
  • Tavaresia barklyi (Dyer) N.E.Br.
    식물/들꽃-Asclepiadaceae과 2024. 10. 15. 19:56

    국표에 없다.

    Origin and Habitat: Tavaresia barklyiSN|25061]]SN|25061]] has a wide distribution range in southern Africa, Angola, Botswana, South Africa (Free State, Limpopo and Northern Cape Provinces), Namibia and Zimbabwe.
    Habitat: Plants grow on rocky outcrops and slopes and in sandy soils on plains, usually in somewhat protected situations, in full sun or light shade.
    Ecology: Plants are insect pollinated. The wind distribution of the seeds probably explains the wide spatial distribution of plants in a community.

    Common Names include:
    ENGLISH: Thimble flower, Devil's trumpet
    AFRIKAANS (Afrikaans): Katstert, Bergghaap, Duiwelstrompet
    CHINESE (中文): 蛮钟阁
    KWANYAMA: Olukato lendume, Okukato lekadi
    NDONGA: Olukatai


    Description: Tavaresia barklyi is a densely tufted, succulent perennials with many-ribbed stems furnished with bristles that at first reminds one of a cactus. This species produces characteristic long trumpet-shaped flowers both small and large that immediately distinguish this species from any other known stapeliad in southern Africa. The larger flowered form was previously known as a distinct species: Tavaresia grandiflora.
    Stems: Cylindrical, erect, glabrous, blue-green or tinged with purplish 40–60 mm long and about 15 mm in diameter, (5-)10–12(-14)-ribbed, angles with very short closely set tubercles tipped by three sharp bristles. It is reported that when the stem is injured or crushed it emits a strange musty odour. Stems take on a dramatic dark colouration in a sunny position, contrasting with the spines.
    Spines: Bristly 3-parted very acute. Central bristle horizontal to erect, the two lateral rather shorter, deflexed and diverging from each other at nearly a right angle or oriented downwards and ± parallel to the stem surface. Technically, these spines represent a modified leaf spine with 2 side stipules, unique to this genus.
    Inflorescence: Arising at the base of of young stems with one to four flowers that open successively.
    Flowers: Large trumpet-like (tubular) and showy, 35–110 mm long and 25 mm in diameter.
    pale yellow to cream to flesh-coloured with dark red spots and streaks on the outside, darker on the inside becoming almost fully maroon to purplish at the base inside. Corona 2-seriate, arising from the staminal column; outer lobes in 10 filiform segments; inner lobes 5, linear, shorter than the anthers basally fused becoming threadlike and ending at the tips in a spherical knob. Pollinia horizontal, with short caudicles.
    Blooming season: Midsummer.
    Fruit: Elongated follicles. When the follicles are fully-matured they burst open to release the seeds, each of which has a tuft of hair. As the tuft of hair (coma) dries out on the tip of the seed it unfolds into a parachute-like structure that carries the seed off in the slightest breeze.
    Remarks: Tavaresia hybridises easily with Stapelia giganteaSN|19218]]SN|19218]] giving rise to an hybrid plant known as Tavaresia meintjiesii. Some taxonomists are of the opinion that Tavaresia thompsoniorum may also be of hybrid origin.

    Tavaresia barklyi (llifle.com)


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