oct 1922]http://www.llifle.com/Encyclopedia/CACTI/Family/Cactaceae/1516/Oroya_subocculta교배종 1. Oroya peruviana v. baumannii [바우마니]Oroya peruviana var. minima n.n.
Accepted Scientific Name: Oroya peruviana Britton & Rose
3: 102. 1922 [12 Oct 1922]
Origin and Habitat: The var. "minima" (caespitosa) is a name that has appeared in some lists of seeds, but is not validly recognized by botanists.Synonyms2.Oroya peruviana[채염옥(彩髥玉), 미염옥(美髥玉)]Oroya peruvianaOrigin and Habitat: Widespread in the Central Peruvian Andes at high elevations from Oroya to CuzcoSynonymsEchinocactus peruvianus K.Schum.
Description: Oroya peruviana is an extremely variable slow-growing perennial cactus species that grows, as the Oreocereus do, in the high mountains of the Andes. It is (usually) solitary but may produce small clumps with age. The spines are very varied in form and colour and often appressed against the plant body in a manner reminiscent of a bird's nest. Some specimens of this species bloom very profusely.
Root: Tuberous.
Stem: Depressed globose or hemispheric and deep-seated in the ground, that eventually becomes shortly columnar, much-ribbed, 10-14(-20) cm broad and 5-25(-30) cm tall. Epidermis bright green to blue-green.
Ribs: 12-35 (usually 21), low, obtuse, divided into low tubercles.
Areoles: Long, narrow 8 to 12 mm long, whitish, closely set, very woolly, on the extremity of a groove in the tip of tubercles.
Spines: Ranging in colour from pale yellow, to orangish, to coppery gold to brown with darker bases and reddish tips , barely distinguishable as centrals and radials.
Radial spines: 15 to 20, variable, more or less pectinated, slightly curved inward, unequal, the longer ones about 2 cm long (usually less than 1,5 cm long).
Central spines: Sometimes as many as 6, but often wanting, a little longer and stouter than the laterals and usually reddish-brown in colour.http://www.llifle.com/Encyclopedia/CACTI/Family/Cactaceae/1494/Oroya_peruviana2차 교배종 1.◐ Oroya neoperuviana v. elegans [수염옥(粹髥玉)]http://www.llifle.com/에서 위 학명으로 검색이 되지 않았다.2.◐ Oroya neoperuviana v. ferruginea [훈염옥(勳髥玉_暗色刺)]
http://www.llifle.com/에서 위 학명으로 검색이 되지 않았다.
3.◐ Oroya neoperuviana v. tarmensis [낭염옥(狼髥玉_細刺)]
http://www.llifle.com/에서 위 학명으로 검색이 되지 않았다.
다육식물 쇼핑몰http://www.cactus.or.kr/cacti_sc.htmOroya 염옥 속(髥玉屬, 2종) - 남미 구형모주류[Trichocereeae]
Oroya borchersii[모운각(暮雲閣), 박운각(薄雲閣)]
Oroya gibbosa[구염옥(久髥玉), 기왕환(妓王丸)], Oroya laxiareolata[극미환(極美丸_玉)], Oroya neoperuviana[여염옥(麗髥玉)], Oroya subocculta[은염옥(金/銀髥玉)]
Oroya peruviana v. baumannii [바우마니]
Oroya peruviana[채염옥(彩髥玉), 미염옥(美髥玉)]
◐ Oroya neoperuviana v. elegans [수염옥(粹髥玉)]
◐ Oroya neoperuviana v. ferruginea [훈염옥(勳髥玉_暗色刺)]
◐ Oroya neoperuviana v. tarmensis [낭염옥(狼髥玉_細刺)]http://www.cactus.or.kr/cacti_sc.htm국표에는 Oroya 염옥 속이 없다.'나의 식물이야기' 카테고리의 다른 글
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