Eucnide bartonioides Zucc.식물/들꽃-장미과(Rosaceae) 2024. 10. 26. 18:15
국표에 없다.Both leaves and flowers of eucnide bartonioides are large; the latter is funnel-shaped, about 2 inches in diameter and is formed of five yellow, pointed-tipped petals that may remain overlapping or be fully separate, and surround a cluster of several dozen yellow stamens, projecting well beyond the corolla. Flowers grow from the ends of the short, branched leaf stalks. In the US the plant..
Prunus texana D. Dietrich식물/들꽃-장미과(Rosaceae) 2024. 10. 22. 16:41
국표에 없다.Peachbush, Texas wild peachAmygdalus glandulosa Hooker, Icon. Pl. 3: plate 288. 1840, not Prunus glandulosa Thunberg 1784Shrubs, sometimes suckering, ˂much branched˃, 5–15 dm, sometimes weakly thorny. Twigs with axillary end buds, tomentose. Leaves deciduous; petiole 1–4 mm, tomentose, eglandular; blade elliptic to oblong-elliptic, 1.1–4 × 0.4–1.1 cm, base cuneate to obtuse, margins denta..
Rubus flagellaris식물/들꽃-장미과(Rosaceae) 2024. 10. 20. 21:20
국표에 없다.The Northern dewberry is a very low-growing perennial shrub that behaves like a woody vine, producing stems up to 15 feet long that trail along the ground. This plant is found in much of Canada and the United States.The biennial stem stems have scattered hooked prickles and are green when young and brown when older. The fruiting stems rise from the trailing stem, sometimes rising to 4 fee..
Malus sieboldii식물/들꽃-장미과(Rosaceae) 2024. 10. 20. 12:01
국표에는 자생식물이명Malus sieboldii (Regel) Rehder var. koringo (Franch. & Sav.) Koidz.아그배나무2024/01/18자생식물이명Malus sieboldii (Regel) Rehder var. koringo (Franch. & Sav.) Koidz. subvar. incisa (Franch. & Sav.) Koidz.아그배나무2024/01/18자생식물서명Malus sieboldii (Regel) Rehder아그배나무2024/01/18이명으로 2종 서명으로 1종이 있다.This small crab apple at the eastern end of the South Walk is decorated with attractive fruits.Reaching onl..
Prunus virginiana L.식물/들꽃-장미과(Rosaceae) 2024. 10. 19. 15:59
국표에 없다.Prunus virginiana, commonly called bitter-berry, chokecherry, Virginia bird cherry, and western chokecherry (also black chokecherry for P. virginiana var. demissa), is a species of bird cherry (Prunus subgenus Padus) native to North America.DescriptionChokecherry is a suckering shrub or small tree growing to 1–6 metres (3+1⁄2–19+1⁄2 feet) tall, rarely to 10 m (33 ft) and exceptionally wid..
긴오이풀-[정명] Sanguisorba longifolia Bertol.식물/들꽃-장미과(Rosaceae) 2024. 9. 27. 12:23
과명Engler- APG Ⅳ- Rosaceae (장미과) 속명Sanguisorba (오이풀속)전체학명[정명] Sanguisorba longifolia Bertol.추천명긴오이풀비추천명긴잎오이풀,이삭오이풀,이삭지우초외국명Long-leaf burnet, ホナガワレモコウ분포▶한국, 중국, 일본, 러시아극동부에 분포한다.▶속리산 이북의 산지에서 자란다.생육환경산지에서 자란다.생육형여러해살이풀크기높이 1m 정도로 자란다.잎뿌리잎은 엽병이 길지만 위로 올라갈수록 엽병이 짧아지며 기수 1회 깃모양겹잎이다. 소엽은 2-4쌍이며 선상 긴 타원형이고 표면에 털이 없으며 녹색이고 뒷면은 분백색이며 둔두(鈍頭)에 심저(心底)거나 절저고 작은잎자루 기부에 잎같은 탁엽이 있으며 잎 가장자리에 톱니가 있다.꽃꽃차례는 8-9월에 가..
Fallugia paradoxa (D.Don) Endl.식물/들꽃-장미과(Rosaceae) 2024. 9. 22. 16:34
국표에 없다.Fallugia is a monotypic genus of flowering plants containing the single species Fallugia paradoxa, which is known by the common names Apache plume and póñil. This plant is native to the southwestern United States and northern Mexico, where it is found in arid habitats such as desert woodlands and scrub.DescriptionFallugia paradoxa is an erect shrub not exceeding two meters in height. It h..
가는오이풀-[정명] Sanguisorba × tenuifolia Fisch. ex Link식물/들꽃-장미과(Rosaceae) 2024. 9. 19. 17:18
과명Engler- APG Ⅳ- Rosaceae (장미과) 속명Sanguisorba (오이풀속)전체학명[정명] Sanguisorba × tenuifolia Fisch. ex Link추천명가는오이풀비추천명붉은오이풀,애기오이풀,자주가는오이풀,좁은잎오이풀,흰가는오이풀,흰오이풀,긴자주가는오이풀외국명Asian burnet, ナガバノシロワレモコウ분포중국과 일본, 러시아, 동유럽 / 전국의 산야생육환경숲가장자리 및 낮은 지대의 약간 습기가 있는 곳에 자란다.생육형여러해살이풀크기높이가 1m 정도로 자란다.잎뿌리잎은 1회우상복엽으로서 밑부분에 탁엽같은 소엽이 있으며 소엽은 11-15개이고 달걀모양 또는 타원형이며 원두 심장저이고 길이 3-8cm, 폭 5-20mm로서 표면은 녹색이며 뒷면은 흰빛이 돌고 가장자리에 톱니가 있..