쿠르쿠마 롱가식물/들꽃-생강과(Zingiberaceae) 2017. 9. 23. 12:38
쿠르쿠마 롱가
과명 Zingiberaceae (생강과) 속명 Curcuma (쿠르쿠마속) 전체학명 Curcuma longa L. 추천명 쿠르쿠마 롱가
이명 외국명 General Description Turmeric is the source of a bright yellow-orange culinary spice and dye and has important medicinal and cultural uses.
Curcuma longa is a member of the ginger family (Zingiberaceae). Its rhizomes (underground stems) are the source of a bright yellow spice and dye.
Turmeric is sterile (does not produce seed, but it does grow vigorously from the rhizomes). It is thought to have arisen by selection and vegetative propagation of a hybrid between wild turmeric ( Curcuma aromatica), native to India, Sri Lanka and the eastern Himalayas, and some other closely related species.
The genus Curcuma includes many other economically important species, including C. amada (mango ginger), C. angustifolia (wild arrowroot, narrow-leaved turmeric), C. aromatica (Cochin turmeric, wild turmeric) and C. zedoaria (zedoary).
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