
  • Duvalia sulcata N.E.Br.
    식물/들꽃-Asclepiadaceae과 2024. 10. 15. 17:15

    국표에 없다.

    Origin and Habitat: Duvalia sulcataSN|30343]]SN|30343]] (ssp. sulcata) has a disjunct distribution in southern Yemen and in Sudan.
    Habitat and ecology: The plants prefer a well drained granite soil, though they can tolerate sandier conditions in the shade of shrubs or small bushy acacias. It is also a character-species of substitutional vegetation on ruderal sites.

    Description: Duvalia sulcataSN|30343]]SN|30343]] is the most beautiful, large-flowered duvalia. It is a succulent, perennial plants with low, planar growth with branches rooting at the base and can form wide carpets which, at the right moment, can carry many flowers. The shoots are mottled grey-green with long soft teeth and four-angled in cross-section. The hermaphroditic flowers are ca. 3 cm long, opened to 4.5 cm in diameter and are characterized by the flat brownish red annulus with long, white hairs. The corolla lobes have 5 deep nerves on the upper side and are fringed with long red and white club-hairs at the base. These club-hairs hardly remain still and move in the slightest breeze, possibly attracting insects. However the stems and the corolla size, colour and indumentum are quite variable. D. sulcata differs from the African species by its quadrangular stems and very large flowers. It might belong to its own growth-form group.
    Stems: Reclining to upright, 2-8(-10) cm long, 1-2 cm in diameter, forming adventitious roots. up to 6.5 cm long, branching into runners at the base, green, gray-green or blue-green, with reddish spots, and long, acute teeth.
    Roots: Fibrous.
    Inflorescences: Extra-axillary (usually at basal flanks of stems), 1-3-flowered. Pedicel 1-4 cm long, glabrous arising from near the centre or base of a stem.
    Flowers: With foetid odour, not nectariferous, on the ground. Corolla 3-4.5 cm in diameter, variable in colouration, greenish, ochre, pale maroon, reddish-brown or pale chestnut-brown, shiny. Corolla lobes 10-18 mm long, 7-12 mm wide, lamina flatly spreading, with 5 longitudinal furrows on the upper surface, apex finely papillate. Margins slightly reflexed, with vibratile clavate hairs. Hairs 1.5-2.5 mm long. Annulus circular, weak, 7-14 mm in diameter,1-1.5 (-2) mm high- densely hairy, Hairs white to pale pink, simple, 5-8 mm long. Corona disc 6-8 mm in diameter,. round. 5- to 10-angled, covering the annulus almost entirely, Cs lobes white or cream. 2.2 - 4 x 1.4 - 2.2 mm. outer appendages very acute, erect (slightly curved inwards). Pollinia 0.35 - 0.5 x 0.3 mm.
    Fruits: Seed pods (follicles), usually appearing as twin horns up to a year after flowering, acute-angled, 12-16 cm long, 7-8 mm in diameter, fusiform, terete, apically acute, but not beaked, wingless, smooth, decorative.
    Seeds: 6 mm long by 3-4 mm in width, greyish-brown.


    Duvalia sulcata (llifle.com)



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