Daphne 'White Queen'식물/들꽃-팥꽃나무과(Thymelaeaceae) 2024. 2. 22. 18:42
국표에 없다.
daphne 'White Queen'
A compact, bushy shrub to around 1.2m tall with dark green, semi-evergreen leaves and in early spring, loose clusters of fragrant, white flowers
Botanical detailsFamilyThymelaeaceaeFoliageSemi evergreenHabitBushyPotentially harmfulTOXIC if eaten, skin irritant. Wear gloves and other protective equipment when handlingGenusDaphne can be deciduous or evergreen shrubs with small, usually very fragrant tubular, 4-lobed flowers, often followed by colourful berries
Daphne 'White Queen'|daphne 'White Queen'/RHS Gardening
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