Lagotis glauca Gaertn.식물/들꽃-질경이과(Plantaginaceae) 2024. 9. 8. 10:43
국표에 없다.ウルップソウ(得撫草、学名:Lagotis glauca Gaertn.)は、オオバコ科[1]ウルップソウ属に分類される多年草の1種。北の浜に生育することから別名がハマレンゲ(浜蓮華)。新エングラー体系およびクロンキスト体系では、ウルップソウ科 (Globulariaceae) に分類されている。特徴寒冷地や高山の斜面などの湿った砂礫地に生える。花茎は高さ15–25 cm。葉は卵円形または広楕円形で、長さ幅とも4–10 cm の肉質で表面につやがある。全体に無毛。青紫色の花を穂状に多数付け、雄しべは花弁よりも短い。花穂は円柱形で、各花に苞がある。開花時期は6–8月。染色体数は2n=22(2倍体)。和名の由来は千島列島の得撫島で最初に発見されたことによる。属名のLagotisは、ギリシャ語のlogos(兎)とous(耳)からなり、葉の形状が兎の耳に似ていたことに由来する。分..
Veronica peduncularis M.Bieb.식물/들꽃-질경이과(Plantaginaceae) 2024. 9. 6. 20:12
국표에 없다.eronica peduncularis, the creeping speedwell, is a flowering plant in the plantain family, Plantaginaceae. Listed under its synonym Veronica umbrosa, its cultivar 'Georgia Blue' has gained the Royal Horticultural Society's Award of Garden Merit.It is a semi-evergreen perennial with alternate, simple leaves on creeping stems. The flowers are blue, and borne in spring. Though hardy, it requ..
Bacopa mecardonia 'Magic Carpet Yellow'식물/들꽃-질경이과(Plantaginaceae) 2024. 4. 15. 10:56
Bacopa Mecardonia ‘Magic Carpet Yellow’, also known as Yellow Angel, is a plant native to Central and South America. It’s known for its long flowering period from spring to fall, featuring yellow heart-shaped petals with fine stripes inside. This low-maintenance plant has a ground-hugging habit and fine texture that sets it apart from other garden plants. It’s best pruned in late winter once the..
Veronica hulkeana F.Muell. ex Hook.f.[식물/들꽃-질경이과(Plantaginaceae) 2024. 2. 24. 09:36
Veronica hulkeana, synonym Hebe hulkeana, the New Zealand lilac, is a species of plant in the Plantaginaceae. Its pale mauve flowers are on long sprays, which develop from the tips of the branches. The dainty flowers, which occur in profusion, last from October until December. The foliage is dark green and shiny. The leaves are elliptic to obtuse in shape and are 7–10 cm long and 2–3 cm wide. Th..
Monttea chilensis var. taltalensis Reiche식물/들꽃-질경이과(Plantaginaceae) 2023. 6. 12. 15:46
국표에 없다. Monttea is a genus of flowering plants belonging to the family Plantaginaceae. Its native range is southern South America and is found in Argentina and Chile. The genus name of Monttea is in honour of Manuel Montt (1809–1880), a Chilean statesman and scholar. He was twice elected President of Chile between 1851 and 1861. It was first described and published in Fl. Chil. Vol.4 on page 416..
Penstemon rostriflorus Kellogg식물/들꽃-질경이과(Plantaginaceae) 2023. 5. 26. 17:23
국표에 없다. Penstemon rostriflorus is a species of penstemon known by the common names beaked penstemon, Bridge penstemon, or Bridges' penstemon. It is native to the Southwestern United States and California, where it grows in many types of sagebrush, chaparral, scrub, woodland, and forest habitat. Description Penstemon rostriflorus is a perennial herb growing in clumps of many erect stems from a wo..
Penstemon australis Small식물/들꽃-질경이과(Plantaginaceae) 2023. 5. 22. 07:41
국표에 없다. Penstemon australis is a perennial plant native to the wetlands of Florida, with the common name Eustis Lake beardtongue. It has pink or purple tubular flowers and pointed leaves. It is in the family Plantaginaceae. Penstemon australis - Wikipedia https://youtu.be/4ui-cqSfY3o
Penstemon haydenii S. Watson식물/들꽃-질경이과(Plantaginaceae) 2023. 2. 20. 13:09
국표에는 없다. Penstemon haydenii, the blowout penstemon or blowout beardtongue, is a species of flowering plant in the genus Penstemon and the family Plantaginaceae. The warm-season perennial is native to nine counties in the Nebraska Sand Hills and a single location in Carbon County, Wyoming. The plant has a milky blue color with a waxy cuticle, pale purple leaves, and an alternating leaf pattern wi..