
  • Hoya Obovata Variegata
    식물/들꽃-Asclepiadaceae과 2022. 9. 29. 19:37

    국표에는 없으며 국표에는 국표에는 정명으로 호야(Hoya carnosa (L.f.) R.Br.),호야 픽타 그룹(Hoya carnosa Picta Group),랑케올라타 벨라호야(Hoya lanceolata subsp. bella (Hook.) D.H.Kent) 3종이다.


    Hoyas are extremely popular houseplants and for good reason. These attractive trailing plants are characterized by thick, waxy leaves and long tendrils. They make fantastic hanging plants, but can also easily climb trellises and moss poles. Hoyas are semi-succulent epiphytic plants—they naturally pull nutrients and moisture from the air, and their thick leaves hold water similar to succulents1. This makes them drought-tolerant, and, overall, relatively easy to care for.

    Hoya obovata is a unique variety that is identified by its large, deep green oval leaves that often have a silver ‘splash’ pattern. It is typically harder to find than the more common Hoya carnosa but is known for being a faster-growing variety. Its unique appearance makes it sought after by collectors and beginners alike.

    How to Grow and Care for Hoya Obovata (thespruce.com)


    Hoya obovata is a robust climbing plant, also known as the sweetheart or heart-leaf hoya, due to the large glossy leaves that are almost round or shaped like ‘inverted’ hearts, notched at the tips into 2 distinct lobes, very thick and leathery. The size of the leaves can be anything from about 6 to 15 cm in diameter and, 8 to 10 cm broad. Flowers to 15 mm across, comes in semi-pendent, flattened umbels, of 15 to 25 hanging from along the stems, the corolla is creamy white, yellowish orange or pinkish yellow, the corona is purplish red, dark orange brownish in the centre.

    There is also a variegated variety of this hoya that has absolutely gorgeous dark green leaves with lots of silver flecks. The variegation is pink when the leaves are young and the variegation on this hoya also seems stable. The leaf size is about the same as for the “green” one.

    Leaves: Thick, fleshy, leathery, glabrous, obovate to obcordate up to 15 cm long, 8-10 cm wide, very thickly tip 2-lobeded, base attenuate, margin revolute

    Hoya obovata is a fast growing hoya that flowers willingly and relatively early. Sometimes already as a cutting. It isn’t difficult to grow and flower and is one of the strongest growing Hoyas. There are a few Hoya’s which make ideal houseplants, Hoya obovata or the Sweetheart Plant is one of them. This is an attractive thick leafed species is well suited for baskets or ladders, the thick large round leaves up to 10 cm across make this an attractive sought after species even without flowers. Ot is hardy but requires protection in very cold climates.

    Calyx small. Corolla rotate, fleshy, deeply 5-lobed, 1.5 cm in diameter, cream-coloured to light pink, glabrous, inside densely papillose. Corona of 5 fleshy lobes spreading, star-like. Lobes broadly ovate, depressed in the middle, 4 mm long, apically revolute purple-red, darker at centre, outer corona lobes outer appendage round, inner appendage acute. The flowers produce some nectar drops and the fragrance is like roses, but more on the sweet side. It blooms continuously from late spring into fall. The blossom is long lived and each umbel lasts almost two weeks.

    Branches thick, twining, green.

    Hoya Obovata Variegata - Nursery Plants Bangkok (nursery-plants.com)




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