Myosotis Krylovii Serg식물/들꽃-지치과(Boraginaceae) 2024. 7. 28. 10:54
국표에 없다.
Forget-me-nots are a tiny blue flower that is typically less than 1cm in diameter. In Mongolia they can be found in waterside meadows, dwarf birch and willow thickets, alpine meadows, montane tundra, in larch forests, on forest fringes, and in stone fields. They flower in July and August. I’ve found these growing on riverbanks and in forests. This photo is from Bogd Khan.
Mongolian name- Крыловын дурсгалж (Kriloviin Dursgalj)
Summer Wild Flowers Mongolia — Jenny Sandiford
Myosotis krylovii Serg. (gbif.org)
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