
  • 에보니아에 대하여
    나의 식물이야기 2017. 12. 4. 15:19

    에보니아에 대하여

    Echeveria agavoides (Echeveria agavoides Lem.) is a species of flowering plant in the Crassulaceae family, native to rocky areas of Mexico, notably the states of San Luis Potosí, Hidalgo, Guanajuato and Durango.

    E. agavoides is a small, stemless succulent plant, 8–12 cm (3–5 in) tall, with a rosette of leaves 7–15 cm (3–6 in) in diameter. It is often solitary, but old plants in good condition grow offsets. The leaves are green, triangular, thicker (6 mm) and more acute than the other echeverias - hence the explanation of their name agavoides, "looking like an agave". Some varieties with bright light have reddish (or bronze) tips and some forms have slightly red to very red margins. The inflorescences in summer appear on slender, single-sided cymes up to 50 cm (20 in) long. The flowers are pink, orange or red, the petals tipped with dark yellow.

  • Cotyledon agavoides Baker 1869
  • Echeveria obscura (Rose)Poelln. 1936
  • Echeveria yuccoides hort. ex E. Morren 1874
  • Urbinia agavoides (Lem.) Rose 1903
  • Urbinia obscura Rose 1903

Common English name : crested molded wax agave Varieties :

       Echeveria agavoides var. multifida
Cultivars :
  • Lipstick, with red leaf edges
  • Ebony, with dark brown edges, almost burgundy(색)-버건디(burgundy)는 빨간색 계열의 으로, 와인 빛이 난다.
  • Aquamarine, with icy emerald-green leaves
  • The Latin specific epithet agavoides means "resembling Agave" (a plant from a different family).


    This is a thick and solid- leaved variety of the House Leek, introduced from Mexico.

    Origin and Habitat: Mexico, plateau region of central mexico (San Luis Potosi)

    Habitat: Grows on rocky outcroppings at higher altitudes.

    Common Names include:ENGLISH: Molded Wax Agave, House Leek .RUSSIAN (Русский): Эxеверия агавовидная

    Description: Echeveria agavoides is a stemless, star-shaped rosette of fat leaves up to 20 cm in diameter. It is often solitary, growing offsets only slowly or not at all. It is a variable plant; some forms have reddish tips and some forms have slightly red to very red margins. This is a relatively common species, and quite fast for an Echeveria. It has also been widely used in hybridizing.
    Stem: Very short (almost stem less) 3-5 cm tall, 2,5-3 cm in diameter.
    Leaves: ± 20, ovate-deltoid accuminate, moderately keeled, with rounded margin, 4-8 cm long, 3 cm wide near base, ± 5 mm thick, satiny translucent light apple-green that in summer tend to assume a red colouring. Leaves are at their brightest from autumn to spring. The leaves shows a well-marked phyllotaxis. Five curves in one direction and eight curves in the opposite direction (Parastichy number 5-8)
    Flowers: Conoid-urceolate, pinkish-red with petals tipped with dark yellow on an inflorescence 50 cm tall. Peduncle 8-25 mm long,
    Blooming season: Summer.
    Remarks: Echeveria agavoides is very variable in habitat and several cultivars or selections are recognized. It is also vigorous and very easy to grow and much used in hybridizing.


    Subspecies, varieties, forms and cultivars of plants belonging to the Echeveria agavoides group

    Echeveria agavoides Lem.: Produces stemless, star-shaped rosette of fat leaves up to 20 cm in diameter. It is often solitary or growing offsets only slowly. It is a variable plant.

  • Echeveria agavoides f. cristata hort.: The beautiful crested form develops fans of frosty green spikes tipped in red.
  • Echeveria agavoides cv. Aquamarine: has icy emerald-green leaves.

  • Echeveria agavoides cv. Corderoyi (E.Morren) Kimnach: Leaves more numerose (60-70), smaller, narrower, greyer, perhaps no longer in cultivation.

    numerose- 다수

  • Echeveria agavoides cv. Ebony Kimnach & Trager: has dark brown edges, almost burgundy becoming more pronunced during cool wether.
  • Echeveria agavoides cv. Lipstick: has red leaf edges.
  • Echeveria agavoides cv. Multifida (E.Walther) Kimnach: with bright red leaves margins.
  • Echeveria agavoides cv. Prolifera (E.Walther) Kimnach: It produces rosettes with 30 (or more) greenish-yellow leaves, freely branching that forms soon large clumps.
  • Echeveria agavoides cv. Red Edge E.Walther
  • http://www.llifle.com/Encyclopedia/SUCCULENTS/Family/Crassulaceae/14333/Echeveria_agavoides_var._corderoyi

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