풀모나리아 '로이 데이비드슨'-[정명] Pulmonaria 'Roy Davidson'식물/들꽃-지치과(Boraginaceae) 2024. 8. 6. 12:41
과명 앵글러- Boraginaceae (지치과) 속명 Pulmonaria (풀모나리아속) [정명] Pulmonaria 'Roy Davidson' 풀모나리아 '로이 데이비드슨' Common Name: lungwortType: Herbaceous perennialFamily: BoraginaceaeZone: 3 to 8Height: 0.75 to 1.50 feetSpread: 1.50 to 2.00 feetBloom Time: AprilBloom Description: Pink maturing to sky blueSun: Part shade to full shadeWater: MediumMaintenance: LowFlower: ShowyLeaf: ColorfulTolerate: Deer, Heavy Shade, Black WalnutCulture
Easily grown in average, medium moisture, well-drained soils in part shade to full shade. Prefers cool, organically rich, humusy soils that are kept consistently moist. Soils must not be allowed to dry out. Plants may go into dormancy in the heat of a St. Louis summer if soils become too dry. Foliage may depreciate considerably in hot summer weather and may scorch if grown in too much sun. Although plants tolerate light morning sun, they need afternoon shade. Remove flower stems immediately after bloom. Plants spread slowly by creeping roots. Divide plants in fall if they become too crowded. Plant leaves may retain some color in warm winters.
Noteworthy Characteristics
Pulmonaria is a genus of about 17 species of deciduous or evergreen herbaceous perennials from Europe and Asia. Lungworts are shade plants that, like many of the hostas, are often valued more for their attractive foliage than for their spring flowers.
Genus name comes from the Latin pulmo meaning lung. In accordance with the Doctrine of Signatures, lungwort was once believed by Medieval herbalists to be an effective remedy for treating lung diseases because the spotted plant leaves purportedly resembled diseased lungs. However, it is well established today that this is not a valid method in determining a plant's medicinal properties.
Common name of lungwort is in reference to the supposed resemblance of the blotched/spotted leaves to a diseased lung.
'Roy Davidson' typically grows to 12" high and spreads to 18-24" wide. Features mostly basal clumps of large, medium green leaves (to 12" long) with large, silvery spotting. Stem leaves are much smaller. Drooping clusters (terminal cymes) of funnel-shaped flowers bloom in spring. Flowers open pink and mature to sky blue. Very similar in appearance to P. longifolia 'Bertram Anderson' except leaves are wider.['Roy Davidson'은 일반적으로 12 인치 높이로 자라며 18-24 인치 너비로 퍼집니다. 대부분 크고 중간 크기의 녹색 잎(12인치까지)의 기초 덩어리로 크고 은빛 얼룩이 있습니다. 줄기 잎은 훨씬 작다. 봄에 깔때기 모양의 꽃이 피는 군집(터미널 cymes)이 떨어진다. 꽃은 분홍색으로 열리고 하늘색으로 성숙하며 잎이 넓은 것을 제외하고는 P. longifolia 'Bertram Anderson'과 생김새가 매우 비슷하다.]
Plant Profile for Pulmonaria ‘Roy Davidson’ - Lungwort Perennial (perennials.com) https://youtu.be/WVBZmvO_Nmg?t=321
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