Hoya Macrophylla Albomarginata식물/들꽃-Asclepiadaceae과 2022. 9. 29. 19:44
국표에는 없으며 국표에는 국표에는 정명으로 호야(Hoya carnosa (L.f.) R.Br.),호야 픽타 그룹(Hoya carnosa Picta Group),랑케올라타 벨라호야(Hoya lanceolata subsp. bella (Hook.) D.H.Kent) 3종이다.
Hoya is an evergreen climber suitable for the conservatory. Attractive foliage and waxy flowers which can be highly scented, make these plants popular with indoor growers. In temperate climates they need to be grown in a warm bright room in the house or heated conservatory. They do best in good light where they can produce clusters of star-shaped flowers. 'Albomarginata' has green, white sometimes pink variegated leaves that have more variegation in cooler months, and when exposed to more light.The fragrant flowers are yellowish to pale pink.
Highly scented clusters of star shaped pale pink to dark pink flowers that appear wax like.
Hoya Macrophylla Albomarginata, Wax Flower Albomarginata in GardenTags plant encyclopedia
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