
  • Ceropegia ampliata E.Mey.
    식물/들꽃-Asclepiadaceae과 2024. 10. 15. 20:41

    국표에 없다.

    Origin and Habitat: South Africa. Southern Cape from Oudtshoorn, Graaff-Reinet and Humansdorp eastwards to Natal, extending northward to Transvaal and ultimately to Tanzania (var. oxyloba Huber) and Madagascar (subsp. madagascariensis Lavranos). This species, like most ceropegias, are widespread but with low population densities.
    Habitat and ecology: This species occurs in Karroid scrub (Hot, dry savanna) in the dryish valleys on stony hillsides, twining in other vegetation. When not flowering, the plant is very difficult to detect among the surrounding vegetation.

    Common Names include:
    ENGLISH: Bushman's pipe, Elephantine ceropegia
    AFRIKAANS (Afrikaans): Boesmanpypblom, Boesmanpyp, Boesmanspyp


    Description: Ceropegia ampliataSN|32221]]SN|32221]] (Bushman's pipe) is a fairly vigorous and floriferous twining or scrambling perennial herb with a succulent stem arising from a fleshy rootstock. Plants occasionally branch at the nodes and can grow up to 4 mm thick and 2 metres and more in length. The leaves are shed early and the stem is the main organ used for photosynthesis. This is one of the most visually striking and readily recognisable species in the genus with peculiar flask-shaped flowers, with segments joined at their tips to form a emerald green cage-like structure. The tube is straight or slightly curved, with a balloon-like inflation at the base. The tube is creamy white with pale green striping and with a narrow purple band around the mouth of the basal inflation on the inside. The corolla tube and segments are quite variable in the size (usually about 5-7 cm long).
    Derivation of specific name: The epithet ampliata is derived from the Latin word that means to be enlarged.
    Stems: Perennial, succulent, twining or scrambling up to 2 m and more in length, leafless at the time of flowering, glabrous, sometimes with longitudinal grooves and capable of producing auxiliary tufts of roots from nodes in contact with soil.
    Rootstock: Rootstock fleshy, producing a tuft of more or less succulent roots from germinating seed. In contrast the roots tha form at the nodes where the stem touches the soil surface are fibrous.
    Leaves: Rudimentary, only seen at the young tips of the stems, soon deciduous, minute, 2-3 mm long, lanceolate, acute, glabrous.
    Flowers: 2–4 together, extra-axillary at the nodes, successively developed. Pedicels 6-15 mm long, glabrous. Sepals 3-5 mm long, lanceolate, acuminate, glabrous. Corolla 50-70 mm long. Corolla-tube straight or slightly curved, 25-50 mm long, 8-12 mm in diameter, cylindric and slightly or not at all inflated at the base, 5 cm long, globosely and somewhat lobulate-inflated and about 20 mm in diameter and 22 mm long, at the base, narrowed, cylindric and 12-13 mm in diameter up to the mouth, not dilated at the apex, pale green, with a narrow purple transverse band at the top of the inflation inside, glabrous outside, covered inside with long simple hairs, longer and more matted at the purple band and above than in the lower part. Lobes 8-20 mm long, 5-6 mm broad at the base, lanceolate from a deltoid base, acute, erectly connivent and connate at the tips, replicate or with reflexed margins, glabrous on both sides and not ciliate, mainly bright green, spotted with darker green. Corona basin cup-shaped, equally 10-toothed 5 x 2) with teeth deltoid, acute, 1 mm long, hairy on inner surface. Inner corona-lobes arising from basal tube 4-5 mm long, very slenderly filiform, connivent-erect, dorsally-connected by vertical plates to the outer corona at the base.
    Blooming season: Summer-autumn, in habitat plants flower mainly between December and March. The flowers open one after the other.
    Fruits (follicles:):*** Green, sometimes speckled purplish. The follicles are usually in pairs, but very often only one of them develops and the other is aborted. Each follicle contains numerous seeds and as the fruit bursts open when it dries out, the seeds are dispersed by floating on the wind with their tufts of silky white hairs.


    Ceropegia ampliata (llifle.com)






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