Agave univittata Haw.식물/들꽃-용설란과(Agavaceae) 2024. 10. 22. 09:01
국표에 없다.
Origin and Habitat: USA (Texas), Mexico (Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, Tamaulipas, San Luis Potosi, Veracruz, Puebla)
Altitude range: 0–1500 metres above sea level.
Habitat: Frequent on limestone in sandy flat.Common Names include:
ENGLISH: Agave, McKelvey's Agave, Center Stripe Agave, Thorn-crested Agave
ARABIC ( لعربية ): أغاف أحادي الخطوط
CHINESE (中文): 單帶龍舌蘭
DUTCH (Nederlands): Tampicohennep, Pitavezel
SICILIAN (Sicilianu): Centuspati
SPANISH (Español): Maguey mezortilloDescription: Agave univittataSN|25296]]SN|25296]] (syn: Agave lophanthaSN|25300]]SN|25300]]) is an stemless, usually suckering agave that forms dense clumps to 60 cm tall by 1.5 m wide composed of very regular leaf rosettes of a light green to yellow-green, with or without pale mid-stripe. Leaves wide at the base, long tapering grey-green, slightly hollow on the upper side with or without pale mid-stripe, marginal spines stout, curved downwards, terminal spine very sharp, 25 mm long. It is extremely variable and has many varieties and forms.
Stem: Very short sometimes visible on old plants.
Rosettes. Small, loose, about 30-leaved, 30-60 cm tall, 50–100 cm wide, solitary or usually forming offsets.
Leaves: Numerous, linear to lanceolate, stiff, mostly erect, without noticeable bud-prints, rather thin, pliant, somewhat thickened towards the base and rounded below, plane to concave above, back convex and with darker lines, generally 30-70 cm long, 3-5 cm wide, light green to yellow-green, with or without pale mid-stripe. Margins horny, undulate to crenate, without threads, not easily detached, conspicuously armed. Marginal teeth single or occasionally double, triangular, straight or mildly curved, slender, mostly 4-8 mm, 1-2 cm apart, on broad low prominences. Terminal spine subulate, flattened above at the base, small, 1- 2 cm, ferruginous to grey.
Inflorescence: Slender 3–4.5(–5) m tall, `spicate', flowers in the upper half of the scape spike somewhat sinuous above, 190-200 cm long, dense towards the tip. Bracts caducous, acicular, 3–5 cm long. Part inflorescences with 1- 2 flowers or also with 3-7 on short stalks. Peduncle 4 cm or shorter.
Flowers. Flowers pale greenish-yellow 35-47(-55) mm long on short pedicels (5-10 mm long). Ovary fusiform, 18-22 mm, neck short or long (5-7 mm) and constricted. Tepals light grey-glaucous-green to yellowish-green, tube short, campanulate, 2-4 mm long, 8–10 mm wide, lobes subequal, erect to slightly spreading, 14-20 mm long. Stamens exserted. Filaments inserted on rim of perianth tube, spreading, greenish or lavender, 3–4.5 cm long. Anthers yellow, 15–20 mm long.
Phenology: March-may (spring).
Fruits (capsules: Sessile or short-pedicellate, oblong and 1.8–2.5 cm long, or globose and 1.5–2 cm on diameter, apex beaked.
Seeds: 5–6 mm long.
Chromosome number: 2n = 60.
Remarks: The name Agave lophanthaSN|25300]]SN|25300]] was mentioned by C. J. W. Schiede (Linnaea 4: 582. 1829) without a description. C. S. Kunth (Enum. Pl. 5: 838. 1850) validated the name, but not before Agave univittataSN|25296]]SN|25296]] was proposed. Neither name is typified nor is any authentic material known. H. S. Gentry (1982) incorrectly retained A. lophantha and it is now widely used. A. J. Breitung (1959) was the first to adopt A. univittata, and that name is taken up here.
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