
  • Edithcolea grandis N.E.Br.
    식물/들꽃-Asclepiadaceae과 2024. 10. 15. 20:28

    국표에 없다.

    Origin and Habitat: Edithcolea grandisSN|26305]]SN|26305]] is distributed throughout the African Great Lakes region (Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda ), the Horn of Africa (Ethiopia, Somalia, Djibouti) and Yemen (including the Socotra archipelago).
    Altitude range: 200–1500 metres above sea level.
    Habitat: The plant is found in dry and arid regions. Sometimes in full sun, but mostly partly shaded by rocks and shrubby vegetation.

    Common Names include:
    CHINESE (中文): 巨龙角, 波斯地毯


    Description: Edithcolea grandisSN|26305]]SN|26305]] is a one of the handsomest and most distinct of all the Stapelioid group. The remarkable flower is at times described as the Persian carpet flower.
    Habit: It is a leafless richly branched perennial succulent that spread over the ground forming large cushions.
    Stems: Glabrous 4-5-angled, decumbent at the base 10–15 mm thick in diameter and growing to about 30 cm in length, glabrous green to red with brownish spots, angles armed with hard brown very acute spine-like teeth.
    Inflorescences: Subsolitary, formed near the tip of the branches; pedicels 14-18 mm long, 2-2,5 mm thick, glabrous.
    Flowers: Bisexual (3-)8-12(-13) cm in diameter. Sepals 8 mm long, 2-3 mm broad, ovate-lanceolate, acuminate, probably recurved at the somewhat pungent tips. Tube short about 5 mm in diameter and 3-4 mm deep, with a slightly elevated acute rim around its mouth, glabrous. Corolla 5-lobed rotate or saucer-shaped, glabrous on the back, disk rugose with concentric ridges and furnished with long clavate purple hairs radiating from the centre to the sinuses, otherwise glabrous, apparently whitish or pale yellowish with a purple-reddish pattern of spots that gradually become smaller at the base of each lobe where they merge in concentric arcs; lobes 4-5 cm long, 2,5-3 cm broad, ovate to broadly triangular, acute, reflexed, bordered with long clavate purple hairs to about the middle, margin of corolla and the apical portion of the lobes usually uniformly purple or greenish-brown, with a fringe of long club-shaped purple hairs that also border them on the inner side and extend in five radial lines from the sinuses between the lobes to the outer rim of the tube. The back of the flower is yellow to green. Inner corolla relatively small. Outer coronal-lobes 0,7-1 mm long, subquadrate or transversely oblong, acutely bifid, with a broad shallow sinus between the points, concave and hairy within; inner coronal-lobes 0,8-1 mm long, strap-shaped in their middle portion, joined above the staminal column, minutely tuberculate, keeled on the inner face, glabrous. Pollinia nearly 0,5 mm long. Pollen-carrier narrow, rather more than half as long as the pollinia. The carrion-like smell of the flowers attracts flies and other insects for pollination.
    Fruit (follicles): Flies pollinated, the flowers resulting in the typical twin seed horns (follicles), which are decorative in themselves and contain a large number of seeds.
    Seeds: Oval shaped bear a tuft of hairs (coma) so they can be dispersed with the wind.


    Edithcolea grandis (llifle.com)


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