Dancing fern식물/들꽃-용비늘고사리과(Marattiaceae) 2024. 9. 21. 13:07
The warm, humid landscape of Hawaii features pineapples, palm trees and tropical plants of every type. However, between 1,500 and 5,000 feet on the slopes of the Hawaiian volcanoes, the rainforest becomes a cool, moist environment similar to the foggy, coastal regions of the West Coast. Cibotium glaucum, commonly known as hapu'u pulu, blond tree fern, female tree fern and Hawaiian tree fern, once comprised a large part of the Hawaiian rainforest's understory. The slow-growing hapu'u fern, hardy in Sunset's Climate Zones 17, 23 to 25, 27 and H2, is now endangered due to over-harvesting of pulu, its wool-like fiber, and encroachment by the invasive Australian and Asian tree ferns.
Uncoiling their fronds and growing up high,
They tremble and quiver and reach for the sky.
Acid-green leaves, such a vibrant sight,
Filling the woods with emerald light.
A swaying dance the audience can see,
A spectacular show, natural and free.
[ 잎사귀를 풀고 높은 곳에서 자라면 그들은 떨고 떨며 하늘을 향해 손을 뻗는다. 산록색 잎들이 생동감 넘치는 광경이었다. 숲을 에메랄드 빛으로 가득 채운다. 관객들이 볼 수 있는 춤, 자연스럽고 자유로운 화려한 쇼입니다.]
Dancing Ferns | skyenatureblog
Exploring the Enchanting Redwoods - Dancing Ferns and More'식물 > 들꽃-용비늘고사리과(Marattiaceae)' 카테고리의 다른 글
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