Buddleja farreri Balf.f & W. W. Sm.식물/들꽃-현삼과(Scrophulariaceae) 2024. 3. 1. 21:38
Buddleja farreri is a xerophytic deciduous shrub endemic to Gansu, China, discovered by Reginald Farrer in 1915. Farrer described the shrub's habitat as "..the very hottest and driest crevices, cliffs, walls and banks down the most arid and torrid aspects of the Ha Shin Fang". Farrer sent seed to the UK shortly afterwards, and it is from this consignment that all the British specimens have been ..
Parahebe catarractae Avalanche식물/들꽃-현삼과(Scrophulariaceae) 2024. 2. 27. 10:50
국표에 [정명] Parahebe catarractae (G.Forst.) W.R.B.Oliv.가 있다. parahebe catarractae avalanche는 없다. A deep foliage, abundant and delicate white flowers all summer long Originating in New Zealand, this evergreen selection is hardy down to -12° C. It's leathery, regularly toothed leaves are first tender green, changing afterwards to a pretty dark green. The young stems are purple-brown. 'Avalanche' is v..
디아스키아 바르베라이-[정명] Diascia barberae Hook.f.식물/들꽃-현삼과(Scrophulariaceae) 2024. 2. 17. 18:22
과명Scrophulariaceae (현삼과)속명Diascia (디아스키아속)전체학명[정명] Diascia barberae Hook.f.추천명디아스키아 바르베라이 Diascia barberae, called twinspur along with other members of its genus, is a species of flowering plant in the family Scrophulariaceae, native to South Africa and Lesotho. Its cultivar 'Blackthorn Apricot' has gained the Royal Horticultural Society's Award of Garden Merit. Many other cultivars that var..
만주송이풀-[정명] Leontopodium leiolepis Nakai식물/들꽃-현삼과(Scrophulariaceae) 2024. 1. 3. 23:18
과명 Scrophulariaceae (현삼과) 속명 Pedicularis (송이풀속) 전체학명 [정명] Pedicularis mandshurica Maxim. 추천명 만주송이풀 비추천명 털만주송이풀 외국명 Manchurian lousewort, マンシウシオガマ APG Ⅳ Orobanchaceae (열당과) 분포 중국 / 한국(강원특별자치도 속초시, 양양군, 인제군) 생육환경 산비탈의 모래자갈 땅. 생육형 여러해살이풀 크기 높이가 30cm정도에 이른다. 잎 잎은 1회우상복엽으로서 밑에서 모여나기하며 가장자리에 막질의 인엽이 달리고 긴 엽병과 더불어 길이 15-20cm이며 털이 없고 열편은 피침형 또는 선형이며 상하로 갈수록 짧아지고 작아지며 중앙부의 가장 큰 깃조각은 길이 23mm, 넓이 7mm로서 우상으..
Veronica austriaca Lapis lazuli-Veronica austriaca subsp. teucrium식물/들꽃-현삼과(Scrophulariaceae) 2023. 12. 4. 19:11
국표에는 없다. 속명 앵글러 Scrophulariaceae (현삼과) Veronica (개불알풀속) APG Ⅳ Plantaginaceae (질경이과) Veronica austriaca, the broadleaf speedwell, large speedwell, Austrian speedwell, or saw-leaved speedwell, is a species of flowering plant in the plantain family Plantaginaceae, native to northern temperate Europe. Growing to 90 cm (35 in) tall by 60 cm (24 in) broad, it is a mound-forming herbaceous perennial, w..
Melosperma andicola (Gillies) Benth.식물/들꽃-현삼과(Scrophulariaceae) 2023. 6. 13. 23:23
국표에 없다. Description and images of Melosperma andicola (), a native Chilean plant, provided by the supplier of native exotic Chilean seeds, Chileflora.com https://youtu.be/bvQ9zIVc2cA?list=PLK8bda0Bqux1qKZYbTn6VbdSbX7E1MXfI
Calceolaria paposana Phil.식물/들꽃-현삼과(Scrophulariaceae) 2023. 6. 13. 09:33
국표에 없다. Fl. Atacam. : 46 (1860) This name is reported by Calceolariaceae as an accepted name in the genus Calceolaria (family Calceolariaceae). The record derives from WCSP (in review) which reports it as an accepted name Cite taxon page as 'WFO (2023): Calceolaria paposana Phil. Published on the Internet;http://www.worldfloraonline.org/taxon/wfo-0000579797. Accessed on: 13 Jun 2023' General Inf..
Calceolaria biflora Lam.식물/들꽃-현삼과(Scrophulariaceae) 2023. 6. 10. 12:07
국표에는 없다. Calceolaria biflora (arguenita) is a perennial plant endemic to Argentina and Chile, where it grows between the IV and XII regions. It lives in humid places of the high mountain range. Description Herbaceous, perennial plant reaching a height of up to 40 cm. The leaves are grouped at the base in the form of a rosette, ovate-lanceolate, with irregularly toothed edges. The leaf blade is ..