Ptisana attenuata (Labill.) Murdock식물/들꽃-용비늘고사리과(Marattiaceae) 2022. 11. 5. 12:51
국표에 없다.
Ferns in this genus of ptisana attenuata are generally quite large, with fronds often reaching 2 - 3 m in length. Distinct sutures at the point of leaflet attachment, deeply cut synangia, and the absence of labiate sporangial apertures. Ptisana attenuata has a palaeotropical distribution, with the westernmost extreme of the range in Ascension Island and extending eastward through tropical Africa, Asia, and Oceania.* Disclaimer: Content feedback CAN NOT be used as any basis for EATING ANY PLANTS. Some plants can be VERY POISONOUS, please purchase edible plants through regular channels.Ptisana attenuata (Labill.) Murdock (gbif.org)
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